
fèi jīn shǔ
  • scrap metal;old metal
  1. 一辆载满废金属的卡车掉货了。

    A lorry piled with scrap metal had shed its load .

  2. 我们把我们那辆旧车当作废金属卖掉了。

    We 've sold our old car for scrap .

  3. 该公司称,宁波yibao公司一位交易员jamesxu却告诉斯里瓦斯塔瓦,直到goldarrow公司就此前已交货的一批废金属质量问题支付赔偿后,才可以让他离开宁波。

    It alleged that James Xu , a Ningbo Yibao trader , instead told him he would not be allowed to leave the city until goldarrow paid compensation for quality problems with a previously delivered scrap shipment .

  4. 废金属贸易、投资现状及发展趋势

    Status of scrap trading , investment and the development trend

  5. 我被一收废金属的救下了,想象那个罢。

    Was . I was rescued by a scrap-metal merchant , imagine that .

  6. 铜、铝、镍和废金属的价格已经下跌。

    The prices of copper , aluminum , nickel and scrap have fallen .

  7. 这个车间熔化废金属。

    This workshop melts down the metal scrap .

  8. 重型未选废金属?

    Heavy pieces of unprepared scrap ?

  9. 他们把废金属熔化掉。

    They melted down metal scrap .

  10. 盗贼们注意到,中国的钢铁需求极大地推高了废金属价格。

    Thieves had noticed how much Chinese steel demand had bid up the price of scrap metal .

  11. 我能通过看图片大致知道废金属的品质,里面的含量和价格。

    I can identify quality of scrap hardware in the rough from pictures and speculate its content and price .

  12. 垃圾焚烧技术具有垃圾处理彻底,可回收热能及废金属等优点得到了广泛的应用。

    Solid waste incineration technique has been widely used for its entire disposal , heat energy recycle and metal recycle .

  13. 爸爸拥有并经营一家小的废金属处理厂,放学后,在他工作时,我经常在他身边玩耍。

    Dad owned and operated a small scrap metal business , and after school I often hung around while he worked .

  14. 突然他的脸上露出了喜色,他在垃圾堆上发现了一大块废金属,高兴得一把抓了起来。

    Suddenly he spotted a huge piece of waste metal on the rubbish heap and he pounced on it with great delight .

  15. 我爸用手把废金属塞进一个装置,这个装置像屠夫剁肋骨那样,利索地切割金属。

    Dad hand fed scrap steel into a device that chopped it as cleanly as a butcher chops a rack of ribs .

  16. 该报告发现,尽管废金属与废纸市场发展完善,但塑料的回收利用率依然很低。

    The report found that although the scrap metal and paper markets were well established , recycling rates for plastic were still low .

  17. 22岁的黄山,是悉尼远航金属有限公司的贸易经理,他的工作就是向中国出口废金属。

    Huang Shan , 22 , is a trade manager at Great Sail Metals Co. in Sydney , which exports waste metal to China .

  18. 但该州两家最大的废金属经营商却宣布,他们不再经营电池回收利用以免涉嫌连带责任。

    But two of that state 's largest scrap dealers have announced they will no longer deal with batteries because of the liability exposure .

  19. 他强占了他父母快要倒塌的农屋外的一间小棚子作为加工车间,脏乱的地上四处丢着废金属板。

    He has commandeered a shed outside his parents ' ramshackle farmhouse as a personal workshop , where scrap metal litters the dirt floors .

  20. 英国一家废金属公司指责中国客户劫持其首席交易员,以索取赎金。该案突显了在中国开展业务的挑战。

    A British scrap metal company has accused Chinese customers of abducting its chief trader for ransom in a case that underlines the challenges of doing business in China .

  21. 耐迈特作为自动化工业的主要倡导者,通过将可回收废金属用于第二合金的生产而在原铝行业站稳了脚跟。

    Ni-Met 's strong foothold in primary metals is synergised by in-depth knowledge of recyclable metal scraps for production of secondary alloys , the prime mover of the auto industry .

  22. 一两个星期后,专家注意到这些生锈的废金属。铬钢的碎片还是像以前那样亮。

    A week or two afterwards , the expert noticed that among the now rusty scraps of metal , the broken pieces of the chromium steel barrel were as bright as they had been originally .

  23. 金属回收是一项庞大的业务,可利用的废金属数量之所以迅速增加,并不全是因为价格上涨,还因为不同的金属有它们自己的供需动力。

    Recycling metal is a big business , and the boom in the availability of scrap metal is not entirely based on higher prices , as various metals have their own supply and demand dynamics .

  24. 小时候曾捡废金属卖钱的她,于1978年以实习生的身份进入巴西国家石油公司,逐渐对这家国有石油生产商了如指掌,足以让任何一个老板自惭形愧。

    After collecting scrap metal for cash as a child , she joined Petrobras as an intern in 1978 and accumulated an encyclopedic knowledge of Brazil 's state-controlled oil producer that would put any boss to shame .

  25. 贫困的人们每天步行数小时,到垃圾场搜集废金属卖给废品回收站,修补从垃圾场里捡来的破旧衣物和玩具并送到集市上卖。

    Desperate people travel for hours on foot to scrounge through the garbage daily to find scrap metal or bottles they can sell to recyclers or garments and toys they can repair and sell in a market .

  26. 如配有磁性滚轮时:适用于资源回收厂之铁金属分离、废轮胎金属去除及一般工厂制程去除残馀铁之用。

    When equipping with magnetic roller : proper for recycling plant to separate ferrous metal , remove metal on waste tires and scraps from general manufacturing process .

  27. 本装置采用真空加热裂解塑料外皮并配以对热解气体进行化学处理的方法来回收废电缆金属。

    This device uses a method of vacuum heating and pyrolytic plastic body combined with chemical treatment of the pyrolytic gas to recover the metals from the waste cables .

  28. 镉镍废电池中金属镍镉浸出行为的研究

    Leaching of Ni - Cd from spent Cadmium - Nickel batteries

  29. 含钼加氢精制废催化剂中金属钼的回收工艺研究

    Study on Process of Molybdenum Recovery from Waste Hydrogenation Catalyst

  30. 油脂氢化后废催化剂中金属镍的回收

    Recovery of nickel from its spent catalyst after oil and fat hydrogenation