- 网络anopheles;Genus Anopheles

Any of various mosquitoes of the genus Culex , which includes the common house mosquito ( C.pipiens . A NEW SPECIES OF ANOPHELES ( DIPTERA : CULICIDAE )
Results 4 147 larvae collected outdoor were subjected to 4 genera 11 species ( 1 species of Anopheles , 1 species of Aedes , 8 species of Culex and 1 species of Armigeres ) .
A New Species of Genus Anopheles ( Diptera : Culicidae )
Its population to the genus Anopheles sinensis larvae had the highest , followed by Anopheles minimus .
A : Only certain species of mosquitoes of the Anopheles genus and only females of those species can transmit malaria .
In this paper , the morphological characteristics of light microscope and SEM on mentum of 4th instar larvae of 10 species of 3 Genera in China have been reported .
A NEW SPECIES OF ANOPHELES ( DIPTERA : CULICIDAE ) " Dengue is caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes , usually A. aegypti , which also carries yellow fever . "
Results Mosquitoes collected from Pudong international airdrome area were subjected to 5 genera 13 species , one species of Anopheles , one species of Aedes , nine species of Culex , one species of Armigeres and one species of Mansonia .