
  • 网络Hazen
  1. 京晶:是哈,真的要谢谢你所有的帮助了。

    Yeah , thanks for all your help .

  2. 如果这个哈根真像你说的那么厉害我怎么会从来没听说过他

    So , if this hagen ... guy is as good as you say ... How come I 've never heard of him ?

  3. 哈进展还真顺利-他拿起我了!

    Well , that went well . - He held me !

  4. 哈!互联网真是个伟大的工具。

    Gosh , the Internet is such a wonderful tool .

  5. 莉莉:哈,我真想看看它的庐山真面目。

    Lily : Aha , I really want to see its true color .

  6. 哈。她真是个笑话。

    She is such a joke .

  7. 对嘻哈乐我是茫茫然一无所知的,我问他,这种形式能不能撑起这么一个丰富、复杂的故事,他说,“罗恩,我要给你上一课。”哈,可真是实打实地受教育了。

    When I asked whether hip-hop - of which I was abysmally ignorant - could be the vehicle for telling such a rich , complex story , he answered , " Ron , I 'm going to educate you . " " And , boy , did he ever .

  8. 哈!哈!真有意思!把我的鞋还给我。

    Ha ! Ha ! Very funny ! Now give me back my shoes .

  9. 哈,那你真的被人解雇了吗?

    So it 's true , you are getting the sack .

  10. 哈,迈阿密,真是难以令人相信!

    So , miami , huh ? Can you believe that ?

  11. 老人实在太好奇了,他决定再扔一个饭团下去:“哈,这可真有趣!”

    The old man was so curious that he decided to throw another rice ball into the hole . " Ha , this is quite fun !"