- oil-bearing formation;tryphine

[oil-bearing formation] 含石油及天然气的地层
Permian-Triassic fans have plenty of oil-bearing formation , large scale of petroleum pool , higher reserves abundance .
The oil-bearing formation of Yan2 block of Benbutu oil field is Jurassic Sangong River group , which is low porosity and low permeability .
The oil-bearing structure of the new oil field has been verified .
WP area , the study area of this thesis , is located in the Ordos Basin . At present , we have found several oil-bearing series in Yanchang Formation of Triassic and Yanan Formation of Jurassic .
A method for predicting oil productivity of oil-bearing bed in exploration period
Source correlation of two Paleogene oil-bearing series in Jiangling Sag
The Kong-1 and-2 members are major oil-bearing sequences in the Zaobei OilField .
Among which , Cambrian is a newly discovered regional prolific oil system .
This method is used in lateral reservoir analysis .
Analysis of oil-water distribution in the Triassic oil reservoirs based on capillary pressure data
The traction of subsidence influenced the main oil bearing measures of each sag .
Consequently , new oil reservoirs were discovered .
The method is practical for the small fault-block oil and gas fields , which are a few fault and simple reservoir .
It is indicated form drilling that Chepaizi swell is characterized by multiple oil-bearing zones , multiple reservoir types and multiple oleaginous grades .
Microscope observation shows that the zone with hydrocarbon fluid inclusion from Well Qun-4 in this structural belt is corresponding to oil-bearing layers ;
From south to north , the number of oil-bearing layers gradually increases , their depths enlarge and the oil-bearing properties get better .
The new Standards further refine the oil-bearing series , verify the geological reserves again that is consistent with the pilot performance data well .
This kind of reservoir hill is characterized by deep buried , strong breaking-up , multiple oil-bearing layers and rich productivity of single well .
Wennan Oilfield is complex fault-block oilfield with cracked structures , deep oil-bearing formations , high pressure coefficient , low penetrability and much more oil-bearing series .
Moreover , Bozhong A Oilfield has some characteristic , such as complicated reservoir type , many oil-bearing strata , complex oil-water relationship , bad reservoir connectivity .
Huanjiang area is located in the western of Ordos Basin , the main oil-bearing bed is the Triassic yanchang formation and Jurassic yan ' an formation .
Strata from the Qingshankou Formation to the1 st member of the Nenjiang Formation of the Upper Cretaceous are the main oil-bearing rocks in the Songliao Basin .
The main oil-bearing layer is Triassic Yanchang Formation . It belongs to the petrology concealment oil-gas and has the characteristics of low permeability or very low permeability .
For BZ34-1 and BZ28-2 oilfields where the main oil reservoirs are unconsolidated sand , the rock resistivity data measured under overburden pressure is used in reserves evaluation .
With the help of analysing comprehensive well logs , 6 sedimentary systems with 12 sedimentary facies and 13 sedimentary subfacies of the oil bearing strata is identified .
Oil in Qianjiang Formation in the second oil bearing series comes both from an immature source rock in this Formation and from the Lower Xingouzui Formation source .
Upper Guantao formation in Laohekou oilfield of Shengli oil province is a typical reservoir of fluvial facies with major oil-bearing system containing meandering and braided river sedimentation .
Mian-120 Area is located on the south-west end of Bamianhe Oilfield , the main reservoirs include Sha-3 Zone and Sha-4 Zone of Shahejie formation of palaeogene system .
Ordos Basin is a large Mesozoic basin , which has rich energy resources and keeps completely Mesozoic strata in China . Yanchang Formation is one of important oil-bearing Formation .
The oil-bearing interval of Qingshankou , Yaojia , and Nenjiang ( QYN ) formations in the Songliao Basin may be illustrated as one typical example of subtle oil reservoir .