
zhī qián
  • support the front
支前 [zhī qián]
  • [support the front] 以物力、人力支持援助作战前方

  • 支前模范

支前[zhī qián]
  1. 论解放战争时期河南人民支前的特点

    Characteristics of Henan Front Supporting at the Liberation War

  2. 解放战争时期河南人民踊跃支前,为解放战争的胜利作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    People in Henan Province made great contributions to the victory of the Liberation War .

  3. 新任桑普主教练马扎里,期待带领这支前意大利冠军迎接新的挑战。

    Newly appointed Sampdoria boss Walter Mazzarri is looking forward to the challenge of leading the one-time Italian champions .

  4. 在还没来得及安全地收回小麦支前,连下了一个星期大雨,使小麦泡汤了。

    There was a week of rain which ruined the wheat crop before it could be safely gathered in .

  5. 如果下颌升支前部的吸收改建有限,下颌第三磨牙的萌出就会受阻。

    If the remodeling resorption at the anterior aspect of the mandibular ramus is limited , the eruption of the mandibular third molars might be blocked .

  6. 南非将在明年决赛圈的揭幕战中对阵墨西哥,然后会遇到同在A组的两支前冠军队伍乌拉圭和法国。

    South Africa play the opening match of next year 's finals against Mexico and then go on to face two former World Cup winners , Uruguay and France , in Group A.

  7. 闻名遐迩的沂蒙红嫂是沂蒙山区广大妇女拥军支前的光辉形象,是革命战争年代沂蒙女性的群体形象。

    The famous " Yimeng Red Sisters " is the brilliant image of Yimeng women supporting the army and the front . It is the collective images of Yimeng women in the revolutionary period .

  8. 这次运动会将于8月26至28号在山东莒南举行,军事演练中的特色项目包括手榴弹比武、独轮车支前、红嫂救伤员和胜利的军旗。

    The Games , to be held in Junan , Shandong province , from Aug26-28 , feature events seen during military drills including grenade throwing , mono-wheel carting , life-saving , and mountain climbing .

  9. 科技动员、科技支前是新形势下人民战争思想的继承和发展,是打赢高技术局部战争的重要法宝。

    The use of science and technology in national defense mobilization and supply of the needs of front line is both continuation and development of the mass-war concept in the current new situation , and it is an essential factor in winning high-tech regional wars .