
  • 网络Press button;PUSH THE BUTTON;Push Button
  1. 那么,场景已经就绪了,摄像机也设置好了,我们必须“按下按钮”。

    So , scene is ready , camera is set , we just have to " push the button " .

  2. 在可抽取的容器内放入冰淇淋,按下按钮,冰淇淋就会旋转起来,你就可以享受世界流行的美味了。

    Load the removable dish with ice cream , push the button and the ice cream turns while you enjoy one of the world 's most popular treats .

  3. 贝勒太太迈向电梯,按下按钮。

    Mrs. Baylor strode to the elevator and punched the button .

  4. 伯克按下按钮,电梯开始缓缓上升。

    Burke pushed the button and the elevator began its slow ascent .

  5. 他按下按钮启动马达的时候保险丝烧断了。

    The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor

  6. 他刚一按下按钮,保险丝就烧断了。

    The fuse blew as he pressed the button .

  7. 这个小女孩按下按钮。

    The little girl depressed the button .

  8. 当存货不足时,使用者按下按钮进行订购。

    When the supply runs low , the user can press the button to order more of that product .

  9. 按下按钮后,使用者的手机会收到一条提示信息,可以在30分钟内取消订单。

    When the button is pushed , the user receives a cellphone notification and can cancel the order within 30 minutes .

  10. 与提问或对故事进行观察相比,儿童更有可能说出“不要按下按钮”或“不改变音量”等内容。

    Children were likelier to say things like , “ don ’ t push that button ” or “ don ’ t change the volume ” than ask questions or make observations about the story .

  11. 都没问题,只须按下按钮,3D食物印表机就可以做出你想要的任何美味。

    No problem , the3D food printer will create anything you want , literally at the click of a button .

  12. 用户键入一个ID并按下按钮来调用服务器程序。

    The user types an ID and presses a button to invoke the server program .

  13. 都没问题,只需按下按钮,3D食物打印机就可以做出任何你想要的美味。

    No problem , the 3D food printer will create anything you want , literally at the click of a button .

  14. 只要用户按下按钮,示例代码注册特定的saveasJPEG探测器函数。

    The example code works by registering a special save as JPEG probe function whenever the user pushes the button .

  15. 最后,您向Refresh按钮添加一个事件处理程序,它在按下按钮时从XML文件重新加载数据。

    Finally , you added an event handler to the Refresh button , which basically reloads the data from XML file whenever the button is pressed .

  16. 到目前为止,我讨论了用户生成的事件&用户只要按下按钮或单击链接,PHP就运行相应的脚本。

    So far , I 've discussed user-generated events & if the user presses a button or clicks a link , PHP runs a script .

  17. 你想要吃个汉堡包?还是想来份匹萨饼?都没问题,只需按下按钮,3D食物打印机就可以做出任何你想要的美味。

    Feel like eating a hamburger ? Or would you rather have a pizza ? No problem , the 3D food printer will create anything you want , literally at the click of a button .

  18. 按下按钮提问,Watson会在互联网上搜索,寻找一个安全且与儿童年龄相宜的答案。

    Press its button to ask a question , and Watson will trawl the internet looking for a safe , age-appropriate answer .

  19. 纽约康奈尔大学的科学家们正研发一款可商用的3D食物打印机,它以食物原料作“墨水”。待原料放人打印机内,用户只要输入食谱,按下按钮,瞧,如此简单,大功告成!

    Scientists at Cornell University in New York are developing a commercially viable 3D food printer , which uses raw food " inks " that are fed into the printer and once you load the recipe and press the button , voila !

  20. 要使用这一新技术,活动主办方和表演者要在舞台上安装一台设备,按下按钮的瞬间,观众就不能录下他们喜欢的歌曲,也不能拍下表演者的照片发到Instagram上去了。

    The new technology would allow event organizers and performers to set up a device on the stage , push a button and instantly hinder the audience from recording their favorite song or snapping an image of the performer for their Instagram .

  21. 这种Swash产品是洗衣机和熨斗一体机,可对衣服进行清新和去除异味,并且按下按钮后还能熨烫——所需要的时间相当于洗一次澡。

    The Swash is a washing machine and iron inone that refreshes clothes , removes odours and flattens out wrinkles at thepress of a button - and does so all in the time it takes to have a shower .

  22. 按下按钮,G5内部一半的模块会弹出,为插入附加设备——比如一款加强音效的Bang&Olufsen品牌音乐模组,或者一款将手机转变为传统相机的配件——留出空间。

    Press a button and half the device 's insides plop out , revealing space for extra gadgets to slot in , such as a Bang & Olufsen sound-enhancing music module and an attachment to convert the phone into a traditional camera .

  23. RoseShuman:“相对于为他们带来大量的基础设施,期望他们学会怎样使用因特网,这个想法旨在研究出一种连老奶奶都会使用的简单技术。只要老奶奶走到问题箱前,按下按钮就可以了。”

    ROSE SHUMAN : " try to bring a lot of infrastructure to them and expect them to learn how to use the Internet , the idea was to make a technology that even Grandma could use , figuring that Grandma could probably walk up to a box and push a button . "

  24. JagdishMitra:“只要感觉不舒服,你只需要按下按钮即可。”

    Jagdish Mitra is the head of CanvasM Technologies , which recently launched the JAGDISH MITRA : " The moment you feel uncomfortable , you really don 't need to do anything else but press one button . "

  25. 按下按钮就可以发送求救信号

    Press a button , it sends out an emergency transmission .

  26. 你通过窗子我按下按钮

    You get through the window , I press a button .

  27. 有时在其他应用程序中称为按下按钮。

    This is sometimes called a push button in other applications .

  28. 我跑向电梯,猛按下按钮。

    I ran to the elevator and jabbed at the button .

  29. 他说给了那个按下按钮的机会。

    He said given the opportunity of pressing that button .

  30. 按下按钮时,脚本文件或可执行的。

    Script file or executable to run when the button is pressed .