- 名synaptic plasticity

The Related Substance of Synaptic Plasticity and its Change after Cerebral Ischemia
Effect of Acupuncture at Different Doses on Synaptic Plasticity of Rats After Cerebral Ischemia
Ca ~( 2 + ) Dynamics and Synaptic Plasticity in Carp Retinal Horizontal Cells
The relationship between the synaptic plasticity in CA_1 region in hippocampus and the space memory ability in temporal lobe epileptic male rats
The effects of supplemented with DHA on synaptic plasticity during development period in rats
Effects and Mechanism of Chronic Exposure of Aluminum on Rats Hippocampus Synapse Plastic LTP
A mass of research indicate that NMDA receptor have been involved in the process of synaptic plasticity .
Neurotrophins especially the most studied BDNF are important for neuronal growth , differentiation , survival and synaptic plasticity .
Conclusion : Zinc deficiency results not only in injury of learning ability and decrease of hippocampal synaptic plasticity , but also inhibition of MT and mRNA expression .
The Mechanism of PKA Signaling Pathway in Synaptic Plasticity after Cerebral Ischemia and Intervention Studies of Acupuncture
The results are as follows : ( 1 ) MC can , to some extent , repair the synaptic plasticity deficiency induced by aluminum exposure .
The Reparation and Mechanism of EGCG on the Lead-induced Impairments of Oxidative Stress and Synaptic Plasticity in Rat Hippocampus
Morris water maze test , which measures behavioral consequences of synaptic plasticity , showed parallel learning deficits after chronic exposure to opiates .
Experimental Study of Long-term Synaptic Plasticity and PKC Activity and GAP-43 Expression in the Hippocampus of Iodine Deficient and Hypothyroid Pup Rats
Studies show that NF & κ B is related to signal transduction of synaptic plasticity and neuron plasticity forming .
Most of the up-regulated genes are related to inflammations and stress responses , but large part of the down-regulated genes play roles in synapse plasticity , vesicular transportation , mitochondria function , protein and DNA repair , and neurohormone secreting .
Long & term potentiation ( LTP ), an important form of synaptic plasticity , is believed to underlie learning and memory .
To address the role of ubiquitin-proteasome mediated protein degradation ( UPS ) in activity-dependent synaptic plasticity a combination of a viral expression system , fluorescent imaging and electrophysiology will be employed .
Effects of different stimuli on behavior and synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA 1 area of fear conditioned rats
Long-term potentiation ( LTP ) and long-term depression ( LTD ), two forms of synaptic plasticity , are believed to underlie the mechanism of learning and memory .
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) expression is increased by PACAP in neurons , and plays an important role in neuronal survival , differentiation and synaptic plasticity .
Detection of the differential expression of genes with synapse plasticity in brains of the PHT-resistant / non-resistant epileptic rats with cDNA microarray
Hippocampal activity-dependent or experience-dependent synaptic plasticity , including Long-term potentiation ( LTP ) and Long-term depression ( LTD ), is believed to be the cellular and molecular mechanism which underlies hippocampus-dependent learning and memory .
Significantly affected genes ( P0.05 ) were involved in central nervous system development , neurogenesis , long-term potentiation / depression , learning and memory , neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity .
Multiple signal transduction pathways converge on CREB , which plays an essential role in the formation of long-term memory and synaptic plasticity .
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) is an important neurotrophin which has pleiotropic effects on modulating activity-dependent forms of synaptic plasticity , neuronal survival , neuronal development , dendritic arborization and axon growth .
Long-term potentiation ( LTP ) of hippocampal synaptic activity is the most popular and widely used model of synaptic plastic changes , which is considered to be related to learning and memory .
The scientists point out that alcohol isn 't causing blackouts by killing neurons . Instead , the steroids interfere with synaptic plasticity to impair LTP and memory formation .
Conclusion The protective effect of 971 on learning and memory ability of β - AP_ ( 25-35 ) - treated mouse may be related to the expression changes of genes involved in cell cycle , DNA repair , nerve growth , synaptic plasticity and immune response , etc.
NMDA receptors are abundantly expressed in central nervous system . It mediates the induction of synaptic plasticity , modulates gene expression , and participates in the induction of neuronal networks during various developmental stages .