
wàn jīn yóu
  • a balm for treating headaches, scalds and other minor ailments;a balm (for treating headaches,scalds and other minor ailments);Jack of all trades and master of none;jack of all trades
万金油 [wàn jīn yóu]
  • (1) [a balm (for treating headaches,scalds and other minor ailments)]∶清凉油的旧称

  • (2) [Jack of all trades and master of none]∶比喻什么都不精通,但什么都懂一点,什么都能应付一气的人

  • 万金油干部

万金油[wàn jīn yóu]
  1. 经常返回她移居的国家让她写出了她的第一本书《万金油》。

    Regular trips back to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book , Tiger Balm .

  2. 他是万金油,啥都不精。

    He 's a so-called jack of all trades and master of none .

  3. 同时,英特尔还公布了Atom芯片的新架构。Atom可以说是芯片界的万金油,从平板电脑到汽车,几乎随处都是它大显身手之地。

    It announced new architecture for its versatile Atom chip , found in everything from tablet computers to cars .

  4. 部分是为了对抗这种态度,我们给了DK相当多的能力去适应各种场面。他们变得过于万金油了。

    Partially to counter this attitude , we gave the DKs a lot of different tools to handle different situations .

  5. 由于谷歌是安卓的开发商,因此我么可以预期在安卓的内核当中就有因特网的连接,但是由于苹果把iphone做成了万金油,电话只是一个附加功能。

    Because Google is behind Android , you can expect the platform to have internet access at its core and while Apple pushes the iPhone as a Jack of all trade that does phoning on the side .

  6. 熊胆是你的“万金油”还是你的盘中餐?

    Is Bear Bile on your shelf or in your diet ?

  7. 老同志、万金油和领导干部专业化

    Specialization of Old Comrades , Jack of All Trades and Leading Cadres

  8. 一个被成为“万金油”的人是一个掌握了许多技能的人。

    A person who is a Jack of all trades has many skills .

  9. 这种趋势使得整个行业开始青睐那些“万金油”式的方案。

    The trend has led to an industry preference for more all-encompassing approaches .

  10. 万金油,风油精均有清热除烦的效果。

    Both essential Balm and essential oil have a cooling effect of stopping irritation .

  11. 万金油治疗头痛,不仅疗效神速,而且价格便宜。

    Treating headache with essential balm has a marvelously quick result at a low price .

  12. 气相色谱法测定虎标万金油中薄荷脑及樟脑的含量

    Simultaneous Determination of Mentholum and Camphor in Tiger Balm by High Performance Capillary Gas Chromatography

  13. 它将会生产万金油。

    It will produce snake oil .

  14. 不仅如此:它可能还会生产对万金油的需求。

    Not only that : it may also produce the want for the snake oil itself .

  15. 在地球是万金油的性质和盐的圣贤。

    For in earth is the balm of Nature , and the salt of the Sages .

  16. 它没有考虑到信心、故事以及万金油对经济波动产生的影响。

    It fails to take into account the roles of confidence , stories and snake oil in economic fluctuation .

  17. 首先,它有责任去监管资产市场,这样人们才不会被误导购买万金油资产。

    First , it has a duty to regulate asset markets so that people are not falsely lured into buying snake-oil assets .

  18. 回答:因为德鲁伊是被设计成一个“万金油”型的角色&擅长很多东西却都不精通。

    Answer : The Druid was designed as a " Jack of All Trades " type of character-good at many things yet master of none .

  19. 我是广州的一名大专院校毕业生,所学专业是目前被成为“万金油”的行政管理专业。

    I am Guangzhou 's universities , colleges and institutes graduates , studies specialized is at present becomes " the tiger balm " the administration specialty .

  20. 她误以为「恶魔油膏」是万金油,不知情的擦上了。这个民间传说中的法宝可以话可能为真实、消除可能世界间的界限。

    One day , she mistakes the " Devil 's Ointment " for Tiger Balm and accidentally gain the power to remove boundaries between possible worlds .

  21. 职业人员一般都是(某个领域内的)专家,与之相反,经理人就是样样皆通、样样稀松的“万金油”。

    In general , the professional is an expert , whereas the manager is a jack-of-all-trades and master of none & the antithesis of the professional .

  22. 当然,万金油是在什么王牌,但在高科技的世界,我认为这几乎是更好的。

    Of course , the jack of all trades is the ace at nothing , but in the tech world , I think that 's almost better .

  23. 问:你熟悉《纽约客》的漫画图说是万金油的说法——一个图说适用于每幅作品吗?

    Are you familiar with the theory of the universal New Yorker cartoon caption : that there 's one caption that could work for every single cartoon ?

  24. 更严格的治理俨然已经成了所有企业危机(甚至某些系统性灾难)的万金油式解决方案,而如果进展不顺,董事们可以被方便地当作替罪羊。

    Tighter governance has become the catch-all solution to all corporate , and some systemic , crises , with directors as useful scapegoats if things go wrong .

  25. 现在菲利佩比较倒霉的多次受困于伤病,不过他是个后卫万金油,可以打左后卫和中后卫,这是他吸引尤文的一大原因。

    Felipe has suffered from constant injury problems since , but his versatility , being able to play in the centre and at left back , attracts Juve .

  26. 毕竟在抗衰老药物的销售中,充满了天花乱坠的虚假宣传,有些干脆不如说是万金油。

    After all , the field of antiaging drugs is littered with compounds that failed to live up to their hype or were hardly more than snake oil .

  27. 罗伯森是一名万金油型的球员,在防守外线明星球员时,联盟中极少有球员能做到像罗伯森那样的出色。

    Roberson is a skeleton key . Few defenders in the league ( if any ) do so well in locking down opposing stars across all three perimeter positions .

  28. 另一方面,当信心过高时,由于购买金融资产的人难以对这些资产进行估值,人们将愿意并且确实会购买万金油。

    On the other hand , when confidence is high , and since financial assets are hard to evaluate by those who are buying them , people will and do buy snake oil .

  29. 即使如此,人们依然需要花费时间才能将一门语言说得足够流利,能够在商务活动中派上用场,语言能力也不是克服商务往来中文化差异的万金油。

    It still takes time , though , to get fluent enough in a language to find it useful in business - and linguistic ability is not a catch-all way of overcoming cultural differences in business .

  30. 大部分人也许会说根本就没有什么挣钱的万金油法则,他们说对了,有些人生来就是企业家,有些人更适合坐办公室里搞文案。

    Many people will argue that there is no universal way for people to earn more money , and they 're right : some people are born entrepreneurs , others function much better in an office environment .