
  • 网络Flammability;flammable and explosive;flammable and combustible;burn and explode
  1. 铁路油罐车在成品油充装过程中,由于油品本身的易燃易爆特性以及静电等危险因素的作用,极易发生火灾爆炸事故。

    On the process of loading product oil by railway tanker , as the flammability and explosive character of oil the effect of static and other hazardous factors , fire explosion accident is easy to take place .

  2. 由于采用了信号与功率的光纤传输和物理参数的电测方法及探头的低功耗设计,因此与传统测试系统相比具有安全可靠的优点,特别适用于易燃易爆及高电压等危险场合。

    For using electricity measurement of optical fiber transmitting and physics parameter signal and power micro-power consumption design of probe , the system is applicable especially to the flammability and explosive environments , is has the characteristic of safe and dependent comparing to the general measurement system .

  3. 第九条生产、储存和装卸易燃易爆危险物品的工厂、仓库和专用车站、码头,必须设置在城市的边缘或者相对独立的安全地带。

    Article 9 Existing factories and warehouses for production , storage , loading and unloading of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods , shall be established at urban border area or independent safety zone .

  4. 第四十六条违反本法的规定,生产、储存、运输、销售或者使用销毁易燃易爆危险物品的,责令停止违法行为,可以处警告、罚款或者十五日以下拘留。

    Article 46 Those who , in violation the rules of this law , produce , store , transport , sell or use , destroy inflammable and explosive dangerous goods , shall be ordered to stop illegal activities , and can be given disciplinary warning , penalty or disciplinary warning or penalty .

  5. 基于JAVA技术的易燃易爆毒性云团扩散软件的开发与应用

    Development and Application of the Software on Flammable , Explosive & Toxic cloud Diffusion Based on JAVA Technique

  6. 常用SARS消毒剂易燃易爆危险性及防火防爆

    Flammability and Explosion Hazard for Disinfectant for SARS in Common Use and the Countermeasures of Fire Prevention and Explosion Protection

  7. “环丙烷:一种极易燃易爆的无色气体,CH,有时用作一种麻醉剂.”

    " cyclopropane : a highly flammable , explosive , colorless gas , CH , sometimes used as an anesthetic . "

  8. 过大的探头功耗要求LD提供更大的光功率输出,因此在易燃易爆场合会产生不安全因素。

    Larger LD power output will be need when the probe power consumption becomes larger , so there will be unsafe factor in flammable and explosive occasion .

  9. 基于AHP-FUZZY方法的铁路易燃易爆危险物品装卸专用线安全评价

    Safety Evaluations of Leased Railway Line on Loading and Unloading Inflammable and Explosive Goods by AHP-FUZZY Model

  10. 在冶金行业和石油化工行业生产过程中可能产生或使用易燃易爆气体,利用PLC和上位机组成的HOSTLink网络系统能实现气体浓度自动监测和报警。

    The combustible and explosive gases may be generated or used during the production in the metallurgy and petrochemical enterprises . The Host Link network system combined with the PLC and the host computer can be used to detect the gas concentration and to alarm .

  11. 在煤炭的生产、加工过程中产生的大量甲烷(CH4)及一氧化碳(CO)等易燃易爆气体,带来了煤矿安全、环境污染等一系列的问题。

    Many kinds of inflammable and explosive gases such as methane ( CH4 ) and carbon monoxide ( CO ) coexisting in the process caused a series of problem like the safety problem and environment pollution and so on .

  12. 为了适应易燃易爆液位检测的需求,我们利用液体压力测量液位的原理,提出一种光纤法布里-珀罗(F-P)腔连续型液位传感器。

    In order to meet the requirements for the detection of flammable and explosive continuous liquid level , based on the principle of static liquid pressure , we developed a liquid sensor by using optical fibre Fabry-Perot cavity interferometer .

  13. LPG既是一种清洁能源,又是甲级易燃易爆化学品,LPG地下储库是利用地下洞室及水封技术来储存液化气,具有安全,经济,储量大的优点。

    LPG is clear energy , and it is a kind dangerous chemical which is combustible and explosive . LPG underground storage uses the underground carve to store the LPG , by the way of water seal curtain , which is safe , economical , and big storage .

  14. 作者认为,装用这种OFS装置来测量液位高度同时又可测液体密度,对提高罐车装载易燃易爆液体的计量检测是一种有效方法。

    The author is of the opinion that this is an effective way for the measurement of hazardous fuels in railway wagons as the OFS apparatus can detect the liquid level and also measure the liquid density .

  15. 因此,对有毒有害、易燃易爆气体浓度进行检测十分重要。

    Therefore , it is very important to detect their concentrations .

  16. 生产、储存易燃易爆危险物品的大型企业;

    Large enterprises producing and storing inflammable and explosive dangerous goods ;

  17. 易燃易爆,有毒,能使神经中枢麻醉。

    It is flammable , explosive , toxic and anesthetize nerve centres .

  18. 易燃易爆企业火灾危险性评价及对策

    Fire Risk Assessment and Countermeasure of Combustible and Explosive Corporation

  19. 易燃易爆材料超细粉碎技术及设备研究新进展

    Superfine Grinding Techniques of Combustibles and Explosives and Progress of Equipment Studies

  20. 该装置在易燃易爆场所有很好的应用前景。

    Its wide application will produce certainly benefit for society and economy .

  21. 易燃易爆化学物品火灾形势分析和对策研究

    A situation analysis and Countermeasure on inflammable and explosive chemical article fires

  22. 易燃易爆工艺管线焊接缺陷安全评定&上海石化总厂工艺管线的安全评定及其缺陷的返修技术

    Safety assessment for combustible and explosive chemical process pipeline containing weld defects

  23. 易燃易爆煤粉干燥工艺的研究与应用

    Drying Process Research and Applying of Flammable Explosive Coal Powder

  24. 确认设备附近无易燃易爆物质;

    There is no combustibles or explosives near the equipment ;

  25. 这类工具不能在易燃易爆环境中使用。

    Tools will not be used in an explosive or flammable atmosphere .

  26. 易燃易爆重大危险源事故概率计算

    Calculation of Accident Probability of Major Flammable and Explosive Hazard

  27. 易燃易爆岗位影响人的可靠性的主要因素

    Main Factors Affecting the Human Reliability of Petrochemical Jobs

  28. 易燃易爆化学物品如何安全度夏

    Flammable explosive chemistry goods how to get the degree of security in summer

  29. 易燃易爆气体管道抑爆系统研究

    An Explosion Suppresser for Combustible and Explosible Gas Pipeline

  30. 易燃易爆气体泄漏灾害中火源控制问题的对策

    Control Measures for Ignition Sources in Accidental Release of Flammable and Explosive Gases