
  1. 他在机械修理方面有特别的天分。

    Who had an exceptional gift for fixing all things mechanical .

  2. 他是一位很有技巧、驾轻就熟的机械修理工。

    He is a skilful and effortless mechanic .

  3. 表面强化处理技术在机械修理中的应用

    Application of Surface Strengthening Technology in Machinery Repairing

  4. 等离子喷涂工艺及其在石油机械修理中的应用

    Application of Plasma Spraying in Machine Part Repairs

  5. 机械修理及保养主任监督运输设备的维修保养。

    Supervisor supervises the repairs , services and maintenance of transport and delivery equipment .

  6. 工程车,机械修理车你们的机械师能修好吗?

    Machineshop car Can your mechanics repair it ?

  7. 我在机械修理店工作。

    I work at a machine shop .

  8. 平均说来,每逢在测试数学推理、机械修理的能力,测试解决问题的技巧时,男性的总分总是高于女性。

    On the average , males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning , mechanical ability , and problem-solving skills .

  9. 根据网络技术在工程机械修理工作中的应用实践,提出了网络图的编绘方法和技巧;

    Based on the application practice of network chart in repair work of construction machinery , a programming method and hints for network chart are offered .

  10. 汽车网络教学在高职院校教学中也要从传统的机械修理转变为现代智能技术诊断,教学网络平台应运而生。

    The automobile network teaching must transform in the quality colleges and universities teaching from the traditional machinery repair into the modern electronic technology diagnosis , the teaching network platform arises at the historic moment .

  11. 目前,国有大型企业主辅分离的步伐正在加快,冶金机械修理业务从冶金企业剥离出去也成为大势所趋。

    Now the steps for large state enterprises to separate their main business from auxiliary business are being quickened , and the separation of metallurgical machinery repair business from a metallurgical enterprise has become the trend of the times .

  12. 根据煤矿机械修理厂生产需要,设计了一种简易的水泵实验设备,该设备具有结构简单、制造成本低、测量精度能够满足生产需要的优点。

    According to the demand of produce in the coal mine machine-fixing factory , designed a kind of simple water pump experiments equipments , this kind of equipments is simple in construction and low in the cost and the measure accuracy could be satisfied with the produce demand .

  13. 介绍港口机械修理设施的分类设置原则,并结合国内目前各港口的机修设施的发展变化,对新建或改扩建码头的配套机修设施的设置提出建议。

    The principles for installation of port mechanism maintenance facilities according to the classification are introduced in the paper and the proposals of installing associated mechanism maintenance for newly built or rebuilt wharf are also raised integrating with the developing changes of the present domestic port mechanism maintenance facilities .

  14. n.技工,机修工汽车机械工修理我的车。

    mechanic The automobile mechanic repaired my car .

  15. 机修工会运用机械技能修理各种各样的机器。

    The mechanic can repair different kinds of machine with his mechanical skill .

  16. 各种机械之修理及其零件之制造及加工。

    Overhaul & Repair Service for Various Machinery and Manufacture of its Components .

  17. 粘接技术在机械设备修理中的应用

    Application of Bonding Technology to Repairing Mechanical Equipments

  18. 汽车机械工修理我的车。

    The automobile mechanic repaired my car .

  19. 工程机械野外修理车

    Field Repair Vehicle of Construction Machinery

  20. 文章介绍了工程机械野外修理车的总体构成,主要由运载车、检测维修方舱、自备发动机组、检测诊断仪器、维修设备、维修工具等组成。

    The overall composition of a field repair vehicle for construction machinery is expatiated in the article .

  21. 该厂生产农业机械,外带修理农具。

    This factory produces agricultural machinery and repairs farm tools on the side .

  22. 机械工,修理工机械工正在修我的车。

    mechanic ( n. ) The mechanic is fixing my car .

  23. 机械设备大修理与否的经济界限的确定

    Economic Limits for General Overhaul of Mechanical Equipment

  24. 修配法在机械装配和修理中的应用技巧

    The application technique about the method of installment via repairing in manufacturing and reparation

  25. 工程机械现场应急修理措施

    Emergency repair method for construction machinery

  26. 仅对电气和机械设备进行修理,将其恢复至初始状态。

    Make only such electrical and mechanical repairs as will restore the apparatus to its original condition .

  27. 国际间农业劳动生产率的比较研究修配法在机械装配和修理中的应用技巧

    Internationally Comparative Study on Agricultural Productivity The application technique about the method of installment via repairing in manufacturing and reparation

  28. CHC-750型液力变矩器机械密封装置的修理

    How to Repair the Mechanical Seals on CHC-750 Torque Converter

  29. 自从两天前,机械师已在修理那辆车了。

    The mechanic has been repairing the car since two days ago .

  30. 工程机械几种零件的修理技巧

    Maintenance skills of several parts of construction machinery