
huà nónɡ xìnɡ yán zhènɡ
  • Suppurative inflammation;purulent inflammation
  1. 髋部急性化脓性炎症的B超诊断价值

    Ultrasound Diagnosis of Acute Purulent Inflammation of the Hip Region

  2. 病理学检查:B组术后2周局部组织以急性化脓性炎症为主,4周时以肉芽组织增生和纤维组织形成的慢性炎症反应为主;

    Pathological changes : In the Group B , the main pathological changes were acute suppurative inflammation after two weeks , and chronic inflammation with hyperblastosis of granulation and fibroplasias after four weeks .

  3. 类风湿性关节(Rheumatoidarthritis,RA)是以关节和关节周围组织非化脓性炎症为主的全身性疾病,常伴关节外症状,故称类风湿病。

    Objective : rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) is joints and joints organized around non-purulence of inflammation diseases , often with the symptoms outer joints , so called rheumatoid arthritis diseases .

  4. 结论ERCP、PTCD和内镜下治疗联合PTCD方法治疗胆系化脓性炎症,创伤小、效果好,值得推广。

    Conclusion The minimally invasive methods of therapeutic ERCP , PTC and combined therapeutic ERCP and PTCD are good methods for ASC .

  5. 结果:BPH合并前列腺腺炎41例,其中5例术后IIEF5评价分增加,并且1例前列腺局部呈急性化脓性炎症的患者,术前重度勃起功能障碍(ED),术后恢复正常(>21分)。

    Results : 41 cases had been proved prostatitis , and the IIEF-5 score of 5 prostatitis cases had increased . One case with the histopathology of acute prostatitis had severe erection dysfunction ( ED ), and the sexual function of which was recovered after BPH surgery .

  6. 盲肠憩室并发化脓性炎症1例

    Cecal diverticulum complicating suppurative inflammation : a case report

  7. 其临床表现多种多样,除主要表现为可引起皮肤、粘膜、肺脏等多种组织器官的化脓性炎症外;

    Some ScA may cause suppurative inflammation of many tissues and organs such as skin , mucous membrane and lung .

  8. 慢性硬化性骨髓炎为病因不清的非化脓性炎症。

    Chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis ( Barres Disease ) is a kind of nonsupurative inflammation , the etiology of which is stil unknowm .

  9. 病理组织学检查,肉眼见到的肺组织病变镜检为局灶性化脓性炎症(脓肿),其他组织未见病理性改变。

    With the histopathology examination , the pathologic change of lung tissue seem by naked eyes was a focal suppurative inflammation ( abscess ) under microscope .

  10. 另2例术后4天和8天发现感染而取出义眼座,其中1例术前眼眶或眶周化脓性炎症、1例为真菌感染。

    HA infection was found in 2 cases on fourth and eighth postoperative day , one with preoperative intraorbital infection , and another with preoperative fungi infection , and infected HA implants were removed in this two cases .