
cháo qū
  • home range
巢区[cháo qū]
  1. 香鼬的活动节律和巢区

    Activity rhythm and home range of Alpine weasel

  2. 不同季节的社鼠具有不同的生理行为,主要受到繁殖行为的影响,因此季节间巢区面积具有显著差异。

    Different seasons have different physiological behavior , was influenced by the reproductive action , so the home range size was not significant in seasons .

  3. 啮齿动物的巢区面积估算法

    The methods for estimating the area of home ranges in rodents

  4. 鹭类巢区空间格局的数学模型

    Models on the distribution of the herons nest areas

  5. 因为这里安置了许多筑巢的盒子,在喂养季节保护主要巢区。

    This has been abetted by an active nest box placement program and the protection of prime nesting areas during breeding season .

  6. 在无线电遥测的12头梅花鹿中,11头个体的巢区为单核心型,只有1头成年雄鹿的巢区为双核心型。

    For all 12 monitored sika deer , 11 of them used singular core-area and only 1 adult male deer used double core-area in home range .

  7. 着重指出母性行为的时间分配、舐饰及清理巢区的生态生物学意义。

    In this paper , we emphatically indicate the ecological and biological significances on the allocation of times of maternal behaviors , licking infants and cleaning the nest .

  8. 本文利用雪地跟踪方法对哈尔滨西郊5只赤狐在1985&1986年冬季的巢区做了观察。

    Home ranges of five red foxes ( Vulpes vulpes ) in the west suburbs of Harbin were studied during the winter of 1985-1986 with the snow-tracking method .

  9. 取冻存肿瘤标本,作4μm连续切片,行免疫组化染色,镜下选择间质细胞含量少于10%的癌巢区,做好标记。

    The Frozen specimen of tumor was taken to make 4 μ m serial sections , get the immunohistochemical staining and select the cancer nest area with interstitial cells less than 10 % through microscope for marking .

  10. 自2004年起,笔者对其4个繁殖地开展了生境调查,并对其繁殖期的活动范围、巢区、夜宿地、觅食地进行了比较分析。

    From the year of 2004 , the authors investigated the ecological environment of 4 breeding sites of this bird , and compared their activity scope , nest district , night encampment sites , food seeking sites in the period of their propagation .

  11. 河狸家族的领域即为越冬洞(巢)周围的洞巢密集区,平均长480m。

    The area concentrated with burrows and lodges near the overwintering burrow is the territory of a beaver colony averaging 480 m along the river .