
nǎi niú chǎnɡ
  • dairy farm
  1. 石河子地区某奶牛场结核病的检疫

    The Quarantine for Tuberculosis of a Dairy Farm in Shihezi Area

  2. 我国奶牛场卫生管理规范探讨

    Investigation on the sanitary supervisory criterion of dairy farm in China

  3. 保罗·莱因霍尔德·乔布斯(PaulRdnholdJobs)在威斯康星州日耳曼敦的一家奶牛场长大。

    Paul Reinhold Jobs had been raised on a dairy farm in Germantown , Wisconsin .

  4. 基于JDBC技术的奶牛场信息管理系统

    Dairy Cattle Field Information Management System Base on JDBC

  5. 按照与自由食品(FreedomFoods)达成的协议,中国集团新希望(NewHope)正投资5亿美元于澳大利亚奶牛场和乳品加工厂。自由食品是一家澳大利亚证券交易所(AustralianStockExchange)的上市企业。

    Chinese group New Hope is investing up to $ 500m in Australian dairy farms and processing plants as part of a deal with Freedom Foods , a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange .

  6. 用BLUP法估计荷斯坦种公牛在武汉市奶牛场的育种值

    Evaluation of Breeding Values of Holstein Bulls in Wuhan 's Dairy Farms by BLUP Method

  7. 奶牛场采用散栏式饲养工艺,采用TMR日粮,集中挤奶厅挤奶,人工清粪,墙体采用了卷帘系统,屋顶设有采光带。

    All these farms are well organized by utilizing the free stall bar raising technique , feeding the TMR diet , milking in central milking hall , clearing the fecal by labor ;

  8. “对牛弹琴”的成语大家都明白并不是一个褒义词,但英国一个奶牛场的农夫RobTaverner却不这么认为。

    We all knowthe phrase " howling at the moon " is not a commendatory term , butthe British one dairy farmer Rob Taverner do not think so .

  9. 添加0.1%EM活性液对奶牛场废水的去除效果要好于添加0.05%的EM活性液.试验还表明,EM活性液对奶牛场废水臭味去除效果非常明显。

    It is also indicated that the effect of dairy effluent treatment with EM activated liquid of 0.1 % added is better than that with EM activated liquid of 0.05 % added , and that the EM activated liquid can effectively remove the offensive odor from dairy effluent .

  10. 中国实施了一系列政府主导下的复苏国内乳品产业的努力,包括规定奶制品供应商应投资建立自己的奶牛场,由国有农产品企业巨头中粮集团(COFCO)出面收购曾经的顶尖民企蒙牛(Mengniu)。

    State-led efforts to revive the domestic industry have included regulations that dairy product suppliers invest in their own dairy farms and the acquisition of formerly private market leader Mengniu by state agribusiness giant Cofco .

  11. 采集省内20个奶牛场共209份生乳样品进行金黄色葡萄球菌的分离、产肠毒素(SEA-SEE)试验及耐药性试验。

    Isolated S. aureus strains were tested for staphylococcal enterotoxin ( SE ) production ( SEA-SEE ) and antimicrobial resistance .

  12. 但是在过去半年,英格兰德文郡一个奶牛场的农夫RobTaverner,每天早上都会身穿那套蓝色工作服和一双橡胶靴,在他喂养的奶牛们面前打太极。

    But every morning for the past six months , in his blue overalls and Wellington boots , Rob Taverner , a dairy farmer from Devon , has been practicing tai chi in front of his herd of cows .

  13. 数字化奶牛场挤奶机自动清洗控制器的设计

    Controller design of automatic cleaning milking machine in digital cattle farm

  14. 现代奶牛场技术管理体系的建立与探讨

    Establishment and Discussion on Technology Management System in Modern Dairy Farms

  15. 甘肃省规模化奶牛场污染状况检测与防治对策

    Inspection and Countermeasures of Pollution in Large Scale Dairy Cow Farm

  16. 山东奶牛场的牛舍设计及环境控制

    Designing and Environment Control of Cow Building in Shandong Province

  17. 因此,积极探索挤奶厅效能的评估方法,并对鱼骨式、并列式和转台式这三种我国最常见挤奶厅类型的效能进行评估具有重要的现实意义。规模奶牛场挤奶厅效能评估的研究

    A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Three Types of Milking Parlors

  18. 他们的试验地选在代顿附近的一个奶牛场。

    They tested them in a cow pasture near dayton .

  19. 西宁奶牛场玉米品种生产性能的分析

    Analysis on productivity of Maize Cultivars in Xining cattle farm

  20. 奶牛场废水处理工艺探讨

    Studies on the treatment processes of the cow waste water

  21. 奶牛场上,门外看不见一个人。

    Not a human being was out of doors at the dairy .

  22. 规模奶牛场与农户奶牛养殖效益比较

    The Benefits of Large-scale Dairy Farm Comparied with Farmer Household Cow Raising

  23. 玛丽和琳达前天在奶牛场。

    Mary and Linda were at the dairy the day before yesterday .

  24. 玉米被用作牲口饲料。洛阳市奶牛场青贮玉米饲料质量评价

    Evaluation on the Quality of Silage Corn Feed in Luoyang Cattle Farms

  25. 有效微生物用于奶牛场污水处理试验研究

    Experimental study on EM applied to dairy effluent treatment

  26. 奶牛场饲料结构优化的研究

    Study on optimization of feed structure in dairy farms

  27. 啊,不错,奶牛场里的克里克老板说。

    ' O no , ' said Dairyman Crick .

  28. 厌氧折流板反应器处理奶牛场废水的研究

    Study on Treatment of Wastewater From Dairy Farms by the Anaerobic Baffled Reactor

  29. 浅谈奶牛场的总平面规划

    Simple talk about the master planning of dairy farm

  30. 看见奶牛场老板绝望的样子,就连克莱尔先生也开始感到悲哀起来。

    Even Mr Clare began to feel tragical at the dairyman 's desperation .