
  • 网络chrysomelidae
  1. 叶甲科部分种类线粒体COⅡ基因分子系统学研究(鞘翅目:叶甲总科)

    Molecular Phylogenetic Research on mtDNA CO ⅱ Gene of Chrysomelidae ( Coleoptera : Chrysomeloidea )

  2. 叶甲科昆虫在杂草生防中的研究与利用

    Study on Chrysomelidae for the biological control of weeds

  3. 中国叶甲科昆虫的食性分析及其生物学意义

    Analysis on feeding habits of Chinese leaf beetles and its biological effects

  4. 叶甲科的系统学研究进展

    Progress of Phylogenetic Study on Chrysomelidae

  5. 结果表明,鞘翅目甲虫标本925号,计71种,分属18个科,其中叶甲科种类最丰富,象甲科数量最丰富。

    A total of 925 beetles were captured , belonging to 71 species and 18 families . Chrysomelidae had most species , while Curculionidae had most individuals .

  6. 转换与颠换的比值为0.84,叶甲亚科转换与颠换之比(0.71)低于平均值,认为叶甲亚科是叶甲科演化历程中较为古老的种类;

    The ratio of transition and transversion ( R ) is 0.84 , and the ratio of Chrysomelinae ( 0.71 ) is lower than the average , so it is considered as the most ancient species in Chrysomelidae .