
  • 网络identity;Erikson;self-identity;ego identity
  1. 自我同一性危机与道德选择多元化

    Self - identity crisis and the pluralistic selection of moral

  2. 而Marcia则从复杂的自我同一性概念中析出两个维度,从而对自我同一性进行实证研究成为可能。

    However , Marcia found 2 dimensions from the complex ego identity so that people can do empirical research into ego identity .

  3. 自我同一性是美国心理学家埃里克·H·埃里克森提出的重要概念,随后,这一概念被广泛地应用于社会心理学、人格心理学、发展心理学、教育心理学、咨询心理学和文化心理学。

    The important concept of ego-identity is introduced by Erik . H.Erikson . After that , the concept of self-identity has been applied to social psychology , personality psychology , developmental psychology , educational psychology , counseling psychology and cultural psychology .

  4. 就现在,还有一个事实,曾经跟你们讲过,Shelly,once,lectured,to,you,自我同一性的本质,这个事实什么时候是真的?

    Well , right now Here 's another fact Shelly about the nature of personal identity ? When was that fact true ?

  5. 自我同一性是Erikson自我精神分析理论的核心,Erikson认为青少期的中心发展任务是同一性对同一性扩散。

    Ego identity is the core of Erikson 's ego psychoanalytic theory . Erikson considered that identity vs. identity diffusion is the central developmental task in adolescence .

  6. 埃里克森(Erikson)认为自我同一性是心理发展的一个重要概念,他认为自我同一性的发展贯穿人的一生,但青少年期是发展自我同一性的关键时期。

    Erickson think that the self is an important concept of mental development , he thinks that the self-identity of development throughout life , but the adolescence is key period of the development of ego identity .

  7. 1968年Erikson提出自我同一性的概念以后,自我同一性一直是心理学研究的重点问题,特别是西方心理学者对青少年的自我同一性问题进行了大量深入的理论和实证研究。

    Ever since Erikson set forth the concept of ego identity in 1968 , ego identity is always the important issue in psychology research . The western developmental psychologists have conducted a large amount of studies , both theoretical and empirical .

  8. 青少年的发展课题与自我同一性&自我同一性的形成及其影响因素

    Developmental Tasks of Adolescence : Identity Achievement and its Related Factors

  9. 大学阶段是个体自我同一性发展的主要时期。

    College students are the main period of development of self-identity .

  10. 自我同一性与网络成瘾的关系分析。

    Second , relation analysis of Self - identity and IA .

  11. 自我同一性的发展是青少年期的中心发展任务。

    Ego identity development is the central developmental issue in adolescence .

  12. 网络成瘾行为会对大学生自我同一性的形成有负面影响。

    Web addiction has negative effect on the development of ego-identity ;

  13. 自我同一性理论对高校思想政治理论课的启示

    The Inspiration of Ego-identity Theory to College Thinking Politics Theory Course

  14. 大学新生自我同一性状态的性别差异及与人格特征的相关

    Gender Differences of Self-identity and Its Correlation with Personality Among Freshmen

  15. 大学生自我同一性状态与一般自我效能感存在显著相关。

    College students self-identity and general self-efficacy status were significantly related .

  16. 这就是青少年自我同一性发展和形成过程。

    This is the adolescent ego identity development and forming process .

  17. 自我同一性与青少年道德人格的发展

    The ego identity and the development of juveniles ' moral quality

  18. 本研究探讨了自我同一性与问题行为的相关性。

    This study investigated the correlation between problem behavior and ego-identity .

  19. 自我同一性问题涉及到青少年发展的各个方面,对青少年的健康成长具有重要影响。

    Ego identity can influence all the aspects of adolescent development .

  20. 目的探讨大学生自我同一性与心理健康状况的关系。

    Objective To explore relationship between identity status and mental health .

  21. 自我同一性是埃里克森人格理论的重要概念。

    Self-identity is an important concept of E. H. Erikson theory .

  22. 文章探讨了大学生自我同一性状态与人格变量之间的关系。

    The article discusses the relation between self-identity status and personality .

  23. 自我同一性:健全青少年道德人格发展的核心

    Ego Identity : The Core of Adolescents ' Moral Personality

  24. 自我同一性与人的心理健康关系密切。

    The self-identity has a close relation with the human mental health .

  25. 自我同一性发展理论的不同取向及其演变关系

    Different Orientation on the Theories of Self-identity Development and Their Evolving Relationships

  26. 大学生自我同一性发展与心理健康教育

    The College Student 's Development of the Self-Identity and the Mental-Health Education

  27. 家庭功能与初中生自我同一性的关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship Between Ego-Identity and Family Functions

  28. 青少年职业自我同一性的跨文化研究

    A Cross-Cultural Study on Adolescents ' Ego Identity in Occupation

  29. 从自我同一性视角探讨青少年的心理健康发展

    Research on the Development of Adolescents'Mental Health Based on Ego Identity Viewpoint

  30. 自我同一性与个人同一性、角色同一性和社会同一性。

    Self identity and personal identity , role identity , social identity .