
  • Scientific evaluation;【辩证法】valuation of science
  1. 一个系统科学的评价系统与一套有效的决策手段对保障ERP的成功实施具有重要的现实意义。

    A systemic scientific evaluation system and an effective decision method have significant meaning to ensure the success of ERP implementation .

  2. 那么,OA期刊的质量到底如何,应当通过怎样的方式进行客观、科学的评价就成为了我们亟待解决的问题。

    So it is a question to solve how we should decide the quality of OA journals and judge them scientifically .

  3. 以HTTP的下载客户端为例,验证了这套评价体系的正确性,同时对HTTP下载客户端的安全性做出了科学的评价。

    Taking HTTP download client for example , we verify the correctness of this evaluation system , by giving the HTTP download client a scientific security evaluation .

  4. 本文利用模糊BORDA数分析法,将学术论文的效用值与其相对排序进行综合评价,得出一个科学的评价方法。

    A scientific evaluation method was defined by the synthetic evaluation of the thesis ' effective value and relative sort with BORDA numeral analysis method .

  5. 在运用科学的评价方法:多元线性回归模型计量统计分析法以及AHP评价分析法对目标进行评价分析。

    On the basis of the survey result , author use the scientific method to evaluate the object , such as measure statistical analysis method based on multiple linear regression model and evaluation and analysis method based on Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) .

  6. 利用ESI作为原始数据来源,对世界大学和科研院所的科研竞争力进行科学的评价,得到《世界大学科研竞争力排行榜》和《世界科研机构学科竞争力排行榜》。

    Recently , we did a scientific and objective evaluation on world universities and research institutions , using ESI as an original data . As a result , two reports Ranking of Research Abilities of World Universities and Ranking of Competition Abilities of Disciplines of World Scientific Organizations came out .

  7. 本文研究并建立了持续农业评价指标体系,利用计算机设计了持续农业综合评价系统(SAES),为区域持续农业评价提供了一个方便、直观、准确、科学的评价手段。

    Evaluation index system for sustainable agriculture is studied and developed in this paper . The agricultural integrated evaluation system ( SAES ), designed by computer technique , provide a convenient , directly perceived , accurate and scientific evaluation measure for regional sustainable agricultural evaluation .

  8. 深圳市节能效果评价若要达到保证评价质量的目的,必须建立科学的评价体系。

    Shenzhen should set scientific evaluation system to control evaluation effect .

  9. 建立科学的评价机制,鼓励创新。

    To establish scientific estimation system and to encourage innovations .

  10. 如何在奥运会后对志愿者进行科学的评价?从国内可查询的文献资料看,尚缺少这方面系统的理论研究。

    How to evaluate volunteers scientifically after the Olympic Games ?

  11. 二是要构建科学的评价指标体系;

    Second , to set up a scientific evaluation criterion ;

  12. 如何对企业技术创新能力进行准确、科学的评价,对于提高企业技术创新能力、建设创新型国家具有重要的现实意义。

    Evaluating enterprise technological innovation capacity accurately and scientifically has great practical significance .

  13. 树立科学的评价观念;

    SCIENCE Set up the scientific conception of evaluation ;

  14. 因此,应给予骈文更多的肯定和科学的评价。

    Therefore , more affirmation and scientific evaluation should be given to it .

  15. 企业资信评估利用了这些量化的方法进行科学的评价。

    The enterprise credit assessment uses these quantification methods to make the scientific assessment .

  16. 普经有人试图用客观的,科学的评价来替代主观的价值判断。

    There was an attempt to replace value judgments by objective , scientific evaluation .

  17. 然而,如何对董事会绩效进行科学的评价是理论和实务界面临的难题。

    But how to evaluate board performance is difficult both in theory and practice .

  18. 生命操作必须建立科学的评价体系

    Life Operation Being obliged to Build Evaluation Systems

  19. 科学的评价指标体系内部同层次指标间应该低度相关,不同层次上下级指标应该高度相关。

    The upper and lower indices at different level have similarities in higher degree .

  20. 第四,建立科学的评价体系。

    Finally , establish scientific evaluation mechanism .

  21. 目的:为儿童个体化给药建立科学的评价依据。

    OBJECTIVE : To establish a scientific evidence for evaluation of individualized administration among children .

  22. 而推进个性化教学的关键在于构建合理的科学的评价方式。

    The key to speeding up individuation teaching lies in constructing reasonable and scientific evaluation ways .

  23. 在理论分析基础上,对漳州农业竞争力进行客观、科学的评价。

    The basis of theoretical analysis , on the Zhangzhou agricultural competitiveness objective , scientific evaluation .

  24. 在这一背景下,科学的评价我国财产保险公司的经营绩效具有现实意义。

    So evaluating the performance of the property insurance companies of our country has realistic meanings .

  25. 要满足这一要求,就必须有简洁、明了、层次分明的指标体系结构,明确的评价标准和科学的评价方法。

    Therefore , it demands concise index system , clear evaluation criteria and scientific evaluation methods .

  26. 其三,采用科学的评价方法。

    To use scientific appraisal methods .

  27. 建立科学的评价体系,是促进教育发展的重要因素。

    To establish scientific evaluation system is an important factor to promote the development of education .

  28. 如何科学的评价中药材质量一直是中医药领域倍受关注的焦点。

    How to evaluate the quality of Chinese herbal medicines scientifically has always been the focus .

  29. 建立科学的评价体系;

    Establish scientific appraise system ;

  30. 职业技能鉴定是一项对职业技能水平的考核活动,是社会主义市场经济体制下科学的评价人才的一项重要制度。

    Professional skill appraisal is an important system to scientifically evaluate the talents under the socialist market economy .