
  • 网络chlorine-containing disinfectant
  1. 为了解DA含氯消毒剂的性能,对其进行了理化指标检验、载体定量杀菌效果试验及现场消毒试验。

    In order to know the properties of DA chlorine-containing disinfectant , examination of physicochemical indices , carrier quantitative germicidal efficacy test and field disinfection trial were carried out .

  2. 含氯消毒剂持续释放对农村井水消毒效果检测

    Examination of efficacy of continuous release of chlorine-containing disinfectant in disinfection of well water in Countryside

  3. DA含氯消毒剂性能的研究

    Study on properties of Da chlorine - containing disinfectant

  4. 方法对47例HBV-DNA阳性的乙型肝炎患者使用的血糖仪采血枪消毒前和用75%乙醇、1%含氯消毒剂消毒后采样监测。

    METHODS The blood sampling gun of blood sugar meter was checked before and after 75 % alcohol or 1 % chlorine-containing disinfectant disinfection .

  5. 稳定型含氯消毒剂消毒性能及毒性观察

    Investigation of disinfection property and toxicity of a stable chlorine disinfectant

  6. 含氯消毒剂对原水管道中贝类的杀灭效果

    Study on Killing and Removing Mussels in Pipeline by Chlorine Disinfectants

  7. 含氯消毒剂作用于牛型分枝杆菌的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning electronmicroscopic observation on Mycobacterium bovis exposed to chlorine - containing disinfectant

  8. 含氯消毒剂对手术器械残余血清洗效果观察

    The Effect of Chlorine Disinfectants in Cleaning Remaining Blood on Operation Apparatus

  9. 新型复方含氯消毒剂安全性毒理实验的观察

    Experimental observation on safety of a new compound chlorine - containing disinfectant

  10. 多元线性回归计算机程序在研制复方含氯消毒剂中的应用

    Application the multiple linear regression computer program for preparation the chlorinated disinfectant

  11. 含氯消毒剂有效氯降解因素的研究

    Study on the Factors Causing Degradation of Effective Chlorine in Chlorine-containing Disinfectants

  12. 六种快分枝杆菌对含氯消毒剂的抵抗力比较研究

    Comparison of resistance of six species of Mycobacterium to chlorine - containing disinfectant

  13. 含氯消毒剂中有效氯测量不确定度的评估

    Uncertainty Assessment of Valid Chlorine Measurement in Chlorine Disinfectant

  14. 含氯消毒剂对微宇宙中细菌呼吸作用的影响氯酸钾酚(含)漱液

    Effect on the respiration of bactria in microcosm by the disinfectant of chlorine

  15. 含氯消毒剂稳定技术的研究

    The Research of the Chloride Disinfectant Stabilizes Technology

  16. 不同剂型复方含氯消毒剂杀菌效果的观察

    Observation on germicidal efficacy of different dosage forms of compound chlorine - containing disinfectants

  17. 有机干扰物对含氯消毒剂杀菌效果的影响研究

    Experimental study on influence of organic interfering substance on germicidal efficacy of chlorine-containing disinfectants

  18. 复方含氯消毒剂的研究

    A study on a compound chlorinated disinfectant

  19. 目的探讨酸性电位水与含氯消毒剂及二氧化氯消毒能力的差别。

    Objective To investigate the disinfection property difference of electrolyzed-oxidizing water with chlorine disinfectants and chlorine dioxide .

  20. 探讨含氯消毒剂灭活乙型肝炎病毒的消毒浓度与时间

    Study on the Use of Rational Concentration and Sterilizing Time of Chlorine-Containing Disinfectant Against Hepatitis B Virus

  21. 影响含氯消毒剂浓度的因素分析

    Factors effecting the disinfectant concentration

  22. 研究了在半封闭条件下一种稳定型含氯消毒剂的稳定性及抑菌性能。

    The stability and bacteriostasis of a kind of stable chlorine disinfectant under half-open condition were investigated .

  23. 含氯消毒剂对嗜肺军团菌等四种细菌杀灭效果观察

    Observation on efficacy of chlorine-containing disinfectant in killing Legionella pneumophila and three kinds of vegetative forms of bacteria

  24. 目的:为了解含氯消毒剂在不同实验室间有效氯含量测试值及杀菌效果。

    Objective : To explore the test results of content determination and germicidal efficacy of chlorine-containing disinfectant among laboratories .

  25. 结论,该复方含氯消毒剂对两种禽流感病毒有很好的灭活效果。

    Conclusion : The compound chlorine-containing disinfectant has good efficacy in inactivating these 2 subtypes of avian influenza virus .

  26. 结果表明:含氯消毒剂对微藻种群生长有显著影响。

    The results show that has salient effect of the effective chlorine on the growth of algae in the experiment .

  27. 氯化钙对含氯消毒剂水溶液冻凝温度及杀菌效果的影响

    The effect of calcium chloride on the congealing point and the bacteriocidal activity of aqueous solution of the chlorine disinfectants

  28. 含氯消毒剂可有效杀灭水中钩端螺旋体,水中生物与理化特性可影响杀菌效果。

    Chlorine-containing disinfectant can effectively kill leptospira , but the biological and physicochemical properties of waters may affect the disinfection effect .

  29. 3在含病毒底泥上覆不同网目的筛绢,同时使用含氯消毒剂处理含病毒底泥进行效果对比。

    Effects between covering different sizes mash on the sediment with virus and treating sediment with virus by chlorine-containing disinfectant are also compared .

  30. 目的观察一种稳定型含氯消毒剂的消毒性能及其毒性,为其推广应用提供安全性依据。

    Objective To observe the disinfection property and toxicity of a stable chlorine disinfectant in order to provide safety data for its application .