
  1. 王夫之的阐释使礼具有了更浓烈的人文色彩。

    The hermeneutics of Wang made ancient rites more humanistic shape .

  2. 浅谈静物油画的人文色彩

    On the Humanistic Features in Oil Painting of Static Objects

  3. 重视保护历史文化街区的人文色彩

    Attach Importance to Preserve the Human Features of the Historical Culture Districts of Beijing

  4. 因此研究生态构思,更要强调理论的多元化和设计的人文色彩。

    So the research on Ecological Thought should more emphasize academic variety and civilization in architecture design .

  5. 语文学科的浓厚的人文色彩、丰富的思想内涵,使得它具备了得天独厚的塑造人的精神这一突出功能。

    The dense humanism and abundant meaning in Chinese subject , which make Chinese have a particular and outstanding function .

  6. 具有较深的文化内涵中国人自古以来就喜爱竹子,竹纤维产品具有天然的人文色彩。

    Cultural context , Chinese people have loved bamboo since ancient times , the bamboo fiber products has mixed Chinese traditional culture .

  7. 产品设计如何表现艺术性、高科技特征和人文色彩是设计师要研究的新课题。

    Product design should give expression to artistry , Hi-Tech characteristic and humane factors , which is the new subject for designer .

  8. 词是一种地域文学的样式,其初起阶段就打着鲜明的江南地区的地理人文色彩。

    Ci is a kind of regional literature style , whose early stage is colored up with distinct humanistic of Jiang Nan area .

  9. 随着高科技的发展而出现的网络术语具有浓厚的人文色彩。

    With the development of science and technology , the network terminology resulting from the new era shows a great tendency to humanism .

  10. 历史文化保护区在城市改造中应注意保留街区的人文色彩。

    In process of urban reform , it should be paying more attention to preserve the human features of the Historical Cultural Preservation Areas .

  11. 开发和保护的矛盾日益突出,如何在发展中保存历史更成为矛盾的焦点,这使得保护历史街区成为当代世界各国城市建设中最富人文色彩也是最具有挑战性的工作。

    The contradiction between development and protection is conspicuous day by day . How to conserve history during the development becomes the contradictory focus .

  12. 用摄影的手法对徽州建筑所寄托的地理、历史、文化等进行解读,突出人文色彩和建筑的精神气韵。

    With photography technique of huizhou architecture on geography , history , culture , etc , highlight the spirit of the humanities color and architectural artistically .

  13. 临床护理具有鲜明的人文色彩,随着医学模式的转变和护理学的发展,人们越来越重视护士人文素质的培养。

    Clinical nursing involves specific humanism . With the transformation of medical models and development of nursing , humanistic diathesis education of nurses is gaining more and more attention .

  14. 他最好的天赋就是把他对许多题材的大量研究混合在一起,成为敏锐、富于人文色彩而坚决的行文。

    One of his great gifts is for blending what is clearly a large amount of research , on many topics , into alert , humane , nonwonky prose .

  15. 犯罪心理学的研究,需要明确它的学科性质是偏向于社会科学的中间科学和带有浓厚人文色彩的边缘科学。

    It needs to define that the nature of the research of criminal psychology is closer to the intermediate science of social science and the brink science with a strong color of humanity .

  16. 纷繁的象征意义使玫瑰更具有人文色彩然而,由于汉英两种文化在感知取向、生活方式、色彩取向及动物象征意义上存在着明显的文化差异,汉英习语的文化底蕴自然有所不同。

    Cultural differences , such as sensory & mental perception , color preference , symbolic meanings of animals , and even ways of being , result in different cultural implications of idioms in the languages .

  17. 传统意义上依水而居的栖居观念创造了黄姚古镇独具人文色彩的栖居文化及建筑艺术。

    The traditional sense , " live according to the water " the concept of dwelling Huang Yao Ancient Town has created a unique culture of the humanities and the color of the dwelling architecture .

  18. 建构这样一种新的文化体系,使城市公共空间具有更强的人文色彩以及情境性质,实现人文生态的可持续发展。

    Construction or purchase like this a kind of new culture system , make the public space in city have stronger humanities color and scenario kinds , realize the humanities ecosystem can keep on the development .

  19. 重点分析新格言“更干净、更人性、更团结”,认为内涵更宽泛,人文色彩更强,是更高的持续发展境界,具有更强的现代发展意识的体育理念、人文理念。

    The new motto " more clean , more people-oriented and more ( united )", with a wider connotation and stronger humanistic color , is a higher realm of sustainable development , a sports and humanistic idea with a stronger concept of modern development .

  20. 随着新一轮课程改革,教育是人性教育的关注,教学是教育的教学理念不断取得人民的支持。每一个学生的全面和谐发展的核心价值,浓厚的人文色彩。

    With the deepening of the new round of curriculum reform ," Education is concerned with human nature education , teaching is teaching education philosophy of continuous deeply rooted . " In order to comprehensive and harmonious development of the core values of each student demonstrates humanistic overtones .

  21. 高级英语课教学的人文主义色彩

    The Importance of Humanistic View in Teaching Advanced English Course

  22. 洪堡大学理念的人文主义色彩

    Humboldt 's Classic Idea of University with Humanism

  23. 人文主义色彩与城市广场风格

    Humanism and Style of Public Square

  24. 中国高校学生事务管理的人治和人文关怀色彩较为浓厚,而美国高校则大力推崇科学理性和法治管理等。

    There is more rule of man and humanistic care in student affairs management of Chinese universities .

  25. 在新闻文化中,最能体现人文关怀色彩的新闻报道,当是对突发事件的报道与诠释。

    In the news culture reports that can best embody humane care are just those of sudden incidents .

  26. 中国电视广告的人文关怀色彩日趋浓郁,体现了中国广告创作理念的进步。

    Owing to the improvement of creation idea , the humanism solicitude has become the important characteristics of current Chinese TV advertising .

  27. 本文从作家对农民的物质生活、精神生活以及人生价值的实现等整个生存状况的深切关注,以及作品塑造的大量极富人文精神色彩的人物形象两个方面,进行了分析。

    This paper tries to analyse from his close attention to the state of peasant living and many images full of strong humanism spirit .

  28. 儒学的人文精神及其宗教色彩

    Humanistic spirit of confucianism and its religious colour and function

  29. 新课程改革将中小学的人文教育问题推到了前台,其中一切为了学生的发展的核心理念彰显了浓厚的人文色彩,职业教育也不例外。

    The new curriculum reform has pushed humanistic education in the primary and middle schools into the front stage , among which the core idea of " all for the students ' development " embodies the strong humanistic color . The vocational education is not exception .

  30. 中国传统的人文思想是对“人”的哲学思考,具有强烈的“群体意识”,可以说是一种“道德的人本主义”,从而使东方传统体育的实践具有浓厚的东方人文色彩;

    Chinese traditional humanism is philosophical thinking on human being . It has strong group awareness and can be regarded as moral humanism , so as to make oriental traditional sports with more oriental color .