
zhī piào tuō shōu
  • check collection
  1. 现汇主要是指以支票、汇款、托收等国际结算方式取得并形成的银行存款。

    Be being collected now basically is to point to the bank deposit that be obtained with the means of international settle accounts such as check , remittance , collection and forms .

  2. 光票托收适用于个人支票、汇款单据或旅行支票的托收。

    Clean collections may pertain to personal checks , money orders , or traveler 's checks .

  3. 凡未经划线之支票或经普通划线之支票送交银行托收,该银行可作特别划线,划予其本行。

    Where an uncrossed cheque , or a cheque crossed generally , is sent to a banker FOR collection , he may cross it specially to himself .