
xiànɡ ɡuānɡ xìnɡ
  • phototropism;positive phototaxis
  1. 6-甲氧基-2-苯并唑啉酮(MBOA)分布不均匀是引起玉米胚芽鞘向光性运动的主要原因

    Unequal Distribution of 6 methoxy 2 benzoxazolinone ( MBOA ) is the Main Reason for Phototropism in Maize Coleoptiles

  2. 水稻根的负向光性及其影响因素

    Negative Phototropism of Rice Root and Its Influencing Factors

  3. 蓝光2h诱导增强的向光性反应能力在0-8h的黑暗中可以保持1h,随后便自行逐渐减弱。

    The enhanced phototropic capability by 2h blue light could be kept within 1h , and declined gradually under 0-8h dark condition .

  4. Phycomyces向光性中阈下光控制暗适应动态作用谱

    Action spectrum for subliminal light control of dark adaptation kinetics in Phycomyces phototropism

  5. 高等植物的向光性信号转导

    The Signal Transduction in Phototropism of Higher Plants

  6. 在不同的环境因子作用下,稻根的负向光性有明显的差异。

    Affected by various environmental factors , the rice root has different negative phototropic curvature .

  7. 生长素在水稻根负向光性反应中的作用

    Effects of Indole Acetic Acid ( IAA ) on the Negative Phototropism of Rice Root

  8. 玉米胚芽鞘向光性运动的一些特性

    Some characteristics of phototropism in maize coleoptiles

  9. 植物向光性反应的研究进展

    Recent Progress in Plant Phototropism Research

  10. 向光性刺激后,胚芽鞘向光侧和背光侧生长素的含量没有出现明显的差异。

    There was little change of IAA on both sides of the coleoptile which was treated with phototropic stimulation .

  11. 推测稻根负向光性的光受体可能为蓝光受体。

    It suggested that the blue light receptor might be the photoreceptor for the negative phototropism in rice root .

  12. 与对照相比,盐处理增加了根尖皮层细胞中小液泡的数目,较高的盐胁迫下,稻根不再具有负向光性。

    Compared with the control the number of small and medium-sized vacuoles was increased in root tip cortical cells .

  13. 根据上述研究发现探讨了植物光敏素作用模式与不同向光性反应信号转导途径之间可能存在的相互关系。

    Relation between phytochrome action modes and possible multiple pathways for phototropic signal transduction was analyzed based on the experiment results .

  14. 将根据植物的向光性动力机制构造的模拟植物生长算法应用于输电网规划。

    A new power transmission network planning approach employing a plant growth simulation algorithm as the means of optimization is described .

  15. 沼泽红假单胞菌是一种革兰氏阴性细菌,紫色,具有向光性。

    Rhodopseudomonas palustris is a Gram negative , purple , non-sulfur , phototropic bacterium , and is a metabolically versatile microbe .

  16. 蓝光会影响植物的生长形态如:向光性、叶绿体移动、气孔张开和花青素积累。

    Blue light affects are known to affect the morphology of plants , including phototropism , chloroplast migration , stomatal opening and anthocyanin accumulation .

  17. 1辐射2-12h,向光性反应能力的增加趋于饱和。

    Phototropic capability of the etiolated seedling of radish was enhanced within 0-2h by blue-light preirradiation , but tended to be gradually satured within 2-12h pretreatment .

  18. 对根冠遮光而给根尖其他部分照光时,稻根不发生负向光性反应。

    If root cap was shaded when the root was irradiated , the root showed no negative phototropism'And the root lost the characteristics of negative phototropism when root cap was divested completely .

  19. 剥除根冠而保留根尖的分生区和伸长区时,根能生长但失去负向光性,保留根冠的原始细胞时,当根冠重新长出时,又恢复负向光性生长。

    Rice root could resume the characteristic of negative phototropism when the new root cap grew up , if the original cells of root cap were well protected while root cap was divested .

  20. 稻根负向光性与地上部分的生长无关,在将地上部分切除后,地上部分仍然能够表现出负向光性反应的特性。

    The negative phototropism of rice root had nothing to do with the upper part of rice , when the upper part of rice was cut , the root can show the characteristics of negative phototropism with little influence .

  21. 本研究以扬稻6号为实验材料,应用水培法和气培法开展光照、温度、水分、激素和化学因素等环境因子对稻根生长发育和负向光性的研究。

    Our research use " Yangdaoliuhao " as the material and adopted water-culture and air-culture method to explore the influence of environmental factors such as light , temperature , water , hormones and chemical factors on the growth and development and negative phototropism of rice root .

  22. 植物的向重力性和向光性是目前植物生理学领域研究的热点,已进行了大量的研究。

    Nowadays , studies on gravitropism and phototropism are active aspects in the field of plant physiology , many details of which have been studied .

  23. 这些结果为进一步认识花生果针与荚果发育的分子调控机制提供证据,同时也为研究植物向重力性、负向光性、向触性等生理现象的调控机制提供新线索。

    These results provide evidence for the molecular mechanism of development of peanut fruit-needle and pod , also provide new clues for the study of regulatory mechanism of physiological phenomena , such as plant gravitropism , negative phototropism and thigmotropism .

  24. Ca2+作为细胞内、外信号的重要的第二信使,在向性运动的信号转导中起了重要的调节作用,着重综述了Ca2+在向光性和向重性运动的信号转导中的作用。

    Ca2 + plays an important regulation role in regulation of signal transduction of tropism as the second messenger of inside and out of cells . The effect of Ca2 + on signal transduction during phototropism and gravitropism movements was summarized on stress .