
  • 网络Abandonment stage;retirement phase
  1. 按照规划阶段、设计阶段、实施阶段、运行维护阶段和废弃阶段的风险进行相应的风险评估。

    According to the planning , design , implementation , operation and maintenance stages and abandoned the risk of corresponding stage of risk assessment .

  2. 生命周期成本分析理论方法将产品的成本分为四个阶段来计算:原材料准备阶段,生产阶段,使用阶段,废弃阶段。

    LCC can be divided into four stages to calculate : raw materials preparation stage , the production phase , use phase , waste stage .

  3. 具体而言,目前关于水资源利用率和利用效率的研究更多关注利用阶段,忽略了开发和废弃阶段;大多研究关注经济效益、忽视了社会效益和环境效益。

    For example , current water resource added-value research more concerns about water use , while neglect water supply and water waste treament , and most studies focuses on economic benefit ignoring social and environmental benefits .

  4. 生产者责任延伸理念被广泛应用到废弃物的管理中,它秉承了清洁生产宗旨,遵循污染者付费原则,将生产者的责任延伸到产品的整个生命周期流程,特别是产品消费后的废弃阶段。

    The thought of EPR is applied to waste management widely , it receives the cleaner production tenet , follow the " polluter pay " principle , extend producer responsibility in the whole life cycle flow , especially the abandoned stage .

  5. 研究表明,淮北煤田二叠系广泛发育三角洲沉积体系,而且三角洲沉积体系的废弃阶段是聚煤作用的最佳时期,三角洲平原是聚煤的最佳场所。

    The study shows that the delta depositional system is well developed in the study area , and the abandoned stage of the delta sedimentary system is the best time for coal accumulation , and the delta plain is the best place for coal accumulation .

  6. 无论是在产品的设计研发、生产制造、销售使用还是废弃处理阶段,都以利益最大化作为企业的最终目的,忽略了对自然环境的严重损害。

    Whether it is in the product design and development , manufacturing , sales , use or disposal stage , enterprises seek maximum benefits for the ultimate goal , ignore the serious damage to the natural environment .