- 名synaptic cleft;synaptic gap;synaptic fissure;synaptic space

AChE is a protein closely correlative with synaptosome . The hydrolysis of neurotransmitter-acetylcholine in the cholinergic synaptic cleft was regulated by AChE .
Glutamate uptake of hippocampus was also affected by stress which lead to prolonged high level of Glu in synaptic cleft .
The secondary synaptic space was in normal state in 5 s group ;
The amount of synaptic vesicles showed fewer and the axo & spine and the axo-dendritic width narrow . The statistical differences were significant ( P0.01 ) .
M. oscular primary synaptic cleft was near to normal in groups 15 s and 30 s.
At 21d , the width of synaptic gap was significantly lower in extinction group than that in the control group ( p0.05 ) .
Na / Cl - dependent GABA transporters play an important role in controlling the concentration of GABA in the synaptic cleft , and thus they control the intensity and duration of synaptic transmission of GABA .
Conclusion Propofol inhibits the transport ability of DAT in a noncompetitive fashion and reduces the reuptake of dopamine , leading to elevation in DA concentration in the synaptic cleft and potentiation of dopaminergic neurotransmission in central nervous system .
To later shut down the signal , the VTA neuron removes the dopamine from the synaptic cleft and repackages it to be used again as needed .
When the nerve endings of the NE concentration is too high , it will feedback and inhibit biosynthesis of NE vesicles . When the impulse reaches the nerve endings , NE released into the synaptic will decrease , which led to the emergence of depression .
In the past , study of postsynaptic regulatory mechanism is rare .
Moreover , free zinc ions could be found in the synaptic cleft .
Observation of Structural Difference of Secondary Synaptic Space of Facial Muscle in Facial Paralysis
However , excessive accumulation of glutamate at synaptic clefts would cause neuronal damage even cell death , which is called excitotoxicity .
The area of the secondary synaptic space decreased slightly in 15 s 1 week group but restored evidently in 1 month group ;
The change of the secondary synaptic space area of musculus orbicularis oris in 1 week and 1 month group was observed via scanning electron microscope .
Methods The differences in pathological changes of secondary synaptic space of motor end plate of orbicularis oculi and oris muscles were observed under scanning electron microscope .
Objective : Our purpose was to study the relationship between the excitability of facial muscular motor point and the secondary synaptic space of motor terminal plate in facial paralysis .
Conclusion Since injury degree of secondary synaptic space of orbicularis oculi muscles was more severe than that of oris muscles , it determined the differences in vulnerability and supported the local estimating system .
Glutamate is released from the inner hair cells , and taken up by supporting cells through the glutamate transporter ( GLAST ) . Glutamate is converted to glutamine ( Gln ) by glutamine synthetase ( GS ) and then transferred to inner hair cells .
Moreover , the curvature of synaptic interface , the width of synaptic cleft and the thickness of post synaptic density were decreased .
Presynaptic membrane , postsynaptic membrane and synaptic cleft were clear . Presynaptic terminals had more round clearest vesicles , and postsynaptic membrane has a high density electron . 3 .
The neuromechanism may not enhance ChAT expression quality , but augmentation Ach exocytosis and post-synaptic density .
Synaptic active zone length , the width of synaptic cleft and PSD thickness were significantly less in SAH 14d group than in controls ( p0.05 ) . 4 .
Changes of the ultrastructure : The neurons in the cortex of SHR with the ascending of blood pressure , appeared karyopyknosis , mitochondria swollen , crista lost , the membranes of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic were not clear and the synaptic space was disappeared .
Results : The thickness of postsynaptic density material , the curvature of synaptic interface and the occurrence of perforated synapses decreased , while the width of synaptic cleft increased .
In addition , vacuolated , swollen endothelium , abnormity of capillary basement membranes of BBB , marked vacuolar degeneration of the end feet of astrocytes , decreased number of synapse , synapse vesicle and broaden synaptic cleft were observed with transmission electron microscope .
The main results are as follows : the learning ability of mice drinking high concentration of fluoride presented remarkable deterioration , the thickness of post synaptic density ( PSD ) was decreased , and the width of synaptic cleft was remarkably increased .
In a strengthened synapse , the informing cell releases more glutamate into the synaptic gap and / or the informed cell is more efficient at binding the glutamate .