
  • 网络the record of music;Yueji;Noeki;The Book of Music
  1. 第二、三、四章分别从自然本源、审美理想、行为体现三个方面来阐释《乐记》生态美学思想。

    In Chapter II , Chapter III and Chapter IV , the three respects of the ecological aesthetics of YueJi : natural origin , aesthetic ideal , appearance of behavior are explained respectively in progressive order .

  2. 然而不能简单因此说,《乐记》的核心思想就一定是乐治。在笔者看来,若论其核心思想,还是治乐较乐治更为合理。

    However , we cannot be said , the core idea of " Yueji " must be " Yue Zhi " . In the opinion of the author , about the core idea ," governance music " is more reasonable than " Yue Zhi " .

  3. 《礼记·乐记》文学批评思想探讨

    On the Research of the Thought of Literary Criticism in Yue Ji

  4. 《乐记》中乐“气”范畴的理论成型对中国传统文艺美学思想的发展影响深远。

    The theoretical formation of qi has had far-reaching significance to traditional Chinese aesthetic thinking .

  5. 论《乐记》气范畴的美学内涵

    On the Aesthetic Connotation of the Category " Qi " in The Record of Music

  6. 主要解决三个方面的问题:《乐记》的篇次归属和章节划分;

    It solves three major problems : the attribution of sections and division of chapters ofyueji ;

  7. 《乐记》是在中国音乐史和文艺理论史上都十分重要的著作。

    Yue Ji is a very important works in the history of Chinese music and literary theory .

  8. 《乐记》受到了《荀子》和《周易大传》的影响,由此形成了两种根本不同的美学观。

    Influenced by Xun Zi and Zhou Yi Da Zhuan , Yue Ji has two different aesthetical thought .

  9. 文章在前人研究的基础上,对《乐记》的美学思想内涵作了梳理。

    This paper combs the aesthetical thought 's meaning of Yue Ji on the base of the previous study .

  10. 该结果可实际应用于学校心理辅导,同时也为《乐记》中比类的音乐治疗方法提供了现实依据。

    This result can be used in the psychological guidance in school , and offer realistic basis to studying TCM music therapy .

  11. 《易传》对《乐记》音乐美学思想的影响&兼谈《乐记》中两个相互游离的美学观

    Yi Zhuan 's influence on the musical aesthetic ideology in Yue Ji : Simultaneously on the two incompatible aesthetic outlooks in Yue Ji

  12. 《乐记》是中国古代美学的一部重要著作,但其何时成书的问题一直悬而未决。

    Yue Ji is the important aesthetic work in Chinese ancient times , but the time when it was written has remained in suspense .

  13. 第四章分析《乐记》美学思想之流变及其对中国传统美学的影响。

    The Fourth Chapter analyzes the development and the change of Yue Ji 's aesthetic thought and it 's effect on the Chinese traditional aesthetics .

  14. 通过比较史书记载的汉初《乐记》的版本及材料来源,可以从另一个角度观察其作者及时代问题。

    Comparing the various materials and its origination in the historical books about Yue Ji , we can easily find the answer to these problems from another edge .

  15. 《乐记》是一部带有浓厚功利色彩的作品,其功利美学思想根源于它的功利主义哲学。

    Yue ji is a work with strong utility color , the utilitarianism of aesthetic thought rooted in his philosophy , and is a kind of materialism philosophy .

  16. 作为这场论争的总结和结晶的《乐记》,其成书年代历来没有弄清楚。

    People have never clarified the year of being published in book form and the author of 《 Chronicles of Music 》, as the summarization and crystallization of this controversy .

  17. 《礼记·乐记》是一份集中体现先秦儒家音乐思想与礼教思想的重要文献。

    The Book of Music in The Book of Rites is an important document that expresses prominently musical ideas and ritual ideas of the Confucian school before the Qin Dynasty .

  18. 《乐记》是中国音乐美学和艺术哲学的开山纲领,其系统、丰富的音乐美学思想,对后世始终发生着巨大而深远的历史影响。

    The writer held that Yue Ji ( Music Notes ) was an important creed of the Chinese music esthetics and artistic philosophy . Its esthetics ideological made a deep and far-reaching influence aftertime .

  19. 《乐记》形成年代的确定和提前,对于加强中国古代美学研究,对于更新古代美学传统并推进现代美学和艺术的发展,都具有十分重要的意义。

    Defining the Yue Ji 's written time has the great significance for enhancing the research of ancient Chinese aesthetics , updating ancient aesthetic tradition , and improving the development of modern aesthetics and arts .

  20. 中国古代声乐理论大约形成于春秋、战国时期,有关的史料记载最早见于汉代刘德等所著的《乐记·师乙篇》。

    The theory of ancient Chinese vocal music was shaped approximately in the period of Spring & Autumn and Warring States , which was recorded earliest in the Narration of Music-Learning From YI written by Liu De in Han Dynasty .

  21. 《乐记》是中国古代早期美学思想系统总结性的经典文献,在中国美学史上占有重要地位,对后世文学理论有重要的多方面的影响。

    YUE JI , a conclusive classical literature of the Chinese ancient early aesthetic thought system , plays an important role in the Chinese aesthetical history , and also has an important effect on many aspects of the later literary theory .

  22. 《礼记》是一部儒家经典著作,其中包含许多儒家的文学理论与批评思想,尤其是其中的《乐记》,可以说是一篇专门阐述儒家文学理论与批评思想的专章。

    Li Ji is a classic book of Confucian school which includes a lot of literary critical theory thoughts of Confucian school , especially Yue Ji in it ; it is the special paper explains the literary critical theory thoughts of Confucian school .

  23. 我国古代美学论著《乐记》中说:乐为舞之心,舞为乐之容,深刻地阐述了音乐与舞蹈之间密不可分的关系&即音乐是舞蹈的灵魂,舞蹈是音乐的形象。

    In the Yue Ji which is one of the ancient aesthetic works , says that Music is the soul of the dance , dancing is the image of the music , which deeply set forth the closely relationship between music and dancing .

  24. 为了有助于老百姓喜闻乐记及易于一代一代的流传下来,有相当数量的俗语一般都很讲究韵律风格,尤其是押韵,可以说押韵是俗语中最显著的特征。

    There are a great number of saying paying attention to the rhythm and style , especially the rhythm , which can help people easy to remember and are convenient to spread by generation , so rhythm is the most important feature of the saying .

  25. 服侍是信徒的特权和喜乐,但必须记着的是,福音是神白白赐人的恩赐,但真正的服侍却要我们付出代价。

    It may be a privilege and a joy but remember , the Gospel is free , but real service is costly .

  26. 以《乐论》和《乐记》为代表的荀学音乐思想,在学术上是对之前各家思想的一个批判的继承与总结;

    Xunzi and his school 's thought of music , which represented by the " Music Theory " and " Music ", was a critical succession and a summary to those before academic thinking .

  27. 唯乐不可以为伪&浅析《乐记》中乐的概念及其艺术本质论

    The Concept of Yue and the Theory on Artistic Essence in the Book of Rites

  28. 乐本与德音:从《乐记》看礼乐谐和的社会作用

    Musical Essence and Moral Music : The Social Functions of the Harmony between Li and Yue from