
  • 网络maersk;MAERSK LINE;msk;Maersk Sealand
  1. 国际箱运班轮公司战略收购的博弈分析马士基收购PO为例

    Game Theory Adopted in Strategy Purchase by container shipping liner Purchase of P O by Maersk

  2. CNN新闻,马士基穆勒号,安德鲁·赛文斯,香港发回的报道。

    Andrew Sevens , CNN for the Maersk McKinney Moeller , Hong Kong .

  3. 我们的合作伙伴包括国际知名的马士基,韩进,中远,DHL等。

    Our cooperative partners include internationally renowned Maersk , Hanjin Transportation , COSCO and DHL .

  4. 丹麦APMller-Maersk旗下的马士基航运公司(MaerskLine)是业界的领导者,由于后者在今年一季度亏损5.55亿美元,前者在截至8月21日的上半财年很可能出现巨幅亏损。

    Denmark 's AP Mller-Maersk , whose Maersk Line is the industry leader , is likely to show big losses in its first half on August 21 after Maersk Line lost $ 555m in the first quarter .

  5. 2009年攻击“马士基亚拉巴马号”(MaerskAlabama)商船的唯一一名幸存下来的海盗目前正在美国服刑,其刑期为33年。好莱坞影片《菲利普斯船长》(CaptainPhillips)就是取材于这个故事。

    The only surviving pirate who attacked the Maersk Alabama merchant vessel in 2009 -- the story on which the Hollywood movie ' Captain Phillips ' is based -- is serving a 33-year sentence in a U.S. prison .

  6. 作为马士基(MAERSK)、东方海外(OOCL)、日本邮船(NYK)以及阳明海运(YML)的专业订舱代理,我们一直坚持为船务公司及广大客户提供高质量的订舱代理服务。

    Being the professional Booking Agent for MAERSK , OOCL , NYK and YML , we 've been providing high quality booking service for shipping lines and numerous clients .

  7. 马士基为美国政府及军方服务的准军事船队揭秘

    Disclosure of Maersk Lines serving the US Government and military forces

  8. 这是马士基穆勒号的首航。

    This is the maiden voyage of the Maersk McKinney Moeller .

  9. 以上举措表明马士基的经营策略发生了重大调整。

    The move represents a significant change in strategy for Maersk .

  10. 第六部分是马士基航运的调整战略。

    The sixth part is the adjusting strategy of Maersk line .

  11. 瀛海:坚决依法维护企业的合法权益瀛海诉马士基侵权一案在厦开庭审理

    Yinghai : Safeguarding Legitimate Rights & Interests of Firms According to Law

  12. 马士基已经有20笔订单,未来近20亿美元。

    Maersk has 20 on order , and near $ 2 billion on its future .

  13. 除了船的总体规模,马士基表示这是真正的业界改革者。

    Apart from the overall size of this vessel , Maersk says this is the real game changer .

  14. 世界最大的航运公司之一,穆勒&马士基集团表示,他们将尽可能绕开亚丁湾。

    One of the world 's biggest shippers , A.P.Moller Maersk , says it will avoid the Gulf of Aden .

  15. 第五部分对马士基航运的内部环境进行了分析,指出马士基航运的优势和劣势。

    The fifth part analyses the internal environment of Maersk line , finding the strength and weakness of Maersk line .

  16. 新加坡马士基在1978年创立只有两条船,从那时开始我们逐渐成为在新加坡登记的最大船队。

    A.P.Moller Singapore started with two vessels in1978.Since then our fleet has grown into one of the largest on the Singapore registry .

  17. 这意味着她会略慢于比自己规模较小的竞争对手,但回报是值得的,马士基说道。

    It means that she 's slightly slower than her smaller rivals , but the payoff is worth it , says Maersk .

  18. 今年初,马士基航运和其它集装箱承运商也表示,新兴市场业务量和运费都持续增长。

    Maersk Line and other container carriers also reported continued volume and rate growth from emerging markets for the start of the year .

  19. 中远、中海和马士基等相关航运企业都陆续转而发展物流,它们成功的实例为中波发展物流提供了借鉴,并让我们对航运企业发展物流的必要性及相关对策有所认识。

    From the actual examples of COSCO , China Ocean and Maersk , we can see how other relating shipping companies are developing logistics .

  20. 而且马士基表示实际这些集装箱从亚洲到欧洲或欧洲到亚洲大约只需要平常一半的费用。

    and Maersk says to actually ship one of these containers from Asia to Europe or Europe to Asia is about half as much as .

  21. 广州海关在法律和政策允许范围内协助马士基广州分公司规范其经营管理、守法自律,降低物流成本,顺利开展国际远洋运输业务。

    Guangzhou Customs will , to the extent permitted by relevant law and regulation , assist Maersk with reducing the transportation cost for the carriage of cargo .

  22. 当这艘船满载,它有20层楼高,庞然大物马士基穆勒号确实很美丽。

    and when this ship is fully laden , it 's 20 stories high , and Maersk is taking a big bet that big is indeed beautiful .

  23. 穆勒马士基集团香港有限公司的附属机构,于1956年成立,主要从事集装箱及船舶维修服务。

    BRIGANTINE GROUP , as a subsidiary of Maersk Hong Kong Limited , was founded in1956 and excels in providing comprehensive services of Container and Marine Services .

  24. 马士基和迪拜世界港口公司都警告称,它们仍面临全球经济走向低迷的风险,尽管它们尚未看到任何迹象。

    Both Maersk and DP World warned that they still faced risks from a downturn in the global economy , while they had yet to see signs of one .

  25. 吴安德表示,马士基集团对湖南在现代物流业等方面的发展前景十分感兴趣,希望双方进一步深化合作。

    Anders W ü rtzen remarked that Maersk is especially interested in the development prospects of modern logistics in Hunan and is looking forward to seeing more in-depth cooperation .

  26. 德鲁里海事研究公司2014年7月的报告显示,地中海航运运营的船只当中容量超1万标箱的有696艘,马士基有433艘,达飞有363艘。

    According to a Drewry Maritime Research report from July 2014 , MSC operates 696 ships above 10,000 TEU , Maersk operates 433 , and CMA CGM Group has 363 .

  27. 上港集团寻求国际化发展的下一步将如何展开,比如该集团是否将与马士基集装箱码头公司合作,目前尚不清楚。据悉,马士基希望与上港集团建立牢固的合作关系。

    How the next stage of international growth will unfold remains unclear , including whether it will involve APM Terminals , which is known to want to build a strong relationship with SIPG .

  28. 集装箱贸易复苏的速度快得出人意料,由于订购的集装箱数量不足以满足目前的需求,马士基及其它几家航运公司已不得不向客户致歉。

    The recovery in trade has been so unexpectedly rapid that Maersk and several other lines have already had to apologise to customers for running out of containers after ordering too few to cope .

  29. 最后以马士基海陆为例进行实证分析,运用静态及动态模型就当时马士基和海陆联盟及并购行动前后的条件进行分析,同时就其并购后的成功整合得出本文的结论。

    Has it any superiority ? Finally the paper carries on the positive analysis by Maersk Sealand around . It analyses the condition of Maersk Sealand on that time by the static model and the dynamic model .

  30. 马士基表示,今年上半年,40英尺集装箱的费率较去年同期提高了30%,而东方海皇表示,在截至7月23日的一年内,费率上涨了15%。

    Maersk said rates per 40-foot container were 30 per cent higher for the first half this year than last year , while Neptune Orient Lines has seen a 15 per cent improvement in the year to July 23 .