
  1. 她用的是叉子而且吃蛋皮春卷要蘸两次酱。

    She uses a fork and she doubledips her egg rolls .

  2. 我们不点蛋皮春卷。

    Leonard : We don 't order egg rolls .

  3. 本实用新型涉及一种蛋皮、蛋丝生产机。

    The utility model relates to an egg roll skin , egg crepe machine , comprising a cabinet ( 1 ) .

  4. 本实用新型具有结构合理,蛋皮连续,生产效率较高,还可以切出蛋丝、蛋片等产品。

    The utility model is reasonable in design , and the production efficiency is remarkable with the continuous production of the egg roll . Besides , the egg slices , or chips can be shaped via cutting .

  5. 所述天然颜料可由石头颗粒、石头粉末、釉料、彩砂与蛋皮、干树枝、干芦苇、干树皮混合使用。

    The natural pigment can be used by mixing the stone grains , the stone powder , the glaze , the colored sands and the egg shells , the dry tree branches , the dry reed , and the dry bark .

  6. 他们给我们准备了两把蛋黄色皮椅、一盘盆栽和一张咖啡桌,上面摆着些小点心。

    They have provided us with two cream-coloured leather chairs , a potted plant and a coffee table , with some snacks on it .

  7. 以天红蛋、净皮甜、大红甜为样品,对石榴采后果皮褐变进行研究,结果发现:褐变与品种及贮藏温度有显著的相关性;

    Pomegranate peel was very easy to brown after picking . The cultivars and storage temperatures were remarkably relative to the browning .

  8. 打蛋时可加入少许湿淀粉(与粉的比例为1∶)能让蛋皮有韧性,不易破。

    Add a little cornstarch solution to egg ( the proportion of water and cornstarch should be1 ∶ 1 ) to make the egg crepe stronger and resist breaking .