
  • 网络red classic
  1. 忠奸对立模式下的红色经典叛徒书写策略严打斗争Strike-Hard

    Writing Strategy of Traitors in Red Classics in Terms of the Opposite Patterning of the Loyal and the Treacherous

  2. 结语简述红色经典重构的现实意义。

    Conclusion Notes " Red Classics " Reconstruction of practical significance .

  3. 《青春之歌》是17年时期红色经典之一。

    " Song of youth " is one of revolutionary classics .

  4. 心理学视角:剖析一部红色经典的形态流变与意义呈现

    The Analysis of The Red Classic from the Viewpoint of Psychology

  5. 红色经典音乐与大学生党课教育相结合的实践

    Practice of Combining Red Classical Music with Party Education of University Students

  6. 俄苏“红色经典”形成过程探因

    On the reason for the form of russian " red classics "

  7. 视听话语阐释与精神传承&对红色经典改编剧创作研究的梳理与反思

    Studies and Thoughts on Adaptation of The Red Classics

  8. 《白毛女》:从民间传奇到红色经典

    From Legend to Red Classic : The White-Haired Girl

  9. 红色经典市场化的文化思考

    Culture Cultural thinking of the marketability of red classics

  10. 开发红色经典资源促进南宁科学发展

    To Develop Red Tourism Industry , To Promote the Scientific Development in Nanning

  11. “红色经典”改编现象读解

    Interpreting the Adaptation of the " Red Classics "

  12. 红色经典改编必须解决的几个问题

    Several Problems Which Must Be solved in the Adaptation of The Red Classics

  13. 俄苏“红色经典”对中国当代“红色经典”叙事精神有着极为深远的影响。

    Soviet Literature has far-reaching implications for the narrative spirit of Red Classics .

  14. 试论红色经典的传播效果

    On the Effects of Transmission about the Revolutionary-classic

  15. 我对改编红色经典的想法&导演访谈录

    What I Think to Adapt The Red Classics

  16. 试论当下红色经典的大众化传播

    Popular Transmission about the Revolutionary - classic Nowadays

  17. 红色经典影视剧改编热潮的重新定位与当下意义

    Re-Positioning and Present Significance of the Upsurge of " Red Classics " Film Adaptation

  18. 论红色经典中的爱情叙事

    Love Narration in " Red Classics "

  19. 试析当前红色经典影视剧的叙事策略

    On the Narrative Strategies in the Movie and TV Plays of " Red Classics "

  20. 红色经典是中国五十年代至六十年代以革命为主题的文化生产。

    " Red Classics " was revolution culture in the 1950s and 1960s in China .

  21. 论红色经典中的积极分子文化

    On Activists ' Culture in Red Classics

  22. “红色经典”是中外文学史上一个极为独特的现象。

    " Red Classics " is a unique phenomenon in the world history of literature .

  23. 红色经典现象与大众文化认同危机

    " Red Classics " Phenomenon and Crisis of the Public 's Acceptance of National Culture

  24. 新时期以来红色经典冷热原因探析

    On the Causes of People 's Changing Attitudes Towards Red Classics Since the New Age

  25. 历史的和美学的:红色经典命名合法化解析

    " Historical " and " Aesthetic ": On the Legalized Naming " Red Classics "

  26. 红色经典的文化传承&以《长征组歌》为例

    The Interpretation of Red Classic Culture and Poetics & Take the " Long March Suite "

  27. 中国当代红色经典中身体叙事的意识形态分析

    Ideological analysis about Chinese Red Classics

  28. 第四章探讨众声喧哗中红色经典文本的当下重构。

    The fourth chapter discusses the reconstruction of red classical text in the numerous sounds clamor .

  29. 歌颂主旋律是红色经典的文化主题。

    A eulogy of the main theme is the cultural theme of the Revolutionary Classical Restaurant .

  30. 新武侠、红色经典以及快餐文化的出现都有其必然性。

    So it is inevitable that new gongfu stories , red classics and snack culture have appeared .