
jié jué
  • mosquito larvae;wiggler;wriggler
孑孓 [jié jué]
  • [wiggler] 蚊子的幼虫,通称跟头虫。又形容肢体屈伸颠踬的样子

孑孓[jié jué]
  1. 每杯茶都会喝上一个钟头,然后孑孓一身向家中漫走。

    Each tea lasts an hour then he wanders home alone .

  2. 它通过受感染的孑孓蝇对人体的咬而传播。

    It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse flies .

  3. 这些卵在两天至几个月不等的时间内就孵化出叫孑孓蠕动的生物。

    The eggs produce worm-like creatures called larvae in two days to a few months .

  4. 孑孓的龄期对寄生后期幼线虫雌、雄性比无明显规律性影响。

    The age of the host did not influence the sex ratio of the nematode .

  5. 过去,为了清除孑孓,曾经把整湖的水都放干过,但是这种办法同时也导致许多湖泊干涸,对包括人和野生动物在内的许多生物的用水带来影响。

    In the old days , entire lakes were drained to kill off mosquito larvae , but that also eliminated the lakes for a wide range of other users , including humans and wildlife .