
  • 网络Young journalists;Young Reporters;Youth Journalist
  1. 我时来运转,在“年度最佳青年记者”竞赛中取胜。

    I got my lucky break when I won a ' Young Journalist of the Year ' competition .

  2. 中国青年新闻记者学会

    ICPS Information Bulletin Society of Chinese Young Journalists

  3. 据Europics称,迷笛音乐节上的青年告诉记者“遛白菜”能帮助他们处理情感上的问题。

    According to Europics , the teens in the photographs at the Midi festival told reporters that walking cabbages helped them cope with emotional problems .

  4. 上周刊登的漫画嘲讽的是《纽约时报》青年黑人记者杰森-布莱尔数月来在文章中捏造新闻事实被披露一事。

    Last week 's cartoon played on the revelation that Jayson Blair , a young black reporter at the TheNewYorkTimes , had been falsifying material in his articles for several months .

  5. 克里曼告诉《北京青年报》记者,tuhao与英语中bling(意指穿名牌衣服戴璀璨珠宝)一词有着相似之处。

    Kleeman told the Beijing Youth Daily that tuhao has some similarities with the English word bling , which refers to expensive , ostentatious clothing or jewelry .

  6. 上周,中国青年报的记者假装成他的家属访问了在漯河监狱里面的徐先生。

    Last week , reporters from the China Youth Daily , pretending to be relatives , visited Mr Xu at the Luohe mental hospital .

  7. 近日,北京青年报的记者发现了一个有趣的现象,很多妙龄少女寻找伴侣时,放在首位考虑的并不是对方的财产与相貌,而更多的是对年龄和婚姻、情感状况的考察。

    Reporters with Beijing Youth Daily recently discovered an interesting phenomenon : While they searched for their prospective mates , many women considered the man 's age , marital status and emotional experiences , rather than wealth and appearance .