
  • 网络Brandt;Raymond Brown
  1. 还有房间都可以望见日内瓦湖和白朗峰。

    You can enjoy the Lake Geneva and the Mountain Blane in each room .

  2. 在葡萄牙酒馆把白朗姆酒斟酌。

    Drinkin'white rum in a Portugal bar .

  3. 白朗,作为中国现代文学史上一位有代表性的东北女性作家,多年来,她的叙事文本一直未受到学术界足够的重视。

    Bai Lang is a special female writer of modern Chinese literature in Northeast China .

  4. 纵观起事始末,白朗起事队伍也没有提出明确的政治纲领。

    Throughout the Bai Lang uprising , he did not offer a clear political program .

  5. 白朗本人可能受到了革命党人思想的影响。

    We believe that , Bai Lang may have been affected the impact of the revolutionaries thought .

  6. 爆发于1911~1914年间的白朗起义是民国时期一次最大规模的农民起义。

    The Bai Lang Rebellion from 1911 to 1914 was the greatest peasant uprising of the Republican period .

  7. 最近的新闻报导中提到的一个受威胁的地区是白朗,这是东南亚最大的低地常绿森林。

    One threatened area in the news recently was Prey Lang , the largest lowland evergreen forest in the region .

  8. 但是,白朗最近在伦敦完工的雅典娜宾馆的正面墙花园却是他最引人注目的作品。

    But Blanc 's recently completed facade for the Athenaeum hotel in London could be his most high-profile project yet .

  9. 但是,白朗峰透明箱是抗破裂玻璃制成的,绝对安全。

    However , the glass that Mont Blanc Box is made of is resistant to breaking and is totally safe and secure .

  10. 倒入白朗姆酒,用长勺子搅匀,加入冰苏打水,再放上少量薄荷叶做装置就完成啦˜

    Pour over the rum , stirring with a long spoon , top up with soda water and garnish with mint to serve .

  11. 在起事后期,白朗与革命党人保持着暖昧的关系,并且采取了保护传教士的政策。

    Maintained an ambiguous relationship in the late Bai Lang uprising with revolutionaries , and to take the protection of the policy of the missionaries .

  12. 有,先生,您看椰树甘露如何?是白朗姆酒、味奶油和菠萝汁调成的,是我们酒吧的特色酒。

    Yes , sir . How about Dina Colada made with white rum , coconut cream and pineapple juice ? It 's one of our bar favorites .

  13. 仰赖白朗森林生存的村民考查特说,他乐观地相信,他们来到金边会使更多的公众了解这个问题。

    Villager Kao chart , who relies on prey Lang for a living , said he is optimistic that coming to Phnom Penh would raise awareness of the problems .

  14. 然而由于白朗起事队伍采用了蹚将的组织方式,只是一个松散的联盟,白朗不能对起事队伍进行有效的控制。

    Bai Lang uprising team used TangJiang organization in a manner , however , is only a loose alliance , Bai Lang can not revolt team for effective control .

  15. 直到傍晚时分,他的马车才轰隆轰隆来到白朗浦顿,在小门前面停下来。

    It was evening when his carriage thundered up to the little door in Brompton , whither the affectionate fellow drove first , and before hieing to the apartments secured for him by Mr.

  16. 从整支队伍的思想、组织方式以及活动内容来看,白朗起事不是一次反帝反封建的农民起义,只是一场带有辛亥革命时期历史印记的土匪运动。

    From the whole team thinking , organization and activities , Bai Lang uprising was not a peasant uprising against imperialism and feudalism , is just a bandit movement with a mark on the history of the Revolution .

  17. 苏菲和乔回旅店换钱,然后就去达令港的海鲜店。那旅游者在登白朗峰回到旅店时,都要累趴下了。

    Sophie and Joel head back to their hotel to change , before going to the seafood restaurant at Darling harbour . The traveler who made the ascent of Mt Blane returned to his hotel , ready to drop with fatigue .

  18. 伊丽莎白.巴莱特.白朗宁在表达她对丈夫罗伯特的忠贞不渝时如此写道:“我做的和我想的都有他。”一些伟大的歌剧同样赞扬男女主人公渴望的那种永恒的爱。

    And ( Elizabeth Berra Browning ) wrote of her constancy to her husband Robert , in such lines is this , " what I do and what I dream include he . " Some of the greatest operas also praise the ever-lasting love by some heroes and heroines dying for it .