
  • 网络curriculum integration;integration curriculum;integrated curriculum
  1. 高职CAD课程整合与实施

    The implementation of CAD curriculum integration

  2. Flash在信息技术与课程整合中的作用和实现

    The Action and Realization of Flash in the Information Technology and Curriculum Integration

  3. 基于SOA理念的网络课程整合架构设计

    The Architecture Design of Online Course Integration Based on SOA

  4. 阐述了什么是CIS设计和课程整合。

    It demonstrates the concept of CIS design and curriculum integration .

  5. 第一部分是CIS设计与课程整合的概述。

    The first is a summary of the CIS design and curriculum integration .

  6. 基于课程整合的内涵与外延,分析课程整合的组织形式,并结合CAD课程教学的内容划分详细的单元教学计划,探讨课程整合的模式与具体实施过程。

    Analyses the organized forms of curriculum integration based the implications and extensions , partitioned the detailed teaching programs and discusses the implementation and correlated models of CAD curriculum integration combining with practicality in our college .

  7. WebQuest是信息技术与课程整合的一种有效形式,并对高校中采用WebQuest进行天文选修课教学的可行性作了分析,最后以历法探究为例展示了WebQuest教学的实施步骤和具体的网页设计。

    WebQuest is a valid way for the integration of information technology and astronomic curriculum . The feasibility of using WebQuest to teach astronomic elective in the university is analyzed . As an example , a concrete web design is given to the inquiry based teaching of calendar .

  8. 此外,还就学校本位课程整合的意义以及学校本位课程整合的可行模式进行了探讨。

    Third , The implementation of school-based curriculum integration is discussed .

  9. 人文教育与科学教育课程整合纲要

    Unified Outline on the Courses of Humanity Education and Science Education

  10. 校园网在信息技术与本科课程整合中的运用

    The Application of Campus Network to Integrating Information Technology Undergraduate Courses

  11. 信息技术与课程整合阶段公开课成本分析

    Information Technology and Curriculum Stage of the Open Class Cost Analysis

  12. 信息技术条件下大学英语课程整合的思考

    Thinking on the Conformity of College English Curricula with Information Technology

  13. 利用信息理论对武警指挥院校《高等数学》课程整合的探讨

    Research on the Curriculum Integration of Advanced Mathematics with Information Theory

  14. 分析指出建构主义学习论是信息技术与课程整合的理论基础。

    The paper points out that constructivism is the basis of ITTC .

  15. 对高校数字化体育教学及课程整合的有关概念、表述作了界定。

    To present the concept and expression of digital PE .

  16. 网络教学是信息技术与课程整合的主要形式。

    Web - based teaching is the Integration of IT and Curriculum .

  17. 多元智能理论指导下的信息技术与课程整合

    Integration of Informational Technology and Curriculums Guided by the Multiple Intelligences Theory

  18. 校本课程整合与合作的教师文化的生成

    Integration of School-based Curriculum and Formation of Cooperative Teacher Culture

  19. 信息技术与经济法学课程整合的策略

    Strategies for Integrating Information Technology into Instruction of Economic Law

  20. 对高等学校学科建设中实施课程整合的探讨

    Probe into Implementation of Curriculum Conformity in Construction of Subjects in Universities

  21. 我国高校实施数字化体育教学及课程整合研究

    Research on Digital PE . and Curriculum-integrating in Our University

  22. 教学模拟:信息技术与课程整合新途径

    Instructional Simulation : The New Approach in Integrating Technology in the Curriculum

  23. 信息技术与初中化学课程整合的应用研究

    Information Technology and Junior High School Chemistry Curriculum Integration of Applied Research

  24. 课程整合:我们应关注什么?

    What we should pay attention to in courses optimization ?

  25. 对“初等几何研究”进行课程整合的可行性研究

    Feasibility research on course integration of " research on elementary geometry "

  26. 大学教师教育技术培训与课程整合探索

    Analysis on university teacher ′ s educational technology training and curriculum integration

  27. 从信息技术与课程整合过程看教师培训的任务和方法

    From Information Technology and Curriculum Integration to Teachers Training

  28. 信息素质教育与医学专业课程整合研究两种临床专业课程教学模式的比较研究

    Comparison Studies on Education Patterns in Clinical Medicine with Two Different Professional Courses

  29. 培智学校体育课程整合初探

    Reflection on Curriculum Integration of P.E. in School for Students with mental retardation

  30. 最后,指出了课程整合所带来的教学困难。

    In the last , the difficulties in the teaching are pointed out .