
jìng chū kǒu
  • net export
净出口[jìng chū kǒu]
  1. 推动我国GDP增长的动力被喻为三架马车:消费、投资和净出口。

    The driving forces of Chinese economic growth include consumption , investment and net export .

  2. 净出口的波动与我国宏观经济总体波动没有Granger因果关系。

    The net export has nothing to do with the Granger Causality .

  3. 我们将在仅仅几年时间里成为汽车净出口国。

    We will be a net exporter of motor cars in just a few years ' time .

  4. 而且加入WTO后短短三年,我国从农产品净出口国转变成为农产品净进口国。

    Furthermore , China has changed from net agricultural exporter to net importer after the accession into WTO .

  5. 过去三年,每年的净出口其实对GDP增长产生了负面拖累。

    In each of the last three years , net exports actually posed a negative drag on GDP growth .

  6. 出口和进口之间的差距说明,净出口是国内生产总值(GDP)的一个重要贡献因素。

    The gap between exports and imports indicates that net exports are an important contributing factor to gross domestic product .

  7. 预计随着进口的快速增长,明年净出口对GDP增长率的贡献将是-1%。

    With imports expected to increase more rapidly , that will mean net external trade will cut1 percentage point off GDP growth .

  8. FDI促进了中国贸易总量的增长和贸易结构的改善,但截止到2002年底,FDI对中国净出口的贡献仍低于国内企业。

    Until 2002 , its contribution to China 's net export is still lower than the contribution of domestic enterprises , however .

  9. 2006年至2008年间,人民币实际汇率低估所贡献的净出口,相当于GDP的5.6%。

    The undervalued Chinese real exchange rate generated a contribution of net exports of 5.6 per cent of GDP between 2006 and 2008 .

  10. 对大多数亚洲经济体而言,在解释GDP下降时,下降的国内需求比净出口的下降更重要。

    In most Asian economies falling domestic demand was more important than the drop in net exports in explaining the collapse in GDP growth .

  11. 外商直接投资(FDI)通过在短期内影响投资、消费、净出口等即期需求的变化和长期内影响生产能力和供给能力的变化,进而影响经济增长。

    Through influencing short - term demand of investment consumption net export and long - term supply , the FDI accelerated the economic increase .

  12. 事实也是如此,UBS银行预计2009年净出口将会是GDP增长的一个负性因素。

    Even so , UBS , a bank , forecasts that in2009 net exports will be a negative drag on GDP growth .

  13. 对GDP的增长作出积极贡献的其他因素包括消费者支出,增幅为1.7%;固定资产投资,增幅为1.6%;以及净出口,增幅为0.2%。

    Other positive contributions to GDP growth included consumer spending , 1.7 percent ; fixed investment , 1.6 percent ; and net exports , 0.2 percent .

  14. 文章选取消费信贷余额、GDP,城镇居民可支配收入、房地产投资和净出口五个个变量构成计量模型。

    The article selected the balance of consumer credit , GDP , disposable income of urban residents , the real estate investment and net exports as variables .

  15. 加入WTO以来,中国水产品贸易在进出口双向快速增长的局面下,保持了净出口态势。

    The aquatic product trade of China maintains the status of net exports in the condition of the rapid growth of both import and export since China 's entry into WTO .

  16. GDP的组成包括四部分,分别是政府支出、消费者支出、私人或企业投资、净出口额或净进口额。

    GDP has four components : government expenditures , consumer spending , private or business investment , and the surplus of exports over imports , or vice versa .

  17. 出口加工区在FDI流入、就业创造和外汇获取(净出口)三个方面的经济效应已被大量文献和经验所证明。

    The economic effects of Export Processing Zones ( EPZs ) on FDI influx , employment creation and net export have been tested in a lot of literatures and practices .

  18. 为了避免此种命运,中国需要减少储蓄,降低固定投资,削减净出口占GDP的比例,并提高消费比例。

    To avoid this fate , China needs to save less , reduce fixed investment , cut net exports as a share of GDP , and boost the share of consumption .

  19. 今年中国经济增长的两大主要动力分别是投资和净出口,投资在中国国内生产总值(GDP)增幅中约占40%的比重。

    The two main drivers of the economy this year have been investment , responsible for about 40 per cent of the increase in gross domestic product , and net exports .

  20. 进出口一直是影响中国经济增长的重要因素,尤其是2005年上半年,净出口对GDP增速贡献非常大。

    International trade always acts as an important contribution to china ′ s economic growth . In the first half of 2005 , net export greatly contributes to GDP ′ s growth .

  21. 其经济增长对出口的依赖已经下降:2008年中国净出口占GDP的7.7%,2011年这个比例下降到了2.6%。

    It relies less on trade for growth : In 2008 , China 's net exports amounted to 7.7 % of GDP ; in 2011 the share had dropped to 2.6 % .

  22. 研究结果显示,出口导向率对总产出有促进作用,进口渗透率对总产出有一定的负面影响,净出口额增量占GDP比值对就业人数增长率有积极的拉动作用。

    The studied result indicates , the guidance proportion in export plays a positive role in the total product , the infiltration proportion in import gives a negative influence in the total product .

  23. 他们指出,近些年,净出口仅占中国gdp增长的10-20%,这表明出口暴跌不会摧毁整体经济增长。

    They point out that net exports have accounted for only 10-20 per cent of the increase in GDP in recent years , which implies that collapsing exports will not destroy overall growth .

  24. 因此论文提出FDI流入、就业创造、净出口、国内链接、技术外溢和产业结构等六项指标应作为出口加工区综合经济效益评价以及判定出口加工区成功或失败的主要依据。

    Therefore , industrial structure , domestic linkage , technological spillover , FDI influx , employment as well as net exports can be used as indexes evaluating the comprehensive economic effects of EPZs .

  25. 据麦格理证券(macquarieequities)的一份报告,最近两个月来,中国是所有钢铁产品的净出口国。

    China has been a net exporter of all steel products for the past two months , according to a report by Macquarie equities .

  26. 另一方面,中国股市呈现出了许多令人迷惑的现象,一方面,如与GDP增长率相背离,却与净出口、货币供应量等具有同步的特征。

    On the other side , there are many confusing phenomenon arising in Chinese stock market such as going opposite to GDP growth rate while growing in pace with net exports and currency supply .

  27. 汇率对于各地区FDI与净出口的变化会因为开放度、地区财政支出、地区投入产出率和上年经济总量等变量的不同而存在较大差异,最终体现在了经济的增长上。

    The change of trade and FDI which is made by the exchange rate will depend on the opening up degree , Public Finance Expenditure , the area input-output ratio and the last GDP .

  28. 鲁比尼认为,为了避免中国经济在2013年发生所谓的“硬着陆”,中国应减少储蓄、削减固定投资、减少净出口额占GDP的比重,同时着手推动国内消费。

    To avoid a so-called hard landing after 2013 , Roubini thinks China needs to save less , cut fixed investment , reduce net exports ' share of GDP , and start boosting domestic consumption .

  29. 盛来运表示,第一季度GDP增长中,投资所占比重很可能已有所下降,同时净出口增长,消费稳定,尽管他表示尚未得出最终的确切数字。

    Mr Sheng said the investment share of GDP growth probably declined in the first quarter , while net exports rose and consumption was stable , although he said exact figures had not been finalised .

  30. 这种分布体现在美国和欧洲都是附件MRO服务的净出口地区。

    As a result , North American and European suppliers are both net exporters of component MRO services .