
liú ɡuān
  • keep in the hospital for observation
  1. 等候区、登记区、注射区和留观区按单行线路规划,并且与医院其他区域隔离开来。

    Areas for waiting , registration from the rest of the hospital and arranged following a one-way route .

  2. 整个接种过程都在车内完成,接种完成后可在车外留观区留观。

    The whole vaccination process will be carried out inside the vehicle . After getting a shot , vaccine recipients will remain under observation at a designated area outside of the vehicle .

  3. F组清醒及留观时间最长。

    Sober and leaving the time of view of group F was longest .

  4. 结果驻军某医院急诊科3月18日接诊1名发热患者,并留观治疗3d。

    Results In March 18 , a fever case was examined in emergency department of this hospita then cured for 3 days .

  5. ISO9000质量认证标准在急诊留观室病房化管理中的应用

    Application of ISO9000 in ward-mode management of observation room of emergency department

  6. 发热门诊诊治患者1512人次,留观85人,实现了SARS防治5个零的防疫目标。

    512 patients were treated and 85 were remained for further treatment . Epidemic goal of 5 zero against SARS was fulfilled .

  7. 自防治SARS工作以来加强发热门诊、留观室医务人员防护措施和方法的研究

    Study on protective measures and methods on medical staff in the outpatient department and observing room during the prevention and treatment of SARS

  8. 方法对877例发热诊室留观的患者,按发热程度、热程长短、病情严重程度分组进行比较,进行SCL-90(症状自评量表)测查,评估心理健康状况。

    Methods 877 patients in the fever clinic were compared according to adequacy of fever , length of disease , assessed with SCL-90 , evaluated the symptoms of mental health .

  9. 记录SpO2、丙泊酚总量、清醒及留观时间和镇痛效果。

    To record SpO2 , the total amount of propofol , sober and leaving the time of view and analgesic effect .

  10. 微创组在术后心脏功能恢复速度,呼吸机辅助时间,ICU留观时间,术后引流量,术后疼痛及患者满意度等方面具有明显优势(P0.05)。

    Minimally invasive group has obvious advantages in the speed of recovery of the postoperative cardiac function , postoperative mechanical ventilation time , ICU observing time , postoperative drainage , postoperative pain and patient satisfaction ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 急诊综合信息系统留观病房护士站的设计

    Design of observation wards nurse station in emergency integration information systems

  12. 急诊留观输液病人护理风险的防范

    Precaution of nursing risk in patients undergoing infusion observed in emergency department

  13. 烧伤留观病房诊疗流程探索

    Exploration of diagnosis flowchart for burn patients in observation ward

  14. 留观日间病房诊疗模式的建立与管理

    Foundation and Management of Diagnosis-treat Model of Pediatric Intra - day - ward

  15. 住院和急诊留观率12.2%。

    The ratio of patients hospitalized was 12.2 % .

  16. 浅析留观室病人选护士静脉输液的实践

    Practice of the Patients Selecting the Nurses to Intravenous Infusion in the Observation Ward

  17. 急诊留观病人家属需求的调查

    A survey of family members ' demands of patients kept observation in emergency department

  18. 3000份门急诊及留观病历的质量分析

    Quality Analysis of 3 000 Cases of Outpatient , Emergency and Observance Medical History

  19. 全院2年急诊留观及各科住院急性脑血管病病例分析

    An Analysis of Inpatients With Acute Cerebrovascular Diseases in Emergency Observation Room and Various Departments in Two Years

  20. 方法:采用运筹学中的排队论原理对综合性医院急诊留观病人排队系统进行研究;

    Methods : Use queuing theory to make research on the queuing system of emergency patients in general hospitals .

  21. 儿童在麻疹疫苗接种完成以后,必须要在现场留观半个小时,防止过敏现象发生。

    Children vaccinated will have to remain in the hospital for at least half an hour as a precaution against allergic reactions .

  22. 前言:目的:探讨门、急诊及留观病历的质控与管理方法,适应当前医疗市场需要。

    Objective : To explore the method of quality control and administration on outpatient medical history and meet the demand for present medical market .

  23. 目的:了解急诊观察室病人的心理需求,并针对他们的心理需求更好地开展健康教育,进一步提高护理质量及留观病人的满意度。

    Objective : In order to understand patients'psychological requirement and improve nursing quality , we had launched out health education for patients in emergency room .

  24. 前言:目的:探索一种新的以病人为中心的留观日间病房诊疗模式的价值。

    Objective : To found the medical service value of a newly , connecting patients , diagnosis treat model of the pediatric intra day ward .

  25. 结果各项医疗指标:急诊总数量、输液人数、留观病人数逐年上升,护理质量得到提高;

    Results The medical indexes have been increasing year by year , such as the total amount of emergency , transfusion and the nursing quality is imProved ;

  26. 目的通过对急诊留观室家属的调查,了解急诊留观室家属的需求,从而改进急诊就医的环境与质量。

    Objective By investigating the family members of the patients in emergency observation room , to understand their needs in order to improve the emergency environment and nursing quality .

  27. 婴儿送至婴儿室去洗澡,母亲留观一小时用平车送回病房。

    The Baby was sent to the nursery for Bathing . The mother was observed in the delivery room for one hour and sent to the ward by stretcher afterward .

  28. “我们应该使用医院留观作为教育的时间关于这些患者他们怎样可以改进他们的健康和提供他们停止使用药物建议”。

    We should use that hospital visit as a teachable moment to educate these patients on how they can improve their health and offer them counseling and referral programs for drug cessation .

  29. 结果:门诊病历缺陷总结为12类,急诊病历存在10个方面的问题,留观病历缺陷归纳为10类。

    Results : 12 kinds of the defects were summarized in outpatient medical history . There were 10 problems in emergency medical history and 10 kinds of the defects in observance medical history .

  30. 结论:规定门诊、急诊及留观病历质量控制的具体内容和目标有助于提高门诊医疗文件的管理质量。

    Conclusion : The regulation of the content and aim in quality control and administration on outpatient , emergency and observance medical history were helpful to improve administration quality of patients ' medical documents .