
rén ɡōnɡ shòu fěn
  • artificial pollination
  1. 耐冬山茶(Camelliajaponica)花粉活力测定及人工授粉研究

    Camellia japonica Pollen Vigor and Determination of Artificial Pollination Research

  2. 采用不去雄、天然授粉,去雄、天然授粉和去雄、人工授粉3种授粉方式以鉴定不同授粉方式对Bar基因转移的影响;

    Three ways of pollination , including non emasculation and spontaneous pollination , emasculation and spontaneous pollination , and emasculation and artificial pollination were adopted in order to verify the effects to bar gene transfer under the different pollination conditions .

  3. 16天后,幼果开始形成,其速度与人工授粉的树木不相上下。

    Sixteen days later , young fruits started to form at a similar rate to trees pollinated by hand .

  4. 注:对照(ck)坐果率为不经人工授粉、在自然条件下即开放授粉系统中所统计的坐果率。

    Note : CK means that the statistic data was gained under the natural condition without manual pollination .

  5. BC2F1部分可育,未经人工授粉的56株结实5232粒。

    The BC_2F_1 plants showed partial fertility and 5232 seeds were set on 56 plants under open pollination conditions .

  6. 花粉室温保存15d,萌发率达50%以上,为尚未受冻的花朵进行人工授粉赢得时间。

    The germination rate was more than 50 % when pollen was kept at room temperature for 15 days that would provide enough time to pollinate the un-injured flowers .

  7. 结果表明,敖汉苜蓿在人工授粉10min后花粉粒的内壁穿过外壁的萌发孔向外突出,20min时形成花粉管,1h后花粉管触及柱头,而后沿花柱道伸长。

    The result showed that internal wall of pollen passes through the germination aperture in the external wall and protruded in 10 minutes of artificial pollination . After 20 minutes a pollen tube forms .

  8. 选用金钗石斛(DendrobiumnobileLindl)生长旺盛的大花朵进行人工授粉繁育,研究结果表明:授粉后经过6~8个月发育成熟,其蒴果大、种子数量多;

    Selected man-made pollination on the big flower of Dendrobium nobile Lindl which are fast-growing , the study shows , after pollination , the flower become mature after 6-8 months and its capsular fruit is big and it has a lot of seeds .

  9. 在人工授粉后24小时内4个品种的柱头形态和黏着的花粉粒数量会有一些变化,Nonpareil和Monterey柱头乳突细胞保持饱满状态的时间较长,且黏着的花粉粒数量也相对较多。

    The morphology of stigma and quantity of pollens on it would change in 24 hours after pollination . Cells of stigma of Nonpareil and Monterey would keep plump for long time , and the quantity of pollens on stigma of those two cultivars are more than others .

  10. 人工授粉提高果实种子数量与质量,促使梨树稳产、果大的技术效应明显。

    Increasing the quantity and quality of seeds by artificial pollination .

  11. 麻竹人工授粉群体连锁图谱的构建

    The Genetic Linkage Map Construction of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro

  12. 人工授粉对杉木种子发芽、形态及生物大分子的影响

    Effects of Artificial Pollination on Germination , Forms and Biomacromolecule of Chinese Fir Seed

  13. 不同施肥条件下人工授粉对西番莲的坐果率影响

    Impact of manual pollination on passionflower Passion fruit-setting rate fruiting under different fertilization levels

  14. 柿花粉发芽及人工授粉对果实品质影响的研究

    Pollen Germination in Vitro and Effect of Artificial Pollination on Fruit Quality of Persimmon

  15. 猕猴桃人工授粉技术研究

    Study on Artificial Pollination Technique of Kiwifruit

  16. 人工授粉和杂交亲本树矮化等实用技术。

    The control pollination and dwarfism of parent trees were also described in the paper .

  17. 单花序开放后2~3天内是人工授粉的最佳时期。

    Optimal time for hand pollination was within 2 to 3 days after flower opening .

  18. 银杏人工授粉技术

    The technique as artificial pollination of Ginkgo

  19. 大片区域不能进行自然授粉,果树必须要人工授粉才可以。

    Large areas have no effective pollinators ; fruit trees must be pollinated by hand .

  20. 生产中普遍采用人工授粉方式解决授粉问题,人工授粉虽能提高油桃坐果率,但是费工、费时。

    It is popular to adopt hand-pollination in the production to resolve the problem of pollination .

  21. 此研究可为阿月浑子生产上的花粉贮藏和人工授粉提供参考依据。

    So reference basis for pollen storage and artificial pollination of pistachio in the production was offered .

  22. 研究结果初步表明,控制授粉时气候及花枝位置对结实率的影响不显著,及时利用竹子田间自然开花并适时地进行人工授粉是可行的。

    It is suitable to carry out controlled pollination during the natural flowering period in bamboo field .

  23. 为了使其结果,需要对其进行人工授粉,即使用刷子将花粉从一朵花转移给另一朵花。

    To ensure fruit , hand pollinate by transferring pollen from one flower to another with a paintbrush .

  24. 通过人工授粉方法研究栽培稻与二倍体和四倍体野生稻之间的可交配性。

    The cross-compatibility between cultivated rice and 6 diploid and tetraploid wild rice species was studied by means of artificial pollination .

  25. 采用单蔓整枝法和人工授粉,开花后45~50d采收。

    Through pruning by single vine and artificial pollination , melons were ripe to be harvested in 45 ~ 50d after blooming .

  26. 虫媒和人工授粉对红荷包杏的授粉、坐果起着决定性的作用,风媒对红荷包杏的授粉基本不起作用;

    Insect and artificial pollination were essential to the rate of fertilization and fruit setting , whereas wind pollination demonstrated little effect .

  27. 研究了甘蓝蕾期人工授粉、天气条件以及花粉和柱头年龄对结荚率和结构籽量的影响。

    Sillqua percentage and seed quantity were affected by weather conditions and the age of pollen and style ln bud stage of cabbage .

  28. 采用不同荔枝品种花粉对桂味进行人工授粉,探讨了不同花粉源对桂味坐果、可食率及种子大小的影响。

    The effects of different pollen sources on fruit-set , edible rate and seed size in Guiwei Litchi were studied in this paper .

  29. 每天早晨喷3%NaCl后在不同时间进行人工授粉均可结籽;

    Seed setting was observed in all the plants manually pollinated at different hours of the day following treatment of 3 % NaCl solution .

  30. 人工授粉和适宜的疏花疏果技术明显影响锦丰梨的平均单果重、偏斜果率、果实整齐度。

    Artificial pollination , aptly fruit-thinning and blossom-thinning technique had a obvious effect on average single fruit weight , wry fruit rate and fruit uniformity .