
  • 网络Behind the Mountain;San Hau
  1. 由早单元到晚单元,向酸碱性增强方向演化,显示深源浅成铝质A型(A2型)花岗岩特征。各类构造环境判别图解投点,具造山后或后造山特征。

    Granitoids evolve toward acidity and alkalinity from early unit to late unit , display the characteristics of aluminous A-type granite ( A2-type ) and have the characteristic of post-orogeny in some tectonic setting distinguish diagram .

  2. 结合有关阶地特征及年龄,推算出21ka左右的晚更新世末以来昆仑山后山的抬升速率可能达11mm/a。

    In combination with the relevant terrace features and ages , it may be estimated that the average uplift rate of the rear zone of the Kunlun Mountains may have reached11mm / a since the end of the late Pleistocene ( 21ka BP ) .

  3. 太阳落山后这房子里很凉爽。

    The room was cool after the sun had gone down .

  4. 然而在太阳落山后,聚会就开始了。

    But when the sun goes down , the partying begins .

  5. 山后升起一轮明月。(6)在意大利曾有一位叫伽利略的科学家。

    There rose a bright moon from behind the hills .

  6. 爬过那座山后,我大腿的肌肉感到疼痛。

    The muscles in my thighs are sore after climbing that hill .

  7. 他们走到山后,看不见了。

    They passed behind the hill and out of sight .

  8. 买珠宝的食人怪就在前面的山后

    The trolls I sold them to are just beyond the next ridge .

  9. 爬过那座陡山后,他停下来喘口气。

    After climbing the steep hill , he stopped to catch his breath .

  10. 太阳每天早上在山后升起。

    The sun rises behind the mountain in the moring ( everyday ) .

  11. 战斗在太阳落山后不久突然停止了。

    The fight broke off shortly after sunset .

  12. 山后&上庄地区位于胶东招平断裂带中南段。

    Shanhou-Shangzhuang area is located in the middle south segment of Zhaoyuan-Pingdu fracture belt .

  13. 在山后挂着“极乐世界”字样御笔亲书的金匾。

    The inscription of'Extreme Happiness'behind the hill is in the handwriting of Emperor QianLong .

  14. 我不喜欢爬山,爬完山后我总是觉得筋疲力尽的。

    I don 't like climbing . I 'm always worn out after climbing .

  15. 医院所在地楼山后已被指定为中等风险区。

    Lou-shan-hou where the hospital is located has been designated as a medium-risk area .

  16. 丹尼尔:我向你保证,爬完山后,你一定会觉得神清气爽。

    Daniel : I give you my word , you must feel refreshed after mountain-climbing .

  17. 月亮落到山后去了。

    The moon sank below the hills .

  18. 在太阳落山后的周五晚上,她担心喝醉酒的司机横冲直撞。

    On Friday evenings , as the sun sets , she feels menaced by drunk drivers .

  19. 现在,我开始盼望太阳落山后的另一个不眠之夜了。

    I now look forward to the setting of the sun and the sleepless night ahead .

  20. 长夜躺在你的路边,黎明在朦胧的山后睡眠。

    The lone night lies along your path , the dawn sleeps behind the shadowy hills .

  21. 我们还没走到山后那段露天的路上,太阳就落山了。

    Before we were out on the clear road behind the hill , the sun was down .

  22. 白天这里是一块宁静祥和的场所,太阳落山后却变成了恐怖之地。

    Regions like this one that were innocent by day became horrors as the sun sneaked down .

  23. 然而,一辆卡车驶入温莎山后,在一个红绿灯的地方试图向右转弯。

    However , a truck came up Windsor Hill and tried to turn right at the traffic lights .

  24. 血滴得很慢很慢,仿佛是太阳落山后的冰柱滴下的水珠。

    The drops fell very slowly , as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone .

  25. 你像一颗隐在山后的星星,我是路上的行人。

    You are hidden as a star behind the hills , and I am a passer-by upon the road .

  26. 金星要作为晨星还是夜星需要看金星是在太阳以前出现还是在太阳落山后出现。

    Known as the morning or evening star , Venus is visible just before sunrise or just after sunset .

  27. 太阳落山后,火是惟一的光亮,而火又常常无情地吞噬生命。

    The only form of light after the sun went down was fire , and fire killed relentlessly and often .

  28. 太阳在清冷而紫红的山后缓缓沉下时,我听到男孩的脚步声朝我的房门走过来。

    The sun was slowly dropping behind the cold purple mountains when I heard the boy 's footsteps coming toward my door .

  29. 夕阳已在山后西沉,大地笼罩在黑暗之中,只是高处的天穹上尚留几丝余辉。

    The sun had gone behind the hill , and shadows were clinging to the earth , the sky above was full of traveling light .

  30. 新加坡的光污染非常严重,太阳落山后的夜空,他们的眼睛从未适应过黑暗。

    Light pollution is so bad in Singapore that people 's eyes never fully adapt to the dark when looking at the sky after sunset .