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bèn zhòng
  • heavy;bulky;cumbersome;unwieldy
笨重 [bèn zhòng]
  • (1) [bulky]∶大而重;不灵便

  • 笨重的家具

  • (2) [heavy]∶繁重而费力气的

  • 笨重的活计

  • 笨重的体力劳动

笨重[bèn zhòng]
  1. 按现代标准,那台设备又慢又笨重。

    The equipment is slow and heavy by modern standards .

  2. 笨重的深色桌子上嵌有颜色较浅的木头。

    The heavy dark table is inlaid with lighter wood .

  3. 她笨重地摔了一跤,摔断了踝关节。

    She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle .

  4. 他们提着笨重的行李气喘吁吁地来到他门口。

    They came panting up to his door with their unwieldy baggage .

  5. 房子里摆放着笨重的旧式家具。

    The interior of the house was furnished with heavy , old-fashioned pieces

  6. 尽管这台机器看上去很笨重,操作起来却很容易。

    Although the machine looks cumbersome , it is actually easy to use .

  7. 他费劲脱下他那件笨重的夹克,随手把它扔在后座上。

    He struggled out of his bulky jacket and threw it on to the back seat

  8. 10英尺长的桨拿起来感觉很笨重。

    The ten-foot oars felt heavy and awkward

  9. 就手提电脑而言,键盘就显得大而笨重了。

    The keyboard is a large and clumsy instrument as far as portable computers are concerned

  10. 你最好不要带那件笨重的行李。

    You 'd better not take that bulky piece of luggage .

  11. 大象把它那笨重的身躯浸入河中。

    The elephant lowered its ponderous body into the river .

  12. 穿着这双笨重的鞋走路真费劲。

    It 's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes .

  13. 她的两门火炮笨重至极,很难操作,不能进行准确射击。

    Her two guns were too unwieldy for accurate shooting .

  14. 康格利夫火箭既笨重,稳定性又不好。

    He Congreve rocket was cumbersome and poorly stabilized .

  15. 我们穿着笨重的皮靴在滑溜溜的冰上很难走。

    It was hard walking on the slippery ice in our heavy boots .

  16. 牛车发出笨重的辘辘声。

    The ox cart rumbled down the road .

  17. 春天到了,脱去笨重的冬装真让人高兴。

    It 's good to fling off heavy clothing now that spring is here .

  18. 犀牛虽然体型笨重,但仍能以相当快的速度行走或奔跑

    Although the rhinoceroses are very heavy , they can run very fast .

  19. Art框架从2年前的笨重恐龙已经发展到今天的标准。

    The state of the art framework from 2 years ago is a clunky dinosaur by todays standards .

  20. 另外,观看3D影像往往要佩戴笨重的眼镜,这也让观众望而却步。

    People have also been turned off by the bulky glasses often needed to view 3D images .

  21. 对这个动态类我想做的最后一个改进,是用成员变量访问字段,而不是用笨重的get和set操作符。

    One final improvement I want to make on this dynamic class is to use member variables to access the fields , instead of the clunky get_and set_operators .

  22. SPOT的服务需要用户每月交60美元,还得戴上那个笨重的手表&这两点在消费者眼里都够不讨喜的。

    The spot service ran users $ 60 a month and required wearing a clunky watch – both negatives in the eyes of consumers .

  23. 有声书曾经是一种静态、小众的东西,供发烧友们租借笨重的磁带或CD在上下班通勤时听。现在它已经变得大众化。

    Once a static niche for aficionados renting clunky cassettes or CDs for their commutes , audio books have gone mass-market .

  24. 而另一个问题就是Desire前掌规则的外底设计使得该鞋对于我来说有一点笨重感。

    An added problem was the Desire Mid 's squared-off outsole design at the forefoot , which made the shoe feel a bit clunky to me .

  25. PKI的CA体系是一种很成熟的网络安全解决方案,但比较笨重,而且不是对所有应用都适合。

    PKI CA is a mature system in the field of network security , but it is huge and cant solve all secure problems .

  26. 另外,如果要求进行影响Web服务中的多个操作的变更(如对多个操作共享的数据类型进行更改),按操作进行版本控制可能很快导致整个服务变得非常笨重。

    Also , if a change is required that affects multiple operations within a Web service ( such as a change to a data type shared by multiple operations ) versioning by operation can quickly become unwieldy .

  27. 现年62岁的黄昌圭回忆道:当时,iPod机身相当笨重,电池只能用两个小时。

    At that time , the iPod was quite bulky with its battery lasting only two hours .

  28. 这是他自己的路的现成可穿戴计算系统,一个难解的东西已经过时了Windows智能手机连接到一对个人视频眼镜通过在他的短裤笨重的电池组。

    It was his own off-the-shelf wearable computing system , a gordian thing connecting his outdated Windows smartphone to a pair of personal video glasses via an unwieldy battery pack in his shorts .

  29. 因此,BEC的研究人员习惯在真空腔旁,绕上强力却笨重的电磁铁。

    Consequently , BEC researchers got accustomed to surrounding their vacuum cells with powerful but cumbersome electromagnets .

  30. 类似的,Bonobo是一个用于GNOME的解决方案,但是非常笨重,因为它是基于CORBA的。

    Similarly , Bonobo is a solution for GNOME , but is quite heavy , being based on CORBA .