
  • 网络global change;PAGES;globalchange
  1. 麻省理工学院全球变化科学中心的科学家斯蒂芬妮·达特基维奇(StephanieDutkiewicz)建立了一个气候模型,预测整个世纪海洋的变化。

    Stephanie Dutkiewicz , a scientist in MIT 's Center for Global Change Science , built a climate model that projects changes to the oceans throughout the century .

  2. 我国的C、N、P、S生物地球化学循环与全球变化的关系研究;

    Interactions between biogeochemical cycle of C , N , P , S in China and global change ;

  3. 土地利用/覆盖变化(LandUse/CoverChange,简称LUCC)是全球变化的重要组成部分,也是导致全球变化主要原因之一。

    Land use / cover change ( LUCC ) is an important part and one of the causes of the global change .

  4. 大气CO2浓度不断升高以及由此带来的温室效应已成为全球变化研究的热点问题之一。

    In recent years , atmospheric CO2 concentration incessantly increasing and greenhouse effect induced have already become one of studies of global change focus on .

  5. 土地利用与覆被变化(LandUse/CoverChange)是全球变化研究的前沿和热点课题,而土地利用与覆盖变化的驱动力研究又是该研究的核心内容。

    Land Use / Land Cover Change ( LUCC ) has become the center of the study of global changes and the study of the driving mechanism of LUCC is becoming one of the focuses on this subject .

  6. 国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)是当前地学领域最重要的科学活动之一,其核心项目古全球变化(PAGES)的主要目标是研究过去的全球变化问题。

    The international geosphere biosphere program ( IGBP ) is one of the most important activities in the field of geoscience .

  7. 地理信息系统(GIS)支持下的土壤信息系统(SIS)在评价土地生产能力、土地退化的现状、速率和风险以及全球变化研究中具有重要意义。

    GIS based soil information system ( SIS ) is very important for assessment of the capacity of land production , the status , rates of soil degradation and global change studies .

  8. 土地质量研究是全球变化研究的前沿与热点,是土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)研究的重要内容。

    Being the core and frontier issue in the global environmental change and land use / cover change ( LUCC ), studies on land quality have gained increasing attention .

  9. 作为全球变化研究的主要核心计划,经过15年的研究,国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)已经进入了第2研究阶段。

    After 15-year study , as the core program of the global change research , IGBP is evolving into the second phase .

  10. 陆地样带研究已成为国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)全球变化研究的重要手段与热点。

    The terrestrial transect has already become an important approach and hot spot for International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme ( IGBP ) in the global change study .

  11. 在大气CO2浓度升高和氮沉降增加等全球变化背景下,森林生态系统减缓CO2浓度升高的作用及其对全球变化的响应和反馈存在诸多不确定性。

    There are many uncertainties in the role of forest ecosystems in slowing down the increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and their responses to and feedbacks on the global change associated with the increasing CO_2 concentration in the atmosphere and the global increase in nitrogen deposition .

  12. 阐明不同季节陆地植被净第一性生产力(NPP)对全球变化的响应将有助于理解陆地生态系统和气候系统之间的相互作用以及NPP变化机制。

    Study on seasonal responses of terrestrial net primary production ( NPP ) to climate changes is to help understand feedback between climate systems and terrestrial ecosystems and mechanisms of increased NPP in the northern middle and high latitudes .

  13. 研究了北极阿拉斯加巴罗Elson泻湖96-7-1沉积岩芯中稀土元素的地球化学及其沉积相特征,以重演区域气候、环境的变化并且与全球变化相比较。

    Geochemical characteristics of rare earth elements ( REE ) and sedimentary features were studied in the borehole 96 7 1 from Elson Lagoon in Barrow , Arctic Alaska .

  14. 微生物介导的土壤甲烷循环及全球变化研究

    Microbial-Mediated Methane Cycle in Soils and Global Change : A Review

  15. 地理学在全球变化研究中的学科地位及重要作用

    The subject position and role of Geography in global change study

  16. 空间对地观测与全球变化的人文因素

    Earth observation from space and human demension for global change studies

  17. 陆地水水质全球变化研究进展

    The development in continental surface water quality evolution research at global scale

  18. 全球变化条件下的土壤呼吸效应

    Progress in research on soil respiration under the global change

  19. 全球变化研究&一个新的国际前沿科学计划

    A study of global change & a new international frontal scientific program

  20. 加强全球变化下的水安全研究。

    Intensify the water safety research under the background of global change .

  21. 全球变化中的地球化学基线值研究及中国的研究现状

    Global study of geochemical baseline and its progress in China

  22. 在当代的全球变化中,人类活动的干扰是一个关键因素。

    Human activities play an important role in today 's global change .

  23. 全球变化研究成为近年来国际上最为活跃的研究领域之一。

    Global change has aroused worldwide interest as a subject of research .

  24. 区域研究:全球变化研究的重要途径

    Regional Research : A Main Approach to Understanding the Global Environmental Change

  25. 极端干旱气候下盐化草甸植被净初级生产力对全球变化的响应

    Responses of NPP of salinized meadow in hyper-arid area to global change

  26. 冰心中的气候环境记录与全球变化研究

    Study of climatic environment and global changes from ice cores

  27. 全球变化下的海岸带生态安全问题与管理原则

    The Coastal Ecological Security Problems Caused by Global Change and the Governance Principles

  28. 全球变化的区域适应研究:挑战与研究对策

    Adaptation to global change : challenge and research strategy

  29. 极地大气科学与全球变化研究进展

    A Study on Polar Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change

  30. 全球变化与天-地-生-人耦合关系研究

    Studying on the global change & Universe-Earth-Life-Human coupling relation