
  1. 在90年代,美国在中东的唯一一场战争是派遣地面部队,把萨达姆·侯赛因(SaddamHussein)的侵略军赶出科威特,战争仅仅持续了100个小时。

    During the " 90s , the only American-led war in the Middle East was the one that drove Saddam Hussein 's invading army out of Kuwait with a ground campaign that lasted a mere 100 hours .

  2. 而在1990年至1991年伊拉克侵占科威特引发的海湾战争期间,中国还是石油净出口国。

    And China was a net oil exporter during the 1990-91 Gulf War following the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq .

  3. 但是,伊拉克无疑并不打算入侵美国或者甚至科威特,自从海湾战争开始,成千上万的美国和英国军队就一直驻扎在科威特。

    But certainly Iraq was not about to invade the United States or even kuwait , where thousands of American and British troops have patrolled the border since the Gulf war .