
  • 网络internal reorganization
  1. 危旧房改造属于全世界范围内的旧城改造,是对城市更新进行的内部重组。

    The transformation of dilapidated house belongs to the old city transformation in the world , is an internal reorganization to the urban renewal .

  2. 第三章是运用SWOT分析的方法对云南电信内部重组的优势、劣势及面临的外部机遇和威胁进行了分析,为构建重组方案提供了基础。

    The third chapter applies SWOT analysis to the internal restructuring of the superiority and inferiority and the outer opportunities and threats were analyzed and a reorganization plan offers a foundation .

  3. 在这一部分,作者从内部重组、外部重组及中外合资经营这三个角度出发对券商重组模式进行详细的比较分析,详细阐述了各种模式的特点。

    In this chapter , the author firstly gives her comments on current reorganization mode of China 's securities companies .

  4. 此次合作源于Eytys,Eytys致力内部重组,加强线上服务,完善供给链以和对手抗衡。

    The collaboration comes as the Swedish retailer undergoes a vast restructuring in a bid to beef up online services and speed up supply chains to catch up with rivals .

  5. 这位前任交通部官员努力要把中华电信转变为一家真正的私营企业,但一直面临着员工对内部重组的抵触、政府的不断干涉和艰难的监管环境。

    The former Communications Ministry official has faced resistance to internal restructuring , persistent government meddling and a challenging regulatory environment as he tries to transform Chunghwa into a true private enterprise .

  6. 在对企业重组中企业核心能力分析后,提出关于企业的外部重组,企业的内部重组,企业的市场重组等方面对企业核心能力的培育与管理。

    After the analysis for the enterprise core competence , we put forward some opinion about the enterprise outside recombination , the enterprise inside recombination and the enterprise market recombination in order to cultivate and manage the enterprise core competence .

  7. 最大一类重构是实现了类内部代码重组的重构方法。

    The largest variety of refactorings are those that reorganize code within a class .

  8. 纵观全球主导运营者的运营实践,它们所采取的主要策略包括:推行内部机构重组、建立策略联盟、注重固定与移动的融合等等。

    The major strategies taken by the global incumbent operators are to carry out interior structural reorganization , form strategic alliance and attach importance to FMC .

  9. 川渝中烟工业公司是国家大中型烟草企业之一,近年来通过内部的重组合并以及外部的扩张发展,发展迅猛,并形成了一定规模。

    In recent years , through internal reorganization merge as well as exterior expansion development , the company developed swiftly . But Sichuan-Chongqing tobacco industrial corporation is big but not strong .

  10. 这直接导致混凝土行业内部兼并重组的现象经常发生,并且成为一种趋势,混凝土行业市场竞争也越来越激烈。

    This led directly to the concrete industry m & a internal phenomenon occurs often , and become a trend . And concrete industry market competition is more and more fierce .

  11. 本文采用理论阐述和案例分析相结合的方法,分析了非对称信息对企业重组的影响,分别从重组企业内部、重组企业之间和重组企业与市场之间分析非对称信息产生的原因及影响。

    With the method of theoretic and case analysis this article analyzes the influence of the unsymmetrical information in restructuring and it views from three sections separately : from inner enterprise , between enterprises and also between enterprises and exchange market .

  12. ERP实施中企业内部业务流程重组研究

    Study on Enterprise-Wide Business Process Reengineering in ERP Application

  13. 待识别标志同样也提取内部图像,重组像素特征以后输入BP神经网络进行识别。

    To-be-identified marks also extract the internal images and then are input into the BP network for identification after being standardized .

  14. 集团内部企业之间重组的随机最优决策模型研究

    Research on the Model of Stochastic Optimal Decision-making Based on Reorganizations between Companies in the Same Group

  15. 如何调整并优化历史性商业建筑的内部功能,重组并更新它的外部形态,是本文的主要研究内容。

    How to adjust and optimize the historic commercial building internal functions , reorganize and update its external form , this is the main research component .

  16. 为适应产业结构调整和市场竞争的形势,我国许多企业集团需要在集团内部进行资产重组。

    To accommodate to the changes in the industrial structure and new conditions of the market , many enterprise groups in our country need to restructure their internal assets .

  17. 打破传统单一的审批职能,行政服务中心回归公民本位,整合内部资源,重组审批流程,在合作整合中成为政府与社会良性互动的平台。

    Breaking the traditional and single function of review and approval , the Administrative Service Center returns to its citizen own standard , integration of internal resources , becomes the positive interaction platform for the government and the social integration .

  18. 进而指出开发区导致了上海城市空间重构:加快了建成区的扩张和中心城区内部空间的重组;引导了城市空间形态由单中心圈层式向区域化、多中心的转变。

    Secondly , the paper points out that new development zones bring on urban space reconstruction in Shanghai , accelerate the expansion of urban built-up area and the reorganization of internal space in urban central area , turn urban form from the single-center pattern to the multi-center and regionalization .

  19. 学院制改革与高校内部教学科研机构重组

    School-based System and Reorganization of Academic Institutions in Higher Education

  20. 将需加强中国跨国企业法务部的内部整合,考虑重组责任制度

    Will need to increase internal integration of the Company 's law department and consider restructuring of reporting lines

  21. 银行稳定成本包括监管成本、内部控制成本、重组成本和宏观成本等。

    The cost of banking stability includes supervision cost , internal control cost , reorganization cost , and macro-cost .

  22. 2007年,在李泽楷着手修复与北京的关系时,电讯盈科的高级经理集中力量进行了内部整顿和债务重组。

    In 2007 , as Mr Li set about repairing relationships in Beijing , his senior managers at PCCW focused on an internal reorganisation and debt-restructuring exercise .

  23. 因此,电信企业需要一种能够实现内部流程监控与重组的软件系统来替代手工模式。

    Therefore , we need an information system , which can realize the management and reorganization of enterprise business processes , to replace the current manual operation mode .

  24. 在提出城市内部功能空间结构重组模式时,首先研究新产业空间、新居住空间、新商业空间、新休闲空间等不同新城市空间的空间布局模式。

    On the other hand , in interior model , this paper firstly studies the new industrial new spaces , residential spaces , commercial spaces and so on .

  25. 最终实现农村信用社不良资产直接清收、内部招标和债务重组处置的业务管理信息化,满足农村信用社不良资产处置业务需求。

    Ultimately , it achieves non-performing assets of rural credit cooperatives internal tender direct collection , debt restructuring and disposal of business management Informationization , and meets requirements of business disposing non-performing assets of rural credit cooperatives .

  26. 本文从内部调整、外部重组、横向联合三个方面深入分析了信息化建设过程中档案管理工作的改变及其变化发展的主要趋势。

    The paper discusses the change of Archives Management In the Process of Archives Informatization Construction and forecasts the trend of the change , as well as through three aspects which are internal adjustment , external reorganization and transverse joint .

  27. 这种增值型内部审计不是纯理论的研究结果,而是由于现代企业经营的风险加大,企业的治理结构转变,以及企业的内部组织战略重组等原因形成的新型内部审计。

    The value-added internal audit is not a pure academic concept , but a new practice concept developed in modern enterprise management , which is facing more risk , greater change in corporate governance and strategic recombination .