
yīnɡ ɡuó qiān zhènɡ
  • English visa
  1. BPP谨此确认在中国的英国签证官方签发机构对这类课程的签证申请所制定的甄选标准是一致而没有对一些学生有另外的标准。

    BPP would like to confirm that the criteria adopted by the British visa authorities in China in relation to such course applications are no different from those for other student visa applications .

  2. 代表团声称,比起申根签证(Schengenvisa)&这种签证允许获得者进入欧洲其他26国,官僚化的英国签证申请程序让许多中国游客怯步,让英国经济失去几十亿英镑的消费力。

    Delegates claim the bureaucratic application for UK visas , compared with the Schengen visa which grants access to 26 other European countries , is discouraging Chinese tourists and starving the UK economy of billions of pounds of spending power .

  3. 为什么英国签证的有效期在这里,他问。

    Why should a UK visa be valid here , he asked .

  4. 你带来你的英国签证了吗?

    VO : Do you bring your previous visa ?

  5. 英国签证申请中心举办OPENDAY

    UK Visa Application Centre in Chongqing Held OPEN DAY

  6. 好几天没见到你了,我拿到英国签证了。

    I haven 't seen you for days . I got my UK visa .

  7. 英国签证服务在中国西南地区开放

    British Visa Service Opens in Southwest China

  8. 签证官解读英国签证

    Visa Officer Interprets Visa Application of Britain

  9. 我的新英国签证没有在那里工作,也没有我的欧洲签证。

    My new UK visa didn 't work there , neither did my Europe visa .

  10. 最新英国签证解答

    The new answers about England visa

  11. 英国签证及移民局将简化中国学生申请第四层级学生签证所需提交的材料。

    The UK Visas and Immigration will reduce documentary requirements for Tier 4 student visa applicants from China .

  12. 申根区国家还拒绝承认以下说法:即持英国签证就足以确保进入申根区。

    The Schengen countries have also refused to accept that UK visas should be sufficient for entry into their area .

  13. 在旅游业经营者看来,英国签证处理制度是世界上“问题最严重的”。

    The UK visa processing system is regarded by tour operators as " the most problematic " in the world .

  14. 英国签证申请表长达9页,而申根签证申请表只有3页,而且英国签证表必须以英语填写。

    The UK visa form is nine pages long , compared with three for Schengen , and must be completed in English .

  15. 您在所居住的领事辖区的英国签证申请中心进行申请,可以让我们更快更有效地为您办理。

    It helps us handle applications quickly and efficiently if you apply at the office which covers the province where you live .

  16. 既然单凭申根签证就可以去巴黎、米兰等奢侈品购物中心,而无需递交额外的申请文件,他们又有什么理由申请英国签证呢?

    And why would they , when the Schengen offers passage to luxury shopping destinations such as Paris and Milan without extra paperwork ?

  17. 据英国签证处的官员透露,更多的创新性方案即将出台,届时英国的签证申请将会更安全、更高效。

    According to UKvisas staff , more innovations will be introduced soon to improve the security and efficiency of the application process even further .

  18. 您在提交申请时,英国签证申请中心将告知您前来领取您的材料和申请结果的时间。

    When you submit your application , the UK visa application centre will advise you when to return to collect your documents and result .

  19. 我相信新办法将有助于我们根除英国签证滥用现象,并能完善我们的移民制度。

    I believe this new approach will help us to root out the abuse of British visas , and improve the integrity of our immigration system .

  20. 英国签证政策不会因为签证申请中心而发生任何变化,英国在中国的签证制度将变得更加容易便捷。

    UK visa policies will not change as a result of the application centres ; the UK visa system will simply become more accessible across china .

  21. 请注意,由于所有申请都通过英国签证申请中心递交,签证申请中心将收取220元人民币的附加管理费。

    Please note that , the UK visa application centres will charge an additional administration fee of rmb220as all applications will be made through the centres .

  22. 但这只是部分地解决了问题,中国申请者还是需要到一个单独的英国签证中心录入生物特征识别信息。

    But this only partially solved the problem , as Chinese applicants are still required to visit a separate UK visa centre to process their biometric data .

  23. 未了,我的英国签证等待,我停止写小说,并提出了有关的建筑工人,而不是纪录片,具体的革命。

    Unsettled , waiting for my UK visa , I stopped writing the novel and made a documentary film about the construction workers instead , The Concrete Revolution .

  24. 去年启动的一项试行方案允许中国游客在一张表上办理申根签证和英国签证的申请。

    A pilot scheme , launched last year , allows Chinese travellers to apply for the Schengen visa and the UK visa at the same time and place .

  25. 这是《金融时报》一位荷兰读者所说的话。去年,他取消了在伦敦预定的酒店,原因是他的俄罗斯籍妻子在申请英国签证时遇到了很多麻烦。

    That was a Dutch Financial Times reader , cancelling his London hotel reservation last year because of the trouble his Russian wife was having getting a UK visa .

  26. 他们之所以热切想在国外碰碰运气,多半源于英国签证新政的出台。澳际教育咨询有限公司的王茜(音译)说。

    Their enthusiasm to try their luck in a foreign country is partly due to changes in visa policies , said Wang Qian from Aoji Enrollment Center of International Education Ltd.

  27. 英国签证及移民局保留以随机抽样的方式要求学生提交资金证明材料以及英语语言能力资格认证的权利。

    The UK Visas and Immigration said it reserved the right to request evidence of finances or language ability , and would do so for a random sample of applications .

  28. 中英政府还商议了关于增加现有的12个英国签证申请中心数量的潜在可能性,目前该数量已经多于任何其他欧盟国家。

    The government is also discussing with the Chinese government the potential to expand the existing UK network of 12 visa application centers - already more than any other EU country .

  29. 这些改变将使英国签证比有效期最多为90天的标准申根访客签证更具吸引力,同时使英国可与美国2014年提出的的签证服务相媲美。

    The changes amount to a much better deal than the standard Schengen visitor visa which is limited to a maximum 90 days , and puts the UK on a par with the 2014 US offer .

  30. 然而,这仍算不上真正的联合申请系统,因为需要英国签证的人士仍必须亲自跑一趟专门的英国签证中心,以便处理他们的生物特征数据。

    However , this still fell short of a true joint application system , since those requiring a UK permit were still required to visit a dedicated British visa centre in person to process their biometric data .