
  • 网络By name;Islamic names
  1. 对一些带有宗教色彩的民族风俗习惯,如婚丧仪式、割礼、起经名等都不加限制。

    There are no restrictions whatever on folkways and customs of a religious nature , such as wedding or funeral ceremonies , circumcision and giving religious names .

  2. 结果经138名正常受试者的标准化研究,发现该量表简便、实用。

    138 normal subjects were examined and the rating scores were recorded .

  3. 松质骨水肿的诊断均经2名影像科医师和1名副主任医师以上职称骨科医师共同读片确诊。

    The diagnoses of cancellous bone edema were confirmed together by 2 radiologists and 1 senior orthopedic surgeon .

  4. 中医辨证诊断需经两名中医师进行辨证,并获得一致结论后入选,辨证诊断时间在开始治疗前1周内。

    The diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine syndromes was performed by two Chinese physicians within one week pre-treatment , and selected after the coincident conclusion was obtained .

  5. 赫舍尔有二十五年的软件行业高管经历,她经一名同事介绍认识了米勒,并同意担任一个类似导师的角色。

    Ms. Herscher , who has two and a half decades of experience as a software executive , was introduced to Ms. Miller through a colleague and had agreed to become a kind of mentor .

  6. 经5名操作者参加连续25次随机方向控制实验,平均正确率达到91.2%,再次证实本文设计的α波的脑&机接口系统进行多选项控制的可实现性和潜在应用价值。

    Five subjects attended continuous 25 times random command control experiment , and they have acquired average correction rate of 91.2 % . By successfully realizing the real time control of outer device , it is proved that the RLCMS is feasible and with potential application value .

  7. 方法:1998年10月-2004年10月神经外科收治的脑膜瘤、脑转移癌各30例,胶质瘤40例。所有病例均经两名以上病理科医师确诊。

    Method : 100 patients with meningioma ( 30 cases ) ? metastatic brain tumor ( 30 cases ) and 40 patients with glioma were hospitalized in the department of neurosurgery from Oct , 1998 to Oct , 2004.All the cases were diagnosed accurately by two plus pathologists .

  8. 制度下的和谐&帛书《黄帝四经》形名思想解析

    Harmony Within a System : Form and Name in The Silk-Book Huang-Di-Si-Jing

  9. 她既非弱不经风的名嫒淑女,又非仪态万方的大家闰秀,而是一个来自平民的孤苦无靠的少女。

    She was not the one who appeared in all her glory but was a girl who came from the populace .

  10. 文人写作时往往直接采用经典文本中已存在的文体类型、或者从经书中抽绎某种文体的潜在形式加以发展,或者依经而称名,稽古而制式。

    Writers tended to write the text directly using the classical style had been the type of book or by pumping from the Sounds of the potential of a form of cultural development , or in accordance with the said by the name of restoring the old standard .

  11. 尽管皮凯蒂的父母都没有业士文凭(法国高中文凭),但他的母亲后来上了夜校,经培训成为一名小学老师,而他的父亲成了法国农业科学研究院(InstitutNationaldelaRechercheAgronomique)的一名研究技术员。

    Though neither parent has the baccalaureate , the national high school degree , Piketty 's mother later took night classes to train as a primary school teacher , and his father became a research technician at Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique .

  12. 实时B型超声经腹检测104名正常成年人椎管分析

    An analysis of abdominal ultrsound vertebral canal measurements in 104 normal adults

  13. 穆巴拉克生于尼罗河三角洲一个中下层中产阶级农村家庭,1949年从军校毕业后,经培训成为一名战斗机飞行员&这一职业选择,奠定了他政治生涯的基础。

    Born to a lower middle class rural family in the Nile Delta , he graduated from the military academy in 1949 , then trained as a fighter pilot , a career move that was to form the foundation of his political career .