
  • 网络Biological agriculture;Biological Farming
  1. 现代生物农业打破了农业和工业的传统界限,农业的产业要素、投资主体多元化,延长了产业链,改变了农业的产业形式,农业资源社会化了。

    Modern biological agriculture is breaking down the barriers between traditional agriculture and industry by increasing agricultural industrial elements , multiplying investors and prolonging industrial chains and changing agricultural industrial patterns . Agricultural resources have been socializing .

  2. 这些努力可能成为证明城市生物农业可行性的一个里程碑。

    These efforts could be a milestone in demonstrating the feasibility of urban biofarming .

  3. 这就是“城市生物农业”,一种主要为大城市开发的一种高技术农业。

    This is'urban biofarming ' , a kind of high-tech agriculture primarily developed for big cities .

  4. 后农业现代化,就是在农业现代化之后扬弃其化学污染和和生态掠夺的内涵,通过自然回归,走生态农业、生物农业、有机农业、绿色农业的新路。

    Post-agricultural modernization means that we should throw away the nature of chemical pollution and the rob of ecology after the agricultural modernization and go on ecological 、 biological and organic agriculture by natural regression .

  5. Ovid系统生物、农业数据库使用探讨

    Discussion on the Using about the Biologic Database and Agricultural Database of Ovid System

  6. Gemini表面活性剂因其在纺织、材料、生物、农业、洗涤、化工、石油等领域的应用而受到人们的重视。

    Gemini surfactant has become an important research subject because of its great significance in textile , material , biology , agriculture , washing , chemical industry and oil .

  7. 两个组织达成了协议:气候变化公司为生物柴油农业协会的麻疯树种植计划提供资金。

    The Climate Change Corporation funds the Biodiesel Agricultural Association 's tree-planting schemes .

  8. 以色列生物有机农业的规划与管理

    Program and Management on Israel Bio - Organic Agriculture

  9. 摘要土壤磁性数据将是生物磁学农业应用的基础。

    The soil magnetism data is the groundwork of biomagnetism application in agriculture .

  10. 生物柴油农业协会不从人民手里购买或者租借土地。

    The Biodiesel Agricultural Association neither buys nor leases land from the people .

  11. 自上个世纪80年代起,以色列便实现了生物有机农业产品的商业化运作。

    Israel has developed the commercialized products in bio-organic agriculture since the eighties last century .

  12. 生物柴油农业协会为马拉维的农民提供麻疯树苗,并教给他们如何生产生物柴油。

    The Biodiesel Agricultural Association gives Malawian farmers jatropha trees to plant and teaches them about biodiesel production .

  13. 根据生物柴油农业协会的调查,马拉维现在种有超过100万棵麻疯树。

    According to a Biodiesel Agricultural Association survey , more than one million jatropha trees are now growing in Malawi .

  14. 外来检疫性有害生物对农业生产安全构成重大隐患。论述了保障云南省农业生产安全的农业自然环境系统的基本特征及其变迁。

    This paper discusses basic character and transmutation of Yunnan 's agricultural natural environment system safeguarding agricultural activities against natural calamity .

  15. 生物动力农业将农业与宇宙关联起来,使得实施生物动力农业的个人能在一个坚实的科学模式指引下工作。

    Biodynamics brings agriculture into relationship with the cosmos , and it allows the individual to work with a very solid scientific model .

  16. 农业生态学是研究农业生物与农业环境之间相互关系及其作用机理和变化规律的农业应用学科。

    Agricultural ecology is an applied branch of learning about the interrelation , interactive mechanism and variational laws between agricultural biology and agricultural environment .

  17. 具有类似于铁那样的磁性的材料就是铁磁物质。土壤磁性数据将是生物磁学农业应用的基础。

    Materials which have magnetic properties similar to iron are ferromagnetic . The soil magnetism data is the groundwork of biomagnetism application in agriculture .

  18. 鸡是重要的模式生物和农业动物,其性别既是机体重要的生长发育性状,又是家禽产业重要的经济性状。

    Chicken is an important model organism and agricultural animal , Sexuality of which is an important developmental trait and economic character in poultry industry .

  19. 综述了甘蔗渣的研究进展,包括甘蔗渣纤维素的结构、性质、改性方法及甘蔗渣在工业、建筑业、生物、农业及预防医学上的综合利用。

    The biodegradable composites made from bagasse fibre and biodegraded resin were prepared by press forming , and the effects of alkali treatments on the fibres and composites were investigated .

  20. 通过对河北省平原区某地土壤样品的磁性测试,试图分析河北省平原区的土壤磁性背景,探讨生物磁学农业应用的途径。

    Based on soil magnetism investigation on one of area in Hebei Province tibility data to describe the soil magnetic background of plain area in Hebei province , and to study the method of biomagnetism application in agriculture .

  21. 利用生物、农业耕作、地上环境和工程措施调控相结合,是调控设施土壤生态环境的有效方法,土壤生物学的应用将是改善设施土壤生态环境新的研究方向。

    Measures for controlling greenhouse soil degradation should combine biological control , agricultural cultivation , ground environment and engineering method together . The application of soil biology will be a new direction for studying the improvement of greenhouse soil environment in the future .

  22. 多年的研究结果认为,秋收前后尽可能地蓄纳自然降水,并通过生物和农业措施减少土壤水分损失,合理高效地利用自然降水和土壤原贮水分是缓解土壤干早的根本对策。

    The research showed that catching and storing up rainwater to the maximum , reducing its loss to the minimun by biological and agricultural measures , and making full use of the rainwater and the original soil water were fundamental countermeasures to relax soil drought .

  23. EBID承诺在UNCTAD的支持下扶植公私合作的伙伴关系,并为生物燃料的农业和工业生产提供资助。

    EBID pledged to foster private-public partnerships , with support from UNCTAD , and to finance agricultural and industrial production for biofuels .

  24. 生物传感器在农业生物信息测量中的应用

    Applications of bio sensors in detection of agricultural bio - information

  25. 新型农业体系:基于生物经济的农业发展范式

    New Agriculture System : Paradigm of Agriculture Development Based on Bioeconomy Era

  26. 生物技术与农业科技进步关系的探讨

    A Probe into the Relationship between Bio - technology and Agricultural Development

  27. 纤维素生物转化在农业肥料和饲料中的应用

    Application of Bioconversion of Cellulose in Feed and Fertilizer

  28. 洞庭湖湿地生物利用与农业开发模式研究

    Research on pattern for biology utilization and agriculture development in Dongting Lake wetland

  29. 生物过滤器在农业臭气处理中的应用

    The Development and Prospect in Application of the Biofilter in Treating Agriculture Odor

  30. 生物技术和农业科学的发展,催生了许多优良品种。

    Biotechnology and agricultural science development give birth to a number of superior varieties .