
  • 网络Study Oversea;application
  1. 您能告诉我有关留学申请程序的情况吗?

    But could you tell me something about application procedures ?

  2. 我可以问您有关留学申请的问题吗?

    May I ask you some questions about application procedures ?

  3. 德国留学申请小记

    A short biography of applying for study in Germany

  4. 留学申请黑幕:要不要教孩子说谎?

    Are We Teaching the Kids to Lie ?

  5. 作为一个留学申请网站,进大学网要求学生需要填写各人资料表等个人信息。

    We require you to complete personal information form as a part of the process .

  6. 填写留学申请学校的申请表、使馆签证表、住宿表400元一套。

    To fill out UK universities application forms , vise form and accommodation form is RMB400 .

  7. 对于父母已经申请全家移民的,对学生留学申请是否会造成影响。

    The prime concern is to uate whether the applicant is a legitimate student , and they welcome students to immigrate after their studies .

  8. 同时英国政府还将对国际留学生申请的语言水平要求从B1级提高至B2级。

    It also raises the English-language requirement for many foreign applicants from level B1 to B2 .

  9. 对于毕业后希望留英两年的非欧盟(eu)学生,政策已经明显收紧,导致今年部分大学的印度留学生申请数量下跌约五分之一。

    The rules covering students from outside the EU who want to stay for two years after graduation have already been tightened significantly , leading for some universities to falls of about a fifth in applications from Indian students this year .

  10. 上海对外贸易学院外国留学生申请表

    Application Form for Study at Shanghai University of Foreign Trade

  11. 从9月开始,澳大利亚政府将提高留学生申请居留权所需的最低英语水平。

    From September , Canberra is set to raise the minimum English standards required for students to obtain residency .

  12. 按照规定,留学签证申请应在递交申请之前付清所有学费。

    It is a requirement for study visa applications that full fees are paid in advance of submitting an application .

  13. 他表示:今年留学生申请人数大幅增加,这个消息将进一步提高英国高等教育的竞争力。

    This year 's application figures have seen a substantial increase in applications from international students and this news will further increase the competitiveness of UK higher education .

  14. 该委员会还表示,英国等目标年龄群人口不断下降的国家,可以通过扩大其外国留学生申请,维持申请和入学率的增加。

    It suggests , too , that countries with declining populations for the targeted age group , such as the UK , can maintain increasing applications and enrolment by expanding their foreign applications .

  15. 在获得工作签证之前留学生均可申请为期12个月的选择性实践训练;就读科学,技术,工程学和数学专业(简称STEM教育)的留学生则可以有29个月的实践训练期。

    They are eligible to have 12 months of OPT before getting work visas ; graduates majoring in science , technology , engineering and mathematics ( STEM ) are given 29 months .

  16. 但研究生院理事会(CouncilofGraduateSchools)的这项调查称,尽管连续3年出现增长,但仍有78%的美国研究生院称,今年留学生的申请人数少于2003年。

    But even after three years of growth , 78 per cent of US graduate schools reported fewer international applicants this year than in 2003 , according to the survey by the Council of Graduate Schools .

  17. 由于时间相当紧迫,她决定请一家留学中介代办申请。

    She decided to leave the application work to a study abroad agent as it was already quite late .

  18. 很多中国留学生为了申请奖学金,便去申请容易拿奖而并非自己喜欢的专业。

    Many Chinese students to apply for a scholarship , then easily winning the prize and not to apply for their favorite professional .

  19. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国国土安全部正在考虑一项提案,要求留学生每年申请一次签证。

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is reportedly considering a proposal that would require foreign students to reapply for visas every year , reports the Washington Post .

  20. 这一新举措与美国旅游安全体系部分一致,适用于大多数航空旅客,包括留学和工作申请者,以及那些来自于前往加拿大不需要签证的国家的人。

    The new measure - part of the harmonization with the United States " travel security system - will apply to most air passengers , including all applicants for study and work permits , as well as those who come from countries that currently do not require a visa to come to Canada .

  21. 在北京大学学习半年(一学期)的留学生新生可以申请F签证入境,不需要做体格检查。

    International Students who will study at PKU for6 months could enter China with F Visa and do not need to take physical examination .

  22. 我只能说:外国留学生如果及时申请,就会及时得到签证。

    All I can say is : foreign students would get visas in time , if they apply for them in time .

  23. 然后需要带着新的住宿登记到留学生办公室,申请住宿地址进行变更。

    Then , you have to come to the International Students Office with your new registration certificate to update the address on your visa .