
  • 网络Salary system;responsibility system of salary given to each according to his post
  1. 技术和普通管理人员采取以岗薪制为主的结构工资制薪酬方案;

    For technicians and common managers , it adopts a structural wage system that gives priority to post salary .

  2. 生产和服务岗位员工实行岗薪制与计时工资制相结合的结构工资制薪酬方案。

    For staff with production and service , it designs a structural wage system that integrates post wage with hourly wage .

  3. 本文对岗薪制的结构进行了详尽地介绍,并说明了与之相关的分配制度和配套制度改革情况。

    This thesis introduces the structure of the position-pay system in detail , and explains situation of reforms of distribution system and matched system concerned .

  4. 阐述了企业现行结构工资分配模式存在的问题,并对现代企业制度下,建立岗薪制工资分配机制,构建多元化分配格局进行了探讨。

    The article described the existing problems in the present enterprise 's wage allocation mode , and it also discussed the establishment of job subsides allocation system and the construction of multi-unit allocation arrangement under modern enterprise situation .