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  • chemical synapse
  1. 化学突触短时程可塑性的动态模型及计算机仿真

    Dynamic Model of Chemical Synapse with Computer Simulation

  2. 研究结果表明,神经信号通过化学突触进行传递时,存明显的突触延搁现象;

    The simulating results indicated that the synaptic delay happened evidently when neural signals were passed through the chemical synapse .

  3. 突触小泡即刻可释放池的结构组织化学突触的定义形态学特征是突触前神经终端小泡群。

    The defining morphological feature of chemical synapses is the vesicle cluster in the presynaptic nerve terminal .

  4. 这些联系中,主要包括大约5000个化学突触,2000个神经肌肉接头和600个间隙连接。

    The subtle connections between neurons approximately contain 5000 chemical synapses , 2000 neuromuscular junctions and 600 gap junctions .

  5. 但是各种脉冲序列如何通过神经元之间的化学突触进行传递依然是一个悬而未决的问题。

    But how various types of spike trains are transmitted across chemical synapses between neurons is still an open question .

  6. 本文研究了经化学突触耦合的两个神经元的簇放电同步以及耦合后神经元的簇放电动力学性质。

    Burst synchronization and burst dynamics of a system consisting of two map-based neurons coupled through chemical synapses were studied .

  7. 为了进一步认识突触功能,构造了两个简单的突触连接模型,并对化学突触传递进行模拟,数值研究化学突触的传递功能。

    In order to further understand the principles of synapsis , we constructed two simple models and numerically simulated the connection of chemical synapsis .

  8. 神经系统内信息传递靠神经元接替完成:化学突触处的传递依靠神经递质,而神经纤维进行长距离信息传递则靠动作电位的传导。

    Information transmission in the central nervous system relies on neurons working in relays . At chemical synapses information transmission is by means of neurotransmitters , whereas long distance transmission is carried out by action potentials conducting along nerve fibers .

  9. 这种化学物质湮没了突触,覆盖了5&羟色胺的受体。

    The chemical floods the synapse , overwhelming the serotonin receptors .