
  • 网络mary;Mare;Marais;Marey
  1. 串联兼性氧化塘的Kt值与马雷-肖修正式

    K_t of Facultative Ponds in Series and the Modified Marais & Shaw Equation

  2. 马雷说,此前的禁令对该国的丁香农民非常不利,并且违反了WTO规则。

    Mari said previously that the ban was highly detrimental to this country 's clove farmers and was in breach of WTO rules .

  3. 马雷(Maré)是遭受警察暴力尤为严重的社区之一,这个杂乱无章的贫民窟坐落在里约国际机场与依帕内玛和科帕卡巴纳的富人区之间。

    One of the communities hit hard by police violence is Mar é , a sprawling favela that sits between Rio 's international airport and the affluent neighborhoods of Ipanema and Copacabana .

  4. 埃利安娜•索萨•席尔瓦(ElianaSousaSilva)在马雷长大,是本地一个非盈利组织的创始人,她说随着奥运到来,警察的行动也愈来愈频繁。

    Eliana Sousa Silva , who was raised in Mar é and is the founder of a local nonprofit group , said police operations there became more frequent as the Olympics approached .

  5. 在这个节选片段中,萨布伦叙述了他在土库曼斯坦马雷市度过的第一晚的见闻。

    In this extract , Thubron describes his first evening in the city of Mari , in Turkmenistan .

  6. “我认为这是不公平的,因为不包括薄荷烟,”马雷上个月说。

    " I think it is unfair because menthol cigarettes have not been included ," Mari said last month .

  7. 他的奖项包括奖河畔马雷在维耶特里,意大利于2002年在突尼斯奖,2002年和2004年的大和民族文化。

    His awards include the Grand Prize in Vietri sul Mare , Italy in2002 and the National Culture Prize in Tunis in2002 and2004 .

  8. 刹那间,犁耕田和灌溉渠出现了,水稻田也在闪闪发亮;到达马雷市郊区之前还看到了一些起重机。

    Suddenly ploughed tracts and irrigation channels appeared , and the glisten of flooded rice-fields ; and cranes preceded the suburbs of Mari .

  9. Nazdarovie(马雷贡25号,nazdarovie-havana.com)是一家复古风格的苏式餐厅及酒吧,有现场音乐演奏,可以看海景。

    Nazdarovie ( No. 25 Malec ó n , nazdarovie-havana . com ) is a retro-styled Soviet restaurant and bar with live music ; overlooks the sea .

  10. 马雷市是绿洲地区中一座凌乱的城市,是用白色的、死气沉沉的砖块一块块堆垒起来的。华南(研究区)由杨子地块东南部和华夏地块组成。

    Mari was a scrawl over the oasis , built piecemeal in a pallid , dead brick . South China ( studying area ) is composed of the Cathaysian block and the southeastern part of Yangtze block .