
huán jìnɡ wēi jī
  • environmental crisis
  1. 随着全球工业化进程加速,温室气体CO2过度排放造成的全球气候变暖问题越来越严重,由此导致的气候异常引起了严重的环境危机。

    With fast development of global industrialization , the earth becomes warmer and warmer due to the excessive emission of greenhouse gas CO2 , leading to serious environmental crisis .

  2. 全球性的环境危机实质是人类的生存危机。

    The global environmental crisis essentially is a human existence crisis .

  3. 全球性的生态环境危机实质是人类生存的危机。从具体的生态事实出发,重建价值观,从而综合地制定良好的生态伦理规范是人类摆脱生存困境的出路。

    The ecological crises essentially reveal a dilemma involving human existence .

  4. 产业革命以来,全球性环境危机愈演愈烈。

    Since the industrial revolution , global environmental crisis is ever-intensifying .

  5. 论人类第四次生存环境危机中的水资源问题

    On water resources problems in fourth human survival environment crisis

  6. 与此同时,经济发展所带来的环境危机开始显现。

    Economic development hasled to the environmental crisis as the same time .

  7. 环境危机是由人的失范行为导致的。

    Environmental crisis is caused by the improper behaviors of human beings .

  8. 人类社会环境危机的出现则完全是由人类理性导致的。

    The occurrence of environmental crisis is caused completely by human reason .

  9. 面对这种环境危机,英国当时进行了整治。

    Britain responded to the enviromental crisis with a clean-up .

  10. 甚至之前我们解决了一次全球环境危机。

    We have even solved a global environmental crisis before .

  11. 经济制度:环境危机的根源?

    Economic System : The Root of the Environmental Crisis ?

  12. 论现代医院经营环境危机管理及对策

    Discussion on Crisis Control for Operative Environment in Modern Hospital

  13. 人口-资源-环境危机已在多个尺度上严重威胁到人类社会发展。

    Population-resource-environment crisis has seriously threatened development of human society on several scales .

  14. 当前环境危机的主要特征及其原因

    The Nature of Current Environmental Crisis and its Causes

  15. 它是随着人们对环境危机日益关注迅速发展起来的。

    It develops rapidly with people 's increasing attention to the environmental crisis .

  16. 环境危机意识的培养与教育

    Nurture and education of the consciousness of environmental crisis

  17. 环境危机是当今世界倍受关注的问题。

    The environmental crisis is nowadays a worldwide issue of the utmost concern .

  18. 另一方面导致生态环境危机日益严重。

    On the other hand , it causes serious crisis of ecological environment .

  19. 随着环境危机的加剧,全球环保浪潮日益高涨。

    With the worsening environmental crisis , the rising tide of global environmental protection .

  20. 当代生态环境危机的哲学反思

    The Philosophical Reflection of the Crisis of Contemporary Ecological Environment What 's Philosophy For

  21. 在能源与环境危机日益严重的情况下,混合动力电动汽车应运而生。

    Hybrid electric vehicle was born in the condition of energy and environment crisis .

  22. 人类理性与环境危机

    On Human Reason and the Environmental Crisis

  23. 基于知识管理理论的政府环境危机管理系统研究

    On Knowledge-based Governmental Environmental Crisis Management System

  24. 资源型企业主要存在寿命危机、战略危机、安全危机和环境危机等。

    There are life-span crisis , strategy crisis , safety crisis , and environment crisis .

  25. 现在我们正处在人类历史上最严重的环境危机之中

    Now we 're in the depth of the most serious environmental crisis in human history

  26. 综述了当今人类社会严重的资源、能源与环境危机标志着后化石经济时代的来临;

    The post-petroleum epoch is approaching as indicated by resources , energy and environmental crises .

  27. 西部大开发中环境危机与人体健康问题研究

    On the Problems concerning the Environmental Crisis and Health in the Process of Developing West China

  28. 风能对于缓解当今能源与环境危机具有极其重要的作用。

    Wind energy plays an extremely important role in releasing the current energysources and environment crisis .

  29. 在当今全球化及环境危机的背景下,生态女性主义受到人们越来越多的关注。

    It has drawn more and more attention at the background of globalization and environmental crisis .

  30. 我国农产品遭遇技术壁垒的成因及对策分析浅谈环境危机的成因及对策

    Analysis on the Reasons and Countermeasures of Technical Barriers on Our Country 's Farm Products Export