
  1. 在这样的柜台上,可以吃到三明治面包和小吃。我们有一人自助餐部。付40元就可以吃到您想吃到您想吃的东西。

    Sandwiches and small meals are served at a counter . We have a buffet . You can have all you wanted for 40 dollars .

  2. 最初几次尝试失败了,后来有两名美国人带着一片三明治面包去了伦敦,然后飞到西班牙,利用他们的卫星导航在一块偏僻的田野中找到了正确的位置。

    There were a couple of failed attempts before two American guys took a baguette to London , then flew to Spain and used their satellite navigation to find the right place in a remote field .

  3. 黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡看起来像广告上的三明治,面包上闪着油墨一样的光泽。

    The Black diamond burger looks far more similar to the sandwich advertised , with shiny ink-coloured buns 。

  4. 请把三明治上的面包皮切掉,好吗?

    Could you cut the crusts off the sandwiches , please ?

  5. 干酪制成的或似干酪的潜艇三明治(长面包纵向切开,夹肉、干酪、色拉等)

    Submarine sandwich ( sandwich made from a long bread roll split lengthwise and filled with meat , cheese , salad , etc )

  6. 在美国,喝茶时只有蛋糕和糕饼。而在英国却有三明治、黄油面包或烤面包片,蛋糕或饼干提供。

    While only cake or cookies is served with tea in America , sandwiches , buttered bread or toast , cake or biscuits are served in the United Kingdom .

  7. 所以我能在吃金枪鱼三明治时吃面包,但是我不应该从包装中去拿一片面包吃(我经常那么做)或者在餐馆面包篮中取面包。

    So I can have bread as part of a tuna sandwich , but I shouldn 't just take a slice of bread out of the package and eat it ( which I do often ) or eat bread from a restaurant bread basket .

  8. 真朋友应该喜欢并接受你真实的样子,不在乎你是否穿套装或条纹袜子,吃奶酪、泡菜三明治加葡萄干面包,或打扮成要去文艺复兴集会的样子。

    A real friend loves and accepts you exactly as you are , and doesn 't care if you live in overalls and striped socks , eat cheese and pickle sandwiches on raisin bread , or dress like you stepped out of a Renaissance Faire .

  9. 我们做了一些三明治(夹肉面包)带去当午饭。

    We made some sandwiches to take with us for lunch .

  10. 三明治港也不错面包太厚

    Sub Haven 's pretty good . It 's too much bread

  11. 三明治是两片面包中间夹有馅儿。

    A sandwich is two pieces of bread with food in between .

  12. 上学的孩子常带三明治,水果和面包或者在学校买着吃。

    The students take sandwich fruit and bread or buy something in school .

  13. 午饭时他们只吃一两份三明治(加肉面包)或汉堡包,然后喝点果汁或是咖啡。

    For lunch they have a couple of sandwiches or hamburgers and then drink some fruit juice or coffee .

  14. 三明治由两片面包中间夹着馅料,一般面包上会涂上黄油,或者蛋黄酱,而中间的馅料通常是肉或者奶酪,再放些生菜。

    This consists of two pieces of bread and a filling . The bread is usually buttered , or spread with mayonnaise , and the filling is usually meat or cheese , often served with lettuce .

  15. 餐点包括精致的三明治(去边面包制成的薄片黄瓜三明治则是经典之选)、新鲜出炉的英式松饼配上奶油和果酱,还有蛋糕和其他甜点。

    It consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches ( thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off are a classic ), freshly baked scones served with cream and fruit jam , cakes and pastries .

  16. 制作花瓣时,另取一块巧克力面团,团成圆形之后放在三明治的两片面包之间,用力挤压成扁平状。

    To make the petals , break off another piece of chocolate paste and roll into a ball . Place the ball between two sandwich bags and press the ball down firmly using your fingers until flat .

  17. 总会三明治(三片面包夹有两层肉、生菜、蕃茄等的三明治)在餐馆里,我先点了不加蛋黄酱及腊肉的火鸡总会三明治。

    Club sandwich ;( esp US ) sandwich consisting of three slices of bread or toast and two layers of meat , lettuce , tomato , etc At one restaurant , I found a turkey club sandwich , which I ordered without mayonnaise or bacon .

  18. 餐点包括精致的三明治(去边面包制成的薄片黄瓜三明治则是经典之选)、新鲜出炉的英式松饼配上奶油和果酱,还有蛋糕和其他甜点。当然少不了搭配奶和糖的咖啡或茶。

    It consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches ( thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off are a classic ) , freshly baked scones served with cream and fruit jam , cakes and pastries . Of course , tea or coffee , served with milk and sugar , is also provided .

  19. 杰拉尔多:我想要一份好吃的三明治,比如说培根、生菜、番茄三明治,或者稞麦面包夹熏牛肉三明治。

    Geraldo : I want a good sandwich , maybe a BLT or a pastrami on rye .