
  • 网络closing ceremony;Olympic Games Closing Ceremony
  1. 在2012年伦敦奥运会闭幕式上,这位三届世界杯冠军得主登台演讲,并承诺在下届奥运会时欢迎全世界。

    At the closing ceremony of London Games in 2012 , the three-time World Cup winner appeared in Rio 's presentation to promise to welcome the world at the next Games .

  2. 辣妹组合在伦敦奥运会闭幕式上的重聚成为今年最热门的演出,而她们在闭幕式现场的表现也没有令全球大约10亿名体育和音乐粉丝失望。

    Their performance at the London 2012 Olympics closing ceremony has been one of the most talked about gigs of the year . And the Spice Girls certainly didn 't disappoint as they took to the stage in front of an estimated one billion sport and music lovers worldwide .

  3. 她们来这里是为了参加奥运会闭幕式。

    They are here to take part in the Olympic closing ceremony .

  4. 北京奥运会闭幕式记忆塔制造及安装技术

    Manufacturing and setting technology of the memorial tower for closing ceremonies of Beijing Olympic Games

  5. 北京奥运会闭幕式记忆树的结构有限元分析

    The Finite Element Structural Analysis of the Memory Tree Presented in the Closing Ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games

  6. 2012年夏季伦敦奥运会闭幕式正在伦敦市有条不紊地进行

    In London , the closing ceremony is well underway as the city bids farewell to the 2012 Summer Olympic Games .

  7. 美国国务卿科林。鲍威尔取消了去希腊参加雅典奥运会闭幕式的计划。

    Secretary of State Colin Powell has cancelled the visit to Greece to attend the closing ceremonies of the Athens olympics .

  8. 中国导演张艺谋,谁导演的开幕及北京奥运会闭幕式上,将监督晚上烟花汇演。

    Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou , who directed the opening and closing ceremonies for the Beijing Olympics , will oversee the evening fireworks display .

  9. 据称,2012年伦敦奥运会闭幕式将是辣妹组合五人的最后一次演出。

    It is believed the London 2012 Olympic Games closing ceremony will be the last time the Spice Girls perform together as a five .

  10. 他义务拾捡垃圾,从烟头到塑料瓶,地上的所有垃圾他都拾起。后来,他的义务工作得到了官方的表扬和奖励,在北京奥运会闭幕式上,他被安排坐在前排观看。

    He litter picked everything from cigarette butts to plastic bottles and was rewarded for his voluntary work by the authorities with a seat at the closing ceremony .

  11. 周日,他将和歌手丽安娜-刘易斯、齐柏林飞艇乐队的杰米-佩吉以及市长鲍里斯-约翰逊一同出现在北京奥运会闭幕式上。

    He will appear alongside singer Leona Lewis , Led Zeppelin guitar legend Jimmy Page and Mayor Boris Johnson in the ceremony at the end of the Beijing Games on Sunday .

  12. 本月早些时候,伦敦奥运会闭幕式奏响英国国歌时,全球数亿观众看到他代替女王出现在了现场。

    Earlier this month he was watched by hundreds of millions around the globe standing in for the queen while the national anthem was sung at the closing ceremony of the London Olympics .

  13. 张艺谋在雅典奥运会闭幕式上导演的北京8分钟的文艺表演,展现出东方奇观的影像文化背后蕴涵的文化消费政治。

    Performance of " 8 Minutes in Beijing " in the closing ceremony of Athens Olympic Games directed by Zhang Yimou shows the cultural consumption Politics contained in the image culture of oriental wonder .

  14. 2008年她在北京奥运会闭幕式上担任过主要角色。2009年12月31日在北京首都体育馆举办个人演唱会,回顾自己的舞台生涯;

    She had a prominent role during the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and held the concert " 20 Years of Na , " a retrospective of her career , at the Capital Gymnasium , in late 2009 .

  15. 立博公司认为这位频频失态的市长在周日的奥运会闭幕式上可能还会失态,并以33比1的赔率打赌市长会在给下个主办城市的奥运旗帜交接仪式上把里约热内卢市长撞倒。

    Ladbrokes believes the gaffe-prone mayor could still commit a faux pas during Sunday 's closing ceremony and is offering 33 / 1 that he knocks over the mayor of Rio de Janeiro with the Olympic flag at the ceremonial handover to the next host .

  16. 北京奥运会开闭幕式舞台控制系统的PLC系统冗余设计与编程

    The Redundancy Design and Program of PLC Control System for Olympic Performing Stage

  17. 奥运会开闭幕式总导演张艺谋和他的“五虎上将”

    Olympics opening and closing ceremonies , general director Zhang Yimou and his " five-general "

  18. 北京奥运会开闭幕式现场扩声系统音频传输技术

    The Sound Amplification System and Audio Transmission Technique in Opening and Closing Ceremonies of Beijing Olympic Games

  19. 2008年北京奥运会开闭幕式病媒生物控制措施及其效果分析

    Strategy and effect analysis of vector control for the opening and closing ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  20. 奥运会开闭幕式门票实行抽签确定已成定局。

    The dice is cast by lot determination for the admission ticket of the Olpic open and close ceremony .

  21. 杰夫:每后奥运会的闭幕式上都有会旗的交接仪式。

    Jeff : There will be a handing-over and taking-over ceremony in each opening and closing of the Olympic Games .

  22. 在2004年雅典奥运会的闭幕式上,这对体坛情侣手拉着手出现在人们的视线中,两人的恋情首次公开。

    The two were seen walking hand-in-hand at the closing ceremony of the2004 Athens olympics , when their courtship first became public .

  23. 据周丽说,这些女孩们曾被邀请在北京奥运会的闭幕式上进行12分钟的演出。

    According to Zhou , the girls have been invited to give a12-minute performance on the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games .

  24. 北京奥运会开闭幕式大跨度威亚主钢索安全健康监测研究分析

    Health and Safety Monitoring Research and Analysis on Large-spans Crossed Main Steel Cable for Wire at Beijing Olympic Games Opening and Closing Ceremonies

  25. 成龙近几年一直采取亲北京的发展路线,他还在北京奥运会开闭幕式上参加演出。

    Chan has increasingly taken a pro-Beijing line in recent years , and performed in both the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics .

  26. 霍伊此前在2008年北京奥运会的闭幕式上也是担任英国团的旗手。现在他正在准备他的第四次奥林匹克征程。

    Preparing to compete in his fourth Olympic Games , Hoy was also given the honour of carrying the flag at the closing ceremony at the Beijing Olympics in 2008 .

  27. 夏季奥运会的闭幕式与开幕式一样耀眼夺目,也有一大批舞蹈演员,杂技演员,鼓手和奥运会的运动员。同时还包括了2012年奥运会的举办城市伦敦的展示。

    The closing ceremonies for the Summer Games included the same dramatic flare at the opening ceremonies , with an army of dancers , acrobats and drummers and the parade of the athletes filling the field , but also included a show within the show by London , host of the 2012 Games .

  28. 张艺谋的影片代表作包括1991年的《大红灯笼高高挂》和1994年的《活着》,此外他还执导了2008年北京奥运会开闭幕式。张艺谋上月曾发布一份声明,承认他和妻子违反了独生子女政策并为此道歉。

    The director -- noted for such films as 1991 's ' Raise the Red Lantern ' and 1994 's ' To Live , ' as well as for directing Beijing 's 2008 Olympic opening and closing ceremonies -- had issued a statement last month admitting that he and his wife violated the policy and apologizing .

  29. 就连奥运会的开闭幕式都几乎无法总结这项盛事,更何况是一首流行歌曲?

    The opening and closing ceremonies can barely sum up the event-how could one pop song hope to do the same ?

  30. 他也是2008年北京奥运会开幕式和闭幕式的总导演。

    He was also chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games .