
  • 网络Economic statistics;Economic Census
  1. GIS与运输经济统计结合可进行运量模拟、分析、预测和规划。

    Combining GIS and transportation economic statistics , we can simulate , analyse and predict transportation flow .

  2. 在一批糟糕的经济统计数据出炉以后,英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)看上去成了一名十足的输家。

    UK chancellor George Osborne looks decidedly like a loser after a dreadful batch of economic statistics .

  3. 基于Access的密云县主要国民经济统计指标数据库查询系统的开发

    Exploitation of the Main National Economic Statistic Indices Database Inquiry System of Miyun County Based on Access

  4. 在整个社会经济统计中,GDP核算居于核心地位。

    In the whole socio-economic statistics , it also play a core role .

  5. 这些研究采用的方法可以划分为两大类:区位模型分析和问卷调查分析。前者运用各种数学模型,如多元线性和非线性回归模型,采用经济统计数据,分析影响FDI的关键投资环境因素。

    We can divide these papers into two groups : one is using linear or nonlinear models and economical statistic data ;

  6. 那么看看吧,在2005年,当中央经济统计加入更多服务后,统计局将中国的GDP数据提高了17%;

    Lo and behold , in2005 , after a national economic census picked up more services , the NBS revised its GDP up by17 % ;

  7. 浅议SNA与社会经济统计的关系及我国SNA统计现状

    Brief Discussion on the Relationship Between SNA and Social Economic Statistics & Current

  8. Spencer的研究团队对有着不同的种族和经济统计数据的八个学校的130多个孩子进行了测试。

    Spencer 's team tested more than 130 kids in eight schools with very different racial and economic .

  9. 国民经济统计数据管理系统RIMS的接口管理

    The interface management of rims system

  10. 另外,本文分析了经济统计数据,证实了这条公路所带来的经济利益,例如在ChiangKong海关港口的泰国水果贸易。

    Moreover , this paper analyses the economics statistic , which can confirm the several advantages from this highway , such as trading value of Thai fruit at Chiang Kong Custom Port .

  11. 利用遥感、专题地图及自然与社会经济统计等数据,在GIS技术的支持下,建立了吉林省镇赉县土地利用变化专题数据库;

    Supported by RS and GIS technology , the authors applied remote sensing data , thematic maps data and natural and social economic data to establishing the database of land-use temporal-spatial change , with Zhenlai County as the study area .

  12. 利用RS和GIS技术,将经济统计数据与基础地理空间数据、遥感影像数据相结合,对福建省耕地和林地的分布情况和利用效益进行分析。

    Using the technologies of RS and GIS , this paper focuses on the analysis and assessment of coverings and economic benefits of arable land and forest in Fujian province , where data from economic statistics , basic geographic data and remote sensing image are integrated .

  13. 采用1986年、2000年两期TM图像解译数据和相关社会经济统计资料,对鄂豫陕毗邻生态脆弱区域小城镇建设现状进行分析,指出其形成机理包括内生型和外生型。

    Based on the data of TM Fig. and relative social economic statistics in 1986 and 2000 , state quo of small towns development in neighboring eco-crisis regions of Hubei , Henan and Shaanxi was studied , and its form mechanism including inside and extemal type was analyzed .

  14. 利用1988和2000年的Landsat-TM数据,在GIS技术支持下,通过一系列空间分析,得到渤海海岸带土地利用/土地覆盖变化,结合社会经济统计资料分析该区域生态环境的动态变化情况及其驱动因素。

    Based on the Landsat-TM data in 1988 and 2000 , by using RS and GIS techniques , and taking reference of related social-economic data , this paper studied the changes of land use and land cover in Bohai coastal area , their driving factors , and effects on eco-environment .

  15. 固定样本在经济统计分析中的应用

    The Application of Fixed Sample to the Economic and Statistical Analysis

  16. 就业是一个非常重要的社会和经济统计指标。

    Employment is very important statistics index to society and economy .

  17. 社会经济统计地理信息系统元数据库的设计及应用

    Designs for the metadata database in economic and social statistical GIS

  18. 社会经济统计指标的地图符号标度与分析

    Scale and analysis of map symbols of social economy statical indexes

  19. 中国应建立更为完善的宏观经济统计体系

    China Should Set up A More Perfect System of Macroeconomic Statistics

  20. 经济统计地理信息系统中的一种地图自动更新算法

    An algorithm of map automatic updating for economic statistic GIS

  21. 上海市主要经济统计指标一览表(2003年1~7月)

    Synopsis of Shanghai Major Economic Indexes ( Jan. - Jul. 2003 )

  22. 农场经济统计数字化系统的网络实现

    Network realization of economic statistics digitization system in the farm

  23. 抽样调查在社会经济统计中应用的基本问题研究

    The study of primary problem of sampling survey to social economic statistics

  24. 环境&经济统计的思路与未来实践

    The Thinking Ways of Environmental-economic Statistics and Its Future Practice

  25. 浅析安全经济统计的对象和方法

    Preliminary Analysis on Object and Methods of Safety Economy Statistics

  26. 出错教学法在经济统计软件教学中的应用

    Application of " making mistakes " in software teaching of economics statistics

  27. 经济统计数据就显示,双方关系极为微妙。

    The economic statistics alone show the relationship is far more nuanced .

  28. 国际竞争力对社会经济统计的影响

    The Impact of International Competitive Capability on Social-economic Statistics

  29. 服务科学、服务创新与服务经济统计的发展

    Service Science , Service Innovation and Service Economy Statistics

  30. 他或许说的是经济统计数据。

    He might have been talking of economic statistics .