
zhī zhù
  • pillar;support;strut;prop;bracing;backbone;mainstay;bolster;prop up
支柱 [zhī zhù]
  • [support;bolster] 支撑

  • 谁可支柱。--清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》

  • (1) [pillar;prop;mainstay]∶起支撑作用的柱子。比喻中坚力量

  • 矿用支柱

  • 家庭的支柱

  • (2) [support;prop up]∶支撑;撑起;撑住

  • 桥梁支柱

支柱[zhī zhù]
  1. 免疫疗法是获得诺贝尔奖的科学,现在是治疗癌症的一个关键支柱,与化学疗法、放射治疗和手术并列。

    Immunotherapy is Nobel prize-winning science that is now a key pillar of cancer treatment alongside chemotherapy , radiotherapy and surgery .

  2. 在中国加入WTO至际,汉中市提出了把绿色蔬菜产业作为汉中农业的支柱产业之一来发展。

    When China joins WTO , Hanzhong suggested green vegetables industry as one of the pillar industries of the agriculture of Hanzhong to develop .

  3. 桥下的支柱开始弯曲。

    The supports under the bridge were starting to bend .

  4. 母亲通常是家庭的情感支柱。

    Mothers are often the ones who provide emotional support for the family .

  5. 可可是这个国家的经济支柱。

    Cocoa is the country 's economic mainstay .

  6. 北大西洋公约组织仍然是美国在欧洲首要的支柱机构。

    NATO remains the United States ' chief institutional anchor in Europe

  7. 他不久就会成为英格兰队的支柱。

    He will shortly become the fulcrum of the England team

  8. 商店店主一度本该成为保守党统治集团的重要支柱。

    Shopkeepers would once have been pillars of the Tory establishment

  9. 社会地位很大程度上是由家里经济支柱的职业决定的。

    Social status is largely determined by the occupation of the main breadwinner

  10. 他仍然是维系该国脆弱的政治平衡的支柱。

    He remains the anchor of the country 's fragile political balance .

  11. 英国的小商人是国家经济的支柱。

    The small business people of Britain are the economic backbone of the nation .

  12. 好朋友是我生命的支柱。

    Best friends are the foundation of my life

  13. 他是她的精神支柱。

    He provided an emotional anchor for her

  14. 我生命中有两大支柱:一个是酒,另一个是工作。

    I had two props in my life ; one was alcohol , the other work .

  15. 灵魂的气息是这些砖墙的支柱。

    The odor of souls is a brace to the walls .

  16. 父母的爱是她悲伤时的精神支柱。

    Parent 's love was her crutch in times of sorrow .

  17. 他在国外工作时,家书是他的精神支柱。

    Letters from home were an anchor to him when he worked abroad .

  18. 对于一个以渔业为主要经济支柱的国家,这样的结果是灾难性的。

    In a country where fish is one of the economy 's mainstays , the result was disaster .

  19. APEC各成员将就经济改革、新经济、创新增长、包容性支持和城镇化等五大支柱领域展开交流对话,发掘亚太新一轮经济增长的新动力。

    APEC members will discuss key fields such as economic reforms , innovation and urbanization . They will explore new momentum for regional growth .

  20. 但阿姆斯特朗技术变革的支柱是人情味

    But underpinning Mr Armstrong 's technology changes is a human touch .

  21. 她是家里唯一的经济支柱。

    She was the sole breadwinner of the family .

  22. T.论人文地理学的三大支柱

    On the Three Posts of Human Geography

  23. 经济技术合作是APEC的重要支柱。

    ECOTECH is one of the important pillars of APEC .

  24. 我国地理信息系统(GIS)技术正在向信息化方向发展,并正在逐步成为面向21世纪的支柱产业&信息产业的重要组成部分。

    The technology of geographical information system ( GIS ) in China is progressing toward into a backbone industry in21th century an important component of information industry .

  25. 作为乌拉圭回合的重要成果,服务贸易总协定(GATS)是WTO框架下的三大支柱之一。

    As an important result of the Uruguay Round , the GATS is one of the three pillars of the WTO .

  26. 利用有限元法,结合ANSYS分析软件,对棒形支柱瓷绝缘子的弯曲应力进行了模拟分析,研究了棒形支柱瓷绝缘子承载时的弯曲应力分布。

    The bending stress of solid core post insulator was analyzed by simulation using ANSYS , an finite element analysis ( FEA ) software package .

  27. 国民待遇原则作为WTO体制的支柱之一,强调内外国主体法律地位的平等,昭示着经济自由主义的理念。

    As one of the pillars of WTO system , the principle of national treatment emphasizes the equality of legal status of both foreign and domestic subjects , which declares publicly the spirit of economic liberalism .

  28. 作为世贸组织三大法律支柱之一的TRIPS协定由于管辖的是知识产权的问题,而知识产权在现代的人类社会的发展中起的作用越来越大。

    As one of the three main legal text of WTO , TRIPS , which rules the intellectual property rights , became more and more important in the development of modern society .

  29. 建筑业是我国经济的重要支柱产业,不仅在GDP中占有重要比重,更解决了大量农民工的务工就业问题,对于国家经济发展和社会和谐具有重大意义。

    Construction is an important economic pillar industry in our country , not only in GDP occupies the important proportion , the more solves the employment problem of rural labors , for the national economy development and social harmony meaning is of great significance .

  30. 随着J2EE规范的出现,Java语言的功能及其开发工具得到极大的扩充、丰富和发展,并在复杂的、多层次的、构件化的以及分布式的电子商务和企业级应用中发挥重要的支柱作用。

    With the appears of J2EE , the functions and tools of Java Language is be enriched and be used in more and more fields . at the same time , Java language can be used in complicated , multiplayered and distributed applications of e_business and enterprise applications .